i think i woulda went to a different hs…and took all the homies i have now that i met or got closer with becuz of goign to the one i went to, to the other hs too. and change sum family stuff and *-) lol id change ALOT. too bad i no superman 😐
same Q
Hi! im gud gud how are juu? =) have a toped out day! or evening =)
spring fall is prettyful but then after fall comes winter and thats tandy :S boo tandy. so jeah spring =)
winter or summer
Ma tujhe salaam
in my tummy!
lolz whats one pea say to another? *laffz*
Rasberry milkshake or strawberry milkshake?
IOno if they yummy :S iont member
Nahi kadu i not a padh, Amaneey is. and she looks like a mendo and is a mundo and is gonna marry a rickshaw driver!
Person above me is topeee! =) hellO!
Heera-yea it was cooool! we do group msn talk again one day =)
lol amaneey ur a dork =) lalu iont want a turban u kadu! cheez. ur just arsu i tel u to make me a topi n u tell me u’l make me a turban i not eben pun! cheez eberyones gonna beated me oopar they b like vhy ju tryz to be pun?! n then they hit me with a danda
thas vut ju want?! u psycho ucky mendo! lol daku
hehe l heart ju fool
Would make all my posts go through 😐 and be able to delete if i post twice
If you could change anything about ur life what would you change
Iono cuz things arent what they seem and so even ppl that seem to have things topely probably dont….I think i’d wanna be God for a day. lol try and see why things are done the way they are, cuz even though they happen for a reason Iont always know or understand it. Iont mean that disrespectfully so I’m sorry if it comes off that way…
Same Q
its good as icecream =)
apple pie
Aman ur just a poophead
easter eggs kitkat chunky is a lil ucky :S
chocolate cream eggs or caramel filled eggs
person above me is a toped out lambi kadu =) heellllllllooooooooo i think we need to have another big group convo on msn, it was fun =)
see that tabzy? thats my firstest time speakin sumting extended. u crajee muppet. least iont hab a posh accent! oye where r ju neway? i miss u
kadu u complain no1 plays games and then you dont eben play properly
i guess i ans same one…srk
dino or john
k i kno i posted the same thing twice it said something about an error so i redid it and now it wont let me erase it. :S
omg ive nebber met a bigger jhooti in my life 😎 ur so full of bakwaas aman. damn. thats like a paap :S ur da kadu who talks to my mommy for like 45 mins on achaar askin how its made and all. ur like countin da dayz til she sends ju some! AND ur the biggest homo in the www(whole widest world) psssh ur just ghummed cuz u want me n iont swing that way. sry puthar ur gonna hafta find urself another rani im lookin for the raja!
next strawberry milk