i'll make sure this mushyness is eradicated from this place for good!! u will make this place ROCK again? oh please…theres not an inch of rock in u!!
and stay where u are. come any closer and i'll shoot you where it hurts most. go hug yr nitzkar instead.
kavita_0026:oreo you actually care about me — sniffs –*bawling*[:'(]
thank you
*send shiverssssss down me spine*
im allergic to hugz so u can take that back.
xxjåsmïnexx:yes really. u can try picking on me, but i dont think u can. but it doesn't hurt to try. good LUCK!!! =]
is that so stinky?? we'll see…
he is Indian and he's a Computer Engineer? I thot he is Indian and he is GAY (thank u russel peters for telling us the real truth!) ?? waaaaaahahahhahahaha!!!!
yo mukesh dude…u need to do smtg abt this place! its turning into a big, huge, enormous, gigantic, mas$ive, mammoth blob of love and hugs and…and….and all that c.rap!!
i SERIOusly gona puke if this continues on. can we leave some of the threads mushy-free so that some of us can still breathe while we are in it?
we need to restore some order in this place. lets start w u alien..go hug a tree. che g..go love a cat. rani..find an ipod. shakz…hurry up w yr marriage! arm rani…propose to the saif guy. unique not so princess…find yr romeo and practice yr english on him, yemeni…come with me…i'll bring u to the best cliff for u to make yr jump. the rest…put a sock on it!!
yup, listen to me and you will have less headache and minimal heartache. have laughter as your appetizer, sarcasm as your main course and humour as dessert. and to top it off, i'll throw in a free cup of wit and charm, shaken but not stirred.
in case u didnt know…this is for the person above u game. not the quote 100 people above u game!
u must butt in, dont cha yummenivicious?
just desi's. the hot and cute ones 😉
skind head or crew cut?
chaddi man, they got the hotz for u alrite!! way to go dude!!!!
xxjåsmïnexx:i like how everyone is so friendly to each other.
reaaallyyy??? what say i pick on you from now on just to break the cycle?
*prisoner no.0026 fav song*:
No more maybes. Your babys got rabies. Sittin on a ball. In the middle of the andes
Yeah Im a freak (of nature) Yeah Im a freak
If only I could be as cool as you. As cool as you
Body and soul Im a freak Im a freak. Body and soul Im a freak
ok..so that was comic talking. now lets get serio on board…
you think of me just like a butterfly, you wanna pin me to yr wall so I can never fly
just like a flower that u need to dry, caught between two books squeeze me till I die!!
so prisoner 0026..me thinks yr possesiveness nature is out. and to some extent jealous to the fact that he has other things besides u while u have him only at this moment in time. i say keep yerself busy w things when he is out w his friends…they say an idle mind is a devil's workshop!!
Well I've been bound and gagged and I've been terrorized
And I've been skinned and I've been lobotomized
But never has my tormenter come in such a cunning disguise
I let love in I let love in
So if you're sitting all alone and hear a-knocking at you door and the air is full of promises, well buddy, you've been warned
Far worse to be Love's lover than the lover that Love has scorned
I let love in I let love in
try again [Read: attempt one more time at explaining; repeat in an easier manner to be understood]
error in syntax. please try again or hit to reboot.
doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move
doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt u'll agree with me again one day
yeah…go thank the guy next to you instead.
sugar, spice and everything nice. mix it together, stir it till the smell comes out. serve on a plate or eat it off the pot. taste better that way.
there will be more instances where u will come to an agreement with me. this is not the last.