You should be the Voice of Reason! Let me find out who is going to be there. I may get myself into trouble if my boss shows up and realizes I'm missing. I hope she is exhausted and decides to stay home. Lol.
I am supposed to go to a meeting, but I feel like calling and saying, 'Sorry, I am attending to a personal matter at the moment and am indisposed.'
You know Judge Dredd? How awesome! Can you get me an autograph?
Sometimes its the light at the end of the tunnel…at other times its the tunnel at the end of the light. Whatever it is that makes you feel so, may the Almighty lift it off your shoulders forever, but if it be His Will that you experience whatever it is you are experiencing, may He grant you the patience to persevere and the courage to overcome. Chin up, Princess. The Sun still rises in the East, you are still beloved of God, and I still think you are wonderfully crazy.
Correction, Miss. It should be evil bums. I have two. Thank God. Can you imagine trying to sit properly with one missing? Lol!
Sheesh! I swear you beat me to it. I was going to post that picture, I love that engrish site. Did you see the one that says 'Asian Rear' and its a picture of a pear? Someone wrote underneath, 'Where is the crack?' Lmao!
Neener, neener, I don't wanna.
Take away? Sheesh, woman, I gave it to you a while ago, to limp along on your bum leg. Wait! Is that smoke rising out of your nostrils? Lol.
Where do you wish to be kicked, your excellency? Bum leg Lmao! or the good one?
You know, person above me, I cannot see that happening? I can only imagine one loony directing while standing on a bum leg, one loony going around in circles doing what looks like a sad version of hop-scotch and the remaining loony (Look! Its Landon Carter!) is officially now gone. Lmao!
Well, well, what have we here? A tomato with a broken leg and a hijaab. How interesting!
Aww! Evil buddha sorry he hurted Ninjitsu Rao (Amrinjitsu?)… * makes a steaming mug of Colombia Nariño Supreme, heaps Godiva chocolate on a tray beside the Daisies and makes his way on his knees to the limping hooded warrior *
Oye! Why are you dragging me into this? The girls know where I live. Lmao!
I so not saying anything. Lmao! Where is Rani when you need her?
* Whistles Con te partiro
as he walks past a pillow on the floor and a ladder against a wall…wonders if its nouvelle art…removes pillow, kicks the ladder and watches a hooded warrior let out a high-pitched scream on her way down, followed by an empty mug, and the aroma of roasted arabica *
* Runs *
If you are not 'nice' person above me, then Kahlil Gibran was not a poet. Lol!
'to each his own.'
Ain't that the truth Lmao! German dude is dead, and I am not far from there Lol! Why the hell was I in such a hurry to grow up as a kid, I have no idea.
Yes, Ma'am, person above me. Uno momento por favor Señorita.
Hi back, person above me…aiming for demure are we? Lol!
'thats just part of kanye west's stronger lyrics. senorGay…stop
copying and pasting and making this kids believe it was yr wise words!'
Firstly, never said they were my words. Secondly, they are not Kanye's words. They are a slight variation of the German Philosopher, Friedrich Nietszche's words. You seem to have all the time in the world to pass judgment and protect your 'reputation' as a hard-ass, why don't you Google a bit before you display your er wisdom…or the lack thereof.