WOW! That was pretty random…ooorrrr waaaas iiiiittttt! lmao (kidding)
I live in America and it almost seems a way of life here! I don't see that many young people
are told of the negative repercussions of this act! How it affects one mentally as well as physically!
How it affects one's family and not just themselves! They are just told to do it safely, but not taught
to respect themselves as well as their 'higher power'! I say it this way because not everyone believes
in an Almighty God. As far back as I can remember, my mother taught me that what many people
idolize (sex) is more than a physical act. It is, in fact, a gift from God, to a man & HIS WIFE
and should be shared ONLY between those two.
*whew* Admin ji…u must find an emoti with a big sweat bead on its forehead! lol
I'd like to hear others' thoughts on the subject…
De veras Amz encima de mi??!! Bueno, cuantas idiomas hablas?
(Really Amz above me? Well, how many languages do you speak?)
What about them Al?
Yes! I'm caught in a nasty loop & I can't get out!
Will u help or just observe? And don't mention that shameless asylum!
I lace everything with cayenne! Spicy, spicy!
Never had that type of samosa …does ur mom FedEx?
U're fasting (d'oh)…let's think of awful things!
Hmmmm…toe jam! lmao
HE.ll no I won't star in that film!
When u marry Sonu…get his hair done straightaway! PLEASE!!!!! LMAO
Ok Al…Mr. Shiney is kiiinda se.xy. And yes the eyes are nice!
John Abraham: fit, beautiful face, needs to gain a little weight!
u losing it person above me! take control
of yerself b4 its too late. theres still place at the asylum and if u
register fast u could get yrself a free 3 day 2 nite stay.
I've exhaled Dark Lord! There is now a balance in the force…
I'd never visit ur asylum!!! U invite way too many women back there…u must woo me appropriately! rotflmao
person above me gracias para entender y amistad…mucho apreciado.
(spanish: thanks for understanding & being a friend…much appreciated.)
Scar face:
can we delete all these love love love posts ????
Mukesh if u reading this??
anyways to u ness
wat on earth does your quote mean??
1. No…we can not!
2. Mukesh ji don't listen to her! She has already admitted to posting with a hangover! lmao
3.It means: no matter the distance, if u love someone, aren't u always with them & vice versa?
Tony (montana), that is a Bollywood rule!
ooohhh….am i the only one feeling hot in ere?
rumble in the bronx? glitch in the matrix??
lol…hot? Nope…but I sense u're 'warming' up to instigate, bien sur!
om jai jagadish
WOW! Person above me must have been in quite a mood that day!
I would delete it, but it's been here a couple days & I'm not one to throw a rock & hide my hand!
Al…would you mind if I left it as a show of stupidity?
Nisha…that handsome part is so true! lol
sonu nigam – beautiful voice, weird hair, fair
yum…even though I'm allergic to prawns!
chicken biryani with extra cayenne pepper?
Not a cloud in the sky
Got the sun in my eyes
And I won't be surprised if its a dream
I'm on the top of the world
Lookin down on creation…
A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud. (For Marine)
I know, I know…love quote: If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?
Awwww…Mariner don't take it seriously!
U remind me alot of my younger sister.She lives in ur smog ridden city as well.(lol)
Only she isn't acting…she's singing! I give her a hard time and guess I've transferred
that onto you! It's all in good fun! I promise!
Don't hesitate to remind me if I begin to play too rough! Ok?
and who are you to tell me whether or not i am
being truthful? if you're so sure that you know what my problem with
you is, please do tell me… i am curious to know what YOU know about me that I dont.when did i say i hated you? i guess i ought to have phrased it better… do read the edited version.
This is petty and almost finished.
I never said I knew what ur problem was. I simply said whatever it may be, it isn't the reason u implied.
And I shall repeat for emphasis, I know only what u 'portray'. I have no idea who u r & have never spoken otherwise.
As for reading ur changed statement…no need! I never said u hated me either…that was ur mistaken inferrence!
Again I ask u…are we to continue? Any more u need to get off ur chest or deflect?