Person abv me is one of the blondes in this world who wants to learn Hindi (lookk!! i can say that without crackin up!! I am making progress!!
But hunn, if you even understood a bit of what i wrote..thas pretty good!!
Whahahahahaha!! Thank you very much for the compliment person above me!! I’m learning more Hindi already around here, so maybe in a while, I will understand you guys completely
Am Rani:
Person bove me (not myself, I mean Shakz) speaks Hindi very well
Thnx sweety!! That’s so sweet of you to say, because you know I don’t hehehe I can’t even understand much of the song Heera also dedicated to me…
You’re much better at Hindi than me!!
Person above me, I know it’s not a language, but it’s something Afghans speak and write. I guess it was Arabic or something…
But…what’s the matter hunn? You seem so angry about some Afghans…
I’d say Desperate Housewives, because I dunno what Grey’s Anatomy is…
Hahahaha, Am Rani, really funny how you can put an image by someone Now I can see Heera walking in her sari which keeps falling down hehehehehe
You guys both cracked me up on this boring morning!!!!!
Uhm… Spanish or French??
Am Rani:
Whahahaha, the always remind me of Daisy (she´s friend of us, and she´s allergic to peanuts, haha)! Yummy, btw (sorry Dees…..
Hahahahaha, that really made me laugh Am Rani!! Especially because you put Snickers beneath it hehehe
As long as it is no Turkish Apple Tea, I’d say YUMMY!!
When I read Oreo, I think about EVIL
Whahahahaha, it’s a good thing you say it yourself that you’re cornish nut person above me As long if it’s not infectious hehe
Well I think I won’t pronounce it very well, but who cares?! You also don’t want to hear me singing along with the songs of Kal ho naa ho or whatever the movie is hehehe As long as I have fun, I don’t care! I’m pretty proud myself that I know what it means hehehe…
Oh I have a funny story about “Main hoon na” too. I know it’s the wrong thread but I will tell it anyways… I went to Utrecht to buy the CD of Main hoon na together with Am Rani. We already knew what it meant, but the bloke at the counter wanted to explain it to us. He said to us: “Main hoon na. Here I am.” So we said that we knew, but he repeated “here I am”. So Am Rani said “Yeah and we’re here”. Hahahaha, that was so funny!! You should have seen the face of the guy behind the counter hehe He’s really a butthead, but yeah… it’s the only store where we can buy Bollywoodcd’s. Well there is another one, but that guy is an Afghan, and he’s closed most of the time when you get there, and when he’s closed he hangs up notes in Afghan so that’s really not working if you cannot read the language
Hahahaha, well I think everybody understood what you said eventhough you didn’t write it correctly…
Uhm… Sky diving
Whahahahaha Heera!! I can imagine you jumping in your skirt like a crajee Heera I think you better wear jeans than hehe
I choose stripes… I don’t like dots that much…
Uhm… Kal ho naa ho or Main hoon na?
Uhm… peanuts
Mmm… quite difficult. I never was that good at it. Hope you’re doing okay Thursday!! Good luck with the studying for it!!
Well the next one is easy than: Fear!!
Me?? A blonde?? Why is that so funny??
Things are going better now, thanks person above me!! You’re just too sweet!!!
Pyaar of course!! I think you guys know me by now You know, this is also the reason I choose Spring above Summer hehehehe!! No I’m just kidding!!
Jeans or skirt?
The 18th… mmm… that’s Thursday right?! Well I will think of you again than hehe Which final do you have than?? I’m sure whatever finals you have (which subjects), you will pa.ss them!! Go for it girl!! I’ve got the faith in you!!
Boo – Yes yes, town hall is the word!! Thnx hunn!! About the marriage thing… Christians marry just the same way as atheists, because they also get their rings in the town hall and sign the book there, not in church… Well they can choose to give the rings in church, but they’re not actually marrying in church, so they also sign the book in the town hall. They “only” ask God to bless their marriage, and for that they go to church. So I don’t think there is much difference. Well, not in Holland anyways…
Heera – I wish you all the luck of the world with your finals!! I’ll think of you tomorrow!!
Don’t cry person above me, main hoon na!!