Lebanon 1000 to 1500 years ago!!! Was a beautiful place!
same q
maine pyar kyon kiya?
tum to sagar jaise…
Person above me has an extremely positive outlook! LMAO
I miss u too, very very much Tabz!
What a beautiful time we’ve had together
But its getting late & we must leave eachother
Just remember the time we had & how I tried to be
Its all in a days work…call me
If u find ur a long ways from home
And somebody’s doing u wrong
Just call on me
…and come back home.
Whenever I see ur smilin face, I have to smile myself bcuz I love u.
When u give me that se.xy little pout, it turns me inside out
There’s sumthin about u baby, I don’t know…
Isn’t it amazin some1 like me can feel this way?
Tell me how much longer, it will grow stronger everyday!
have a safe trip & hurry back, please…
One thing can lead to another, it doesn’t take any sacrifice
Father & mother & sister & brother
If it feels nice don’t think twice just
Shower the people u love with love
Show them the way that u feel
Things r gonna b just fine if u only will...
soun sood – dark, fit, not very popular
person above me knows whut the person above her is doing
Aashiq Banaya Aapne
priyanka & akkie
Maine Pyar Kiya
Subah Hoge…
In Jaal:The Trap, he plays Ajay, a man with a mission, sleeveless shirt
& tight jeans. Wait, isn’t that him in all of his movies??? LMAO
Ok, ok…he tries to win over the girl he is sent to guard to buy back
his wife from terrorists…but there is a twist (isn’t there always?)!
next…alok nath
I remember when I lost my mind
Yeah I was outta touch
But it wasn’t bcuz I didn’t know enuf
…I just knew too much…does that make me crazy?
Onun arabasi var guzel, mi guzel
Soforu de var ozel, mi ozel
Basti mi gaza gider, mi gider
Maalesef ruhu yok
Onun icin hic mi hic sansi yok…
Shaneeta and Nessa!! I miss u both loads!!! talk 2 u both soon hopefully xx
Miss u too UP! Feel better soon!
YOU dont know how to say something?????
LMAO…now THAT’S hard to believe!
BTW…my little voice doesn’t like u!
…a genie’s lamp. She tries to rub it but her hands keep slipping! If
she could only wish to no longer be a kadu!!!(LMAO) As she sits crying
a man with beautiful green/hazel eyes approaches her…
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
My mom says to always listen to that little voice in ur head, its there to help u! When u ignore it, it stops speaking to u.hmmmm…interesting…and very scary…
Very scary Da Bestest.
HHEEEERRRZZZZZZZZ!!!!! MISSIN YA! Actually…I’m missing quite a few of
y’all gals & 1 or 2 of the fellas! DH, DH wherefore did u get lost