answered already…
how old were u when u had ur first crush?
riceballs or rice cakes?
red grapes or green grapes?
Am Rani:
…and the chocolate part.. Well, if you hit someone with it, you will kill the person….
Thanks for the info Amz & 4get the invite Shakalaka! Daaayyyyeeemmmmm! I can’t stop laughing!
Hey person above me! A Kitana is a samurai sword!
Howzit going Amz? Good to see ya!
whatda?!?! where’datcomefrom ?!
It came from an evil place.
Shereeny has gone gangsta on us!
Jai Hind
White Chocolate!
gunnyz…those gushers r disturbing!
dawn or twilight?
Shakalaka u like to cook eh? So when r we invited over & whats ur specialty?
rani & abhi
yumm yummm yummmmy!
strawberry milk
Mmmmmm coffee! I love coffee. So many different flavors & smells. I
love to grind my own beans, then combine flavors. Sometimes, that’s a
bad thing!! LOL Could do without the caffeine though! Ugh!
high heeled shoes (male/female)
Person above me was dead on in her 2nd to last post…but “characterly assassinate”??? LMAO
Ur English professor must be kneeling on a Kitana right this second!
Hhhuuummm lets see…
my mom, my sister-n-law, the real Chenoah & my spiritual family!
same q
She opens the car hood to find her engine blown and the kadu-est of the kadus coming toward her…she screams…then faints!
Hey Queen of Nitzah’s dil…where have u gone?!!!
“and am going to visit one of those friends in January, hopefully!”
would i be tooooo nosey if i asked who the lucky person is?
Why yes Boo ma…you would! But its never stoppped u before!
Thanx for the concern Heera, Unique, Vchenoah and Marine. Dont worry…No serious damage has been done….
I have revealed my real name to only one person on this forum and
that too becos of my ignorance. But that person has turned out to be
100% trustworthy.Like Rani said, I dont trust anybody that easily…. Yet, I have
this feeling that of late, koi mujhse khel raha/rahi hai…..So girls
(or guys…God alone knows!) I’m going to refrain myself from contact
with anyone here, outside the forum…(ie, email etc). No personal grudges….I just dont want to get hurt…U see, its true that i dont trust easily…but once i trust, its 100%.
Hey Love(r ji), Hey Love(r ji)…its an old song… Aaaannyyyywayyyyy…
I’m glad to hear that no serious damage was done & the person you
put ur trust in was totally trustworthy!! I was a bit worried about u!
I cant imagine anyone one here with pure intentions would begrudge u
not contacting them outside the forum if u have reservations. My mom
says to always listen to that little voice in ur head, its there to help u (unless ur Serio or King Fish. Then its just plain eeeevilll!)! When u ignore it, it stops speaking to u.
Take care of urself!