Hey person above me! Remember when u told us what ur name meant? I laugh everytime I think of it!!
im finnallyyyy legal so wer gonna go to the casino
and partyin up tomorrow night…on my actual bdai i went for brekfast
with friends…then my best friend took me shoppin then dinner with
Sounds like u had a blast with the people who mean alot to u! Did u win big bills at the casino?!
How can some1 tell so much about themselves yet give away nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rotflmao!
I hate u right now Bo Boo Kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhh!
yeah… thought as much…
You were correct and that accomplished what exactly?
So then is this a song and r u asking just for a translation?
I apologize for being presumptuous…was attempting to help.
person above me cracks up easily! LMAO
yeah…I felt like that emoti when I read her post! Say whaaaaaa?
I refrain from guessing with things like that Boo Boo Kitty!
Nice dedication though.
Hey Boo Ma…whats gmta?
Ek NaZar Mein…
film: Taxi No. 9211
Deedar de
I miss the person above me! She isn’t on as much as she used to be!
Aliea…where do u get the idea that I’m flirting with u?
You mean Love ji and she wasn’t above u…I was! lol
She looked good with Akkie.
Shilpa Shetty?
She comes & she goes like no one can
She comes & she goes, She slipping through my hands
She’s always buzzin just like neon, neon
Neon, neon
Who knows how long, how long, how long
She can go before she burns away….
Yoo Hooo:
What will this fix?
You know u’re not a quick forgive.
And I won’t sleep through this
I survive on the breath u are finished with…
Ur big imagination’s playing its tricks on u
If u think my up and leaving’s something I’m gonna do
Feel my chest when I look at u…Sonny u’ve…got my only heart…
Mr. Matazz:
By the time I recognize this moment
This moment will be gone
But I will bend the light pretending
That it somehow lingered on
And I will wait to find
If this will last forever
And I will pay no mind, when it wont
And it won’t, because it can’t
It just can’t
It’s not supposed to…
Hi Amli & welcome.
This is in the wrong section and most likely won’t be answered for some hours.
Try beginning a thread in the lyric section under the correct language.
Good luck!
LMAO…yeah…I’d say that was pretty random!
Random-Ness, Loch Ness, Elliot Ness…whatever it takes to keep me on minds & in hearts!
person above me likes to ‘make time’ with King Fish! lol
Ahhhh Lover ji! LOL
U know, my name means ‘white dove’, but it does look pretty masculine with that ‘V’ on it!
self contained…
there is no 1 word to discribe Nitzah! lmao
Oh puhleeeezeeee let me answer this one!
Uuuuuu like it when I’m being nasty! rotflmao!!!!!!
BWL now or BWL last year?
Maybe u should grab some of ur ‘files’ a look for it ‘Foxy’
Loving the Silver Surfer pic!