sheesshhh….u certainly are che g!
dsl of course
mac or windows?
u mean nitsha? 🙂
yes there is!!
next q…why does boogedy talk too much these days?
u call that food? more like monkeys breakfast!
chocolate fondue
somebody sure is in a hurry….take a chill pill sean paul. dont let yer 'temperature' rise 😉
Well woman the way they turn cold I wanna be keepin' you warm
I got the right temperature for shelter you from the storm….
boogedy…seriously..i think u've been watching wayyyyyy too many bollywood movies!!
and since when u took over madhu ji's spot?
thank my lucky stars for that!!
of course…if its not worth keeping it, then sayonara!
same q
what shakz need in abundance!
M&M's u mean? ok..yummy
melted choc spread over a piece of bread and topped with slices of banana
khush who? khush he? khush hi? faltoo at the highest order.
a woman with equally short reply
we have choices. some people like to stand in the rain without an umbrella. thats what it means to live free
Korkma yaklas,hislerinle
sanki bir adim attigini bilmez mi gönül
Gecer mi ömur?
Istersen daglar daglar
yerinden oynar oynar
sabirsiz kalbim
bir tek askina
more often than not, religion and eventually GOD has always been the first to be blamed for everything and anything. the moment something doesnt go our way, we blame religion. the moment we are put thru a test that we feel we dont deserve, we blame GOD. things like 'if GOD exist, then HE wouldnt do this to me', 'if GOD loves me HE shouldnt do this to me' are commonly said. why? why do we always put the blame on GOD and religion when things doesnt go our way? we are quick to point fingers at GOD when something bad happens but do we thank HIM enough for the food that is on our table everyday? for the house that we are staying? for the air that we are breathing??? for the job that we have?? for the family that we have??
why do we say that theres soo many rules and condition to religion and somehow it restricts our freedom, our views on things, etc? why is it that u can follow human rules without questioning it so much but when it comes to GOD rules u question forever and ever? if u have to come in to school/uni/work at 8am, u will do that. u dont say 'aahh..these people are restricting my freedom. they dont understand me. im like a sheep being herd and all that nonsense'. u just follow it, day in day out. but when it comes to GOD rules, u say that. why is that?
my conclusion is….we want to follow religion and believe in GOD only when things are going our way. The moment things dont go our way, we blame religion and GOD and say that the rules are stupid and doesnt make sense and we eventually lose faith in GOD and that is when people stop believing that GOD exist. we have this thinking that the religion should fit our lifestyle and not the other way round. but it doesnt work that way. religion doesnt change for anyone. u have to change yourself to fit the religion. if u cant accept it, then dont blame the religion and say its rules are stupid and doesnt make sense, etc. accept the fact that U cant change to fit the religion.
religion is a guide on how to lead yr life. if u find it restrictive to yr freedom, yr lifestyle, etc then by all means stop practicing it. thats entirely yr decision. but stop blaming religion when u have lost faith in it or when things dont go yr way.
awwwwwwww……feels da ultimate lurvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee from all the people in ere!!!!
deep discussion this is. treat it cautiously u must. different thinking everyone is. to each its own i say.
seek the truth u shall. find the answers u will.
Shakalaka Baby:
No problem… I can arrange a box on the street for you too… We have lots of them in Holland
why do i need a box? the bench in some park would do just fine.
a talent u wish u had
pagers?? who uses pagers anymore???
IE or Mozilla?