LMAO! idiotic buddha.
Shut up, don't talk to me!
I'm certainly not haunting you JUST for that!!!
Like a phoenix (Translation) – Assi el-Hellani, Micheline Khalifa, Nour Mehanna, Asala Nasri, Walid Toufiq, Dina Hayek, Elias Karam, Shahd Barmada, Wadi el-Safi and Mouein Sherif
Fire and smoke all around you
Hostility everywhere
Lebanon's wound is large
Earth, sky and people
They said end this fighting
We screamed in the face of the enemies
Lebanon will never end
It rises up until the end
Against the fire that burned it
Thus is Lebanon's story
Like a phoenix (lit. bird of the ashes)
It rebelled against the wounds of betrayal and bore them
And renewed its wings to the highest
Like a phoenix
Look, victory is near
The cedar ages but does not go gray
Syria is hand in hand with you
No matter how much the Zionists strike you
God is with us and you
Two peoples rising to glory
History gathers us together
And nobody can erase history
Tomorrow when the day breaks
Lebanon the land of the grottos
Will return again
And raise the homes
And write a piece of wisdom on the threshold
No matter how much hostility destroys
The free will never kneel
Your wounds are rising out of your heart
With victory the winner is crowned
Syria whose soul is with your soul
Is still by your side oh Lebanon
We were together and together we will remain
We thrust the sword in the face of betrayal
Defending the honor for all
The time for victory is approaching
We have resisted and protected the home
We have answered fire with fire
And protected the precious cedar trees
We have become the story of a people and land
Greatness imparts upon us a duty
Promising them and upholding the promise
No matter how hard the nights become
yes really. we could have renamed this place to Sillywood instead but thank god for ppl like senor and me. we balanced out the sillyness. and no, im not talking about u Ness.
uhm, okay, Oreo. Keep thinking that.
if u want to become a kid back, look no further than ppl like rani and ninja…they talk silly most of the time. shesssshhh!
whaaaaaaaat? we talk silly?! US?!
* Whistles Con te partiro
as he walks past a pillow on the floor and a ladder against a wall…wonders if its nouvelle art…removes pillow, kicks the ladder and watches a hooded warrior let out a high-pitched scream on her way down, followed by an empty mug, and the aroma of roasted arabica *
* Runs *
*walks away with broken leg* – I don't want to see your buddha self ever again!
……..*walks away wiping her tears*
'He is under water diving, it's his work … he can't leave his job undone…but he can't lose the fajr….so he prayed underwater'
SubhanAllah !!!…Allah has given us the whole world as a place worship, so we can perform our salah! but y do we make silly excuses n miss our prayers?
My teacher from masjid forwarded this to me…
Okay, I won't “grrr!”… I shall be nice, person above me
Some doctors are total idiots.
Oh, am I? I dunno. lmao
how goes it, person above? Check your email lately? *evil look*
LOL… I should leave you two to argue it out…
But another pic that just reminded me of 'Sex-y Sam'…
Boo, Hush it! lol
and lmaooo! fix the previous photo please, I can't see it!!! *panics*
unfortunately indeed 😉
O.M.G. I need Tayba's roti-roller!
ooohhh…oreo ice cream 😉
of all the ice cream in this world, u opt for oreo ice-cream???
i feeel the lurrrrrrveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…..
Unfortunately, it happens to be my favorite ice cream!
I'mma try to start disliking it now!
*smacks oreo upside the head once again*
um…… hi person above me
chillax yumeni…u only told me things thats enough for me to know, nothing more nothing less 😉
Oh yeah? That doesn't make me feel better!
OREO ice cream? (Is it halal? )
LMAO… sorryyyy couldn't resist….
LMAO! Yes, it was oreo ice cream!
it's okay, I'm so used to the teasing now! lol
Over-sized hijabs are pimp!
Person above me, I make dua you'll be able to come on sunday! Ameen, Thumma Ameeeeeeeen!
wat da heck!! of course u did!! somehow i did suspect that u were on smtg that day..u cant remember a thing eh? its ok..yr secrets are safe with me
*le gasp* …………….. What was I thinking? What else did I tell you?
thats just part of kanye west's stronger lyrics. senorGay…stop copying and pasting and making this kids believe it was yr wise words!
I love the way you two diss each other. It's oh sooooooooooooo………amusing!
I love that quote as well!
LMAO! ohmyAllah! Did I happen to mention a name? you know, accidently?