Wow Kal ho naa ho is a great song to play at your wedding!! I would like to play that one too, but my b/f doesn’t like Bollywood (unbelieveble, na?)… I’d say “From this moment” from Shania Twain.. It’s the song of me and my boyfriend, and it says all we feel for each other, so it’s a really special song for me (and my b/f of course..)
Same Q…
Aaahhww, poor you!!
Congrats fellow Dutchies!! I hope you will know each other for a long long time after!! And euh… bon apetit!!
Definitely London!! I’ve never been to Paris, but I just luuuvvee London!! I just love England (except at the World Cup hehe)!!
Barcelona or Madrid?
Maybe you’re right (I guess you speak from your experience?) and you will still have love in your heart for that person.. But I do also think that you can still totally love somebody else and also save (some) love for the other person in your heart…
Just like an office… You make your desk empty to put all your new stuff on it, but you can still save the other documents in an other place.. Sorry for my strange explanation, hope you guys get what I mean..
Hey Heera!! Good to see an other Dutchie around here to stand by me!! I’m glad you agree with me!! I also hope that Brazil or Argentina will win… I think I prefer Brazil…
I do!! You can’t imagine it when you just lost someone you really loved and who was the one for you (or at least you thought he was..), but after a while time will heal the wounds and you will fall in love again… But only when your heart is free and ready to love again!
Same question..
The person above me doesn’t like Germans…
Shakz: Balle also means is an expression of extreme happiness in YEEYY!!!
Thanx Heera for your explanation… I kinda guessed what it meant, but it just seemed funny that “balle” and “ballen” are almost the same words, but with total different meanings…
Whahahaha that’s why you didn’t want one in IST? I love cheesse, but not all sorts…
Don’t be so negative about Sneijder Am Rani!! I used to be a fan of him when he played in Ajax!! And no I don’t think Rafael is hot, but some people do… His wife is a stupid blonde with no brains! “Wo ist Gucci?”
Wimbledon or Roland Garros??
LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!! Reminds me of Heera guys… what say, ey?
Whahahahahahaha, but just like Heera said, she doesn’t have a mustache… Well at least I do hope so
Yeah really sneaky, don’t ya think??
who do u think will win the Germany vs Argentina quarter finals match?
I think Germany, but I do hope Argentina!!
Which player of the Dutch team is the hottest? Wesley Sneijder or Rafael van der Vaart?
Coconuttt!! just love the smell
Me too!! I’m so happy with all the coconut presents I got for my b-day!!
Never thought I would say it, but I’m kinda glad Holland lost.. We were on holiday and all those crazy Dutch guys there were partying every night till 3.00 AM When Holland lost they were quiet, and I finally could get some sleep!! Jeeeejj!
But it is sad we lost, because we had so many chanches!!
Now I don’t care how will win, but I really hope Germany isn’t winning!! Sorry Boo, but I really don’t like those Germans, I rather hope some other country will win… Most Germans are so arrogant, bleh!!
Very very sad…
Iiiieeuuwwww Heera!!!! They’re so yucky!!!! (I’ve just a very few times tasted nice ones..)
Wow the last one is so true and so deep!! It really gives me the shivers!
I have one quote too. A familiar one to Heera and Am Rani I guess.. “No es amor, es una obsession..” (my favourite line from “Obsession”, a song of Aventura)