Then go study for the S A to the T to the U. they need to add a U there. to stand some cool word like. Unique. THE USAT! YEAH! OR HECK, UNITED V STAND.
okay ill go finish hw =)
LOL man, okay just shut up. =D
or here *throws chapstick*
Haylie(hayati):can't find it. all i have is cucumber lotion.
use that lol. like you've never puttededed lotion on ur lips =)
ok, what an awesome witness. my goodness, go get chapstick =p
Haylie(hayati):Yemenilicious:i don't know if you noticed but i added another 'er' to your awesomer =p
oh i didnt…bad eyes!
…wait that cant be right, i cahnged my glasses…
eh… awesomerer, sounds like a retard.
LOL yeah you're awesomerer…
Haylie(hayati):you're totally disregarding the thread
:-O NO SHUSH THING AS PSYCHIC. get outta hea wid dat meshizzle =p
wait how is she psychic :-O LOL
Haylie(hayati):i love the word KHARA!
it sounds 'nice' to people who dont know what it means
like a little girl's name…
Haylie hush yo mouf, little girl's name. ehh? okay votever.
i don't know if you noticed but i added another 'er' to your awesomer =p
Haylie(hayati):you're hella stupid..
freak show?
lol freak show? im too lazy to read the above…=p
Haylie(hayati):Yemenilicious:serioComic:why? cos the headhunters are extremely good at hushing ppl. and the ninja…she needs that alrite!I'm sorry. you don't know vot i need =D
now he does. cuz you just told him what you needed.
well yeah, to prove to him that he had didn't know what i need. sheesh, lets practice law here. we need proof, we need evidence…or witnesses…yeah
Haylie(hayati):ok STORY TIME!
first off, I think my physics teacher is a pathological liar.
one day he says he was born and raised here (city) and then he says he was raised on a farm in the middle of no where without electricy.
then he says his mom's an english teacher. then he says she;s a prof violin player.
then he says he votes for the grammys and has had two albums out. oh and he has a doctorates in physics. ninja maybe he;s not really a dr. either…hm…
well, today he told the class a story, which, in my opinion, proves my point. call me wrong. call me evil. I stand by my case. lol
the story in his words…sorta
” wolly was your typical nice guy. he was really stupid, but very kind. he had a huge vegatable garden in my neighborhood, in the middle of nowhere, and used to sell vegabltables to all the locals. back then, we didnt have any power and we'd have to pump water [from that thing]. one day… wolly decided to water his garden (it was really big apparantly). so to do that he had to connect long 30 ft pipes to get the water through to the garden. he waters one section of the garden and moves on to another section. above him was the new power lines they just put in. and as smart as wolly was he wanted to pick up the llong 30 ft pipe, at this point he was soaked, and as he picks up the pipe he hits the powerline and gets electricuted. the shock went through his entire body, made holes as big as cans in each foot, and stops his heart. at that point wolly says 'jee, my heart just stopped' and to restart his heart he started doing push ups. on the first try he falls face down onto the ground and HIS HEART STARTS! and he's still alive to this day at the age of 90'
LMBO, MAN, his heart stopped, he did push ups, AND STARTED HIS OWN HEART AGAIN. Haylie he was dumb, but,u havta give him that one.
That physics teacher is one story teller. I bet he made that story up as he was telling it =P lol
LOL Haylie…=P
uhm..u found no other word but khara? how about…umm..nvm ahahahaha =D
THis thread is awesome. indeed. Rani is awesomer =D
…Haylie is awesomerer
…I'm meh =/
serioComic:why? cos the headhunters are extremely good at hushing ppl. and the ninja…she needs that alrite!
I'm sorry. you don't know vot i need =D
serioComic:RaNi iS ThE BeS:oye! You chup! don't u dare say anything about ninja, you hear? (err, read) lmao. long time no see, kaise ho?ninja is making too much noise, uncharacteristic of a ninja! need to hush her for good!!
I agree wid Haylie…if only you knew me…lol
Haylie(hayati):if you didnt hush ninja, maybe she'd tell you
serioComic:i know u are jealous yuuumenilicious..but give her a break. let her enjoy this moment. paki or indie or monkie doesnt matter.
ha yeah w/e =P
RaNi iS ThE BeS:wow. I haven't been on here in such a long time…whoa.
How is everyone?
lmao. I can't stop laughing! On myspace…lmao!…this guy..haha…he added me and messaged me, saying all kinds of weird things and stuff like “I saw ur profile and felt some attraction towards it so that is why i m mailing u ok.” lmao! attraction!?!?!? wahahahaha! and “So if u accept friendship NOW,then reply me i will wait 4 ur reply OK”
OhmyAllah! *crax up all over again*
People really are funny. haha. he made my day! *grabs sides as laughing becomes uncontrollable*
oh my…*goes off laughing*
LMBO! that dude…is PAKI! not that I have anything against pakis…LOL He's attracted TO UR PAGE. LIKE OMG. ahahahaha vot a lowlife. it's like…'you vant friendship? go get ju a vifey meri jaan…and befriend her all you want…” Rani…he's a friggin loner lol. ok im done
*high five* Rani ji. Subhana'Allah. Islam continues to amaze me..
There is no power and might except from the Almighty. Allahu Akbar
lalalalalala Rani, u suck meri jaan =)