@boo wrote:
mmmmmmmmm cake, lucky you Alie π π
I had a dream that I gave birth to two gorgeous little girls, two years apart. I gave birth to the first one, fell asleep, then two days later, I woke up and found I had a littler one too, and that my parents were looking after them. I was so mad at them, I asked them why they did not wake me up, as I was so upset I missed out on vital bonding moments with my kids. They were both much older now. I cannot remember the name of my elder daughter (sucky mom I am, I know
), but my younger daughter was called Aishwarya I think, named after Aishwarya Rai. Don’t ask ME why
It was just a dream, and I woulc have picked a WAY better Bollywood actress if I had to pick one to name my kid after. π π
I remember at the same time I was delivering my first child, my friend – who, incidentally, happened to be SOOKIE FROM GILMORE GIRLS!!! π π – was also having a baby. Only, she could NOT stop crying and I was wondering why and my other friend told me she got diagnosed with cancer. π It was awful. But I think my mind was oscillating between Sookie having had a miscarriage and a cancer, both of which are terribly morbid and awful I know. π₯
Then after I had woken up and my GORGEOUS – hey they are my spawn, could they BE anything but goshdarn PRETTY? π – little girls were there walking along a garden (incidentally inspired by the garden that my OWN sister and I went walking down when we were little, in our matching dark purple velvet outfits… yes, don’t ask! π π ), and I went up to them to try and build a bond with them, and let me tell you I had never been more scared or nervous in my entire life! π I did not know what to say to them or how to approach them, what kind of language I should use, etc. I have always maintained – in real life, not dream life that is! – that one should speak to kids as normally as possible and not hide anything from them. But I had NO clue how I was going to approach them. I have also always thought that I would want to be the person to tell them about the birds and bees and how babies are both, just give it to them straight without any beating around the bush, when they were the right age… and I was wondering, “WHEN THE FREAK DO I KNOW WHETHER THEY’RE OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW OH MY GAAAAAAD I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MY OWN BABIES!!!!!!!!1” π₯ LOL. I then started having doubts about whether I should tell them cos gosh what if they were not ready/mature enough for it or the elders in my family find out and they disapprove of my telling them? I mean, I found out when I was 7 years old and a part of me always wished I had that talk with my own mother first, I think it would have done that little bit more for our bond, and I always knew I wanted to “rectify” this with my own kids but I started to doubt myself and my own ideals…
Then the alarm woke up and I was kind of sad it was all a dream! π I was enjoying meeting my kids.
Also, I remember there being no father in the picture – does this show I don’t really like or love anyone enough right now that I would consider having them be the father of my babies? I dunno π But what I DO know is my family all somehow came round to the fact that I was a single mother and they were hell supportive, which was very nice. π
LOL MAAAAN I am MAJORLY jinxing myself by talking about my own kids on here π₯ What if I never have kids π₯ π₯ lol touchwood touchwood…
But it was a really weird and awesome dream and I did not what to do or make of it but there you go… π
honestly, thats the first I heard of a 2 year labor… π hecccticccc mannn
its my friends birthday today and she brings cake for us special people in her life
and it looked woah..beyond divine in this pretty saucer
now am eating it and its blowing my tastebuds away
theres two types
one is a rich chocolate cake with choc bits in it and toffee icing
and the other is this dark rasperry cake with vanilla icing
my gooooooooooooooodddddddddddddd this gal can bake
its super divine
rich and dreammmy goes with this beautiful romantic weather
and in the presence of jaan dearest
perfectttttt moment
oh this cake actually reminds me of Kavi,
kavi kavi kavi meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee misssssssssssssssssss u
gonna take a pic of the half eaten slices now to show u hehehehehehehehe
man all this sugars making me crazeeee π π
lets hope this mood last
FINALLY got my own copy of SHANTARAM, so cant wait to re-read π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
also got a copy of the god delusion, started reading it, am a bit weary, for the mere fact that the book has a contents page..
went shoe shopping yesterday but ended up buying a few random books at the stalls and a few book stores, cant remember the names ( have a habit of randomly picking up books that **looks** interesting – and actually turn into really good reads) but am positive will keep me occupied for a little while
am in this craze ** need to buy books** phase and from past experience, its not a good phase, I love books and reading, but am such a book-shopah-holic dat it freaks even me out at times..
watch an episode of Dark angel last night and thought of person above me
reading a book
yoghurt or smoothie?
dangerous distracting destructive
the 3 D’s of EYE CANDY π
am in between thoughts on whether its good or bad … personally it is distracting..especially the office
am wondering along the lines of BEING eye candy??
@boo wrote:
You do know she’s a moderator on here too, and that she can whoop your ass on any posts she doesn’t like
Not saying Alie would use her moderator powers for ehm.. evil purposes or anything but yaknow
lmao yup i WOULD abuse these powers
@Baqtiar wrote:
@boo wrote:
Baqtiar called you SCARY FACE?! LOL. I reckon he needs chashma π
Well sweetie pie… chashma not any more cuz its the jet age of Laser π well i usually call her the afro nigga gal hahaha … what i reckon you still roam around with oil in your hand to lit fire Lol…
Hey guys, I just couldnβt look at all my angry words anymore, so I deleted the posts..
Hey Rani,
Hope ur doing well my dear??
Firstly, this was the episode where Dean was dying and Sammy took him to this camp like place where this blind man thought he was performing miracles?? Same?? Dean reminds me of me, in so many ways. Or was it the hospital sceneβ¦dayem cant get my episodes right.
The point of the quote, I agree, faith is constant, u canβt have it then discard it, I know this, and I believe this. My mum used to say that, in her own words off coz, when u are down, have hit the bottom of your bottomless pit of darkness, the only way can be up..
I think I have been a bit too lazy and instead of going up, am roaming around in the darkο
That said I want to tell u, yep your words, they have lifted my spiritβ¦
Hey boo,
Seeing as u insisted π
Just shouting out to youο
@boo wrote:
I am not that ugly that you will faint and go into a coma, OK π
I really, really, REALLY want to punch something. πΏ
π well boo, I think u are beautiful..dnt worrie bout granpa Baqz..he is trying not to sound nice π
shutter island confused me
I think Nightmare on elm street is freakingly scary, well it was waaaaaayyyy back then, the oldddd movies
the new one disappointed me, I truly wanted to be scared but was just irritated
am trying to think of a movie, any movie that freaked me out….
cant think of anything
I watched how to lose a guy in 10 days -its oldish …but am trying to catch up on movies I havent had a chance to watch
didnt enjoy it, thought it was rather silly
also watched twelve, its not out on circuit, for some reason my friend had it on her computer ****oopsss***
it has chase crawford **any gg fans here??????????*** the story line is good, drugs and teenagers and the effects of it bla bla but the acting was like watching one of those scary movie remakes …this being a scaryyyy movie remake of gossip girl
i mean the characters there resembled blair, chuck and the rest of these guys
watched leap year, was as expected… but for some reason it gave me those goose bumps in the middle of the movie…
I cant remember the lead guys name but he is shooooooo cutteeeeee in a roughishhh manishhhh sorta way.
B, yes u did give me te right advice, am just foolishly loyal
[quote=”boo”Rome wasn’t built in a day, not everything needs to fall into place right away my sweet. Take each day as it comes and something as “trivial” (not that jobs are trivial, but in the bigger, bigger scheme of life… y’know) as a job, you can always find a way back, you will find yourself with a job don’t worry (and yes, I am touching wood for you π ). Let your sorrow ease and soul rest and somehow, whenever, something will click and it will all fall into place. And yes, keep job hunting and as Rani said, try calling the company back too π
Hey hun
shykes I cant believe π³ my anger … thanks my dear…. logic disappears when am seriously pissed off and I, like everyone else, let the anger and fustration consume me, that wasnt even an inch of how angry I have been..
I absolutely understand the job isnt the messiest bomb that fell on my lap, but its the one thing that has been keeping me from falling over the edge. yup ***touch wood** things will fall into place…needed to vent ya knw;)
hmm impressive B π
off coz u are
Kinnnng J..
π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
“Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.”
dat shudve been
INTO my heart
all is ok
just enjoying loveday …
btw why are guys just soo antiroman(ce)tic??
outa my heart
**smiles** well was just here to post a song at the same time u happen to be here:D
I told u not to go into the boondocks dude.. tribal era is long lost
and u cudve found me just next door if u only listened:)
hope ur well yaar?
Jaane Dil Mein Kab Se Hai Tu
Jab Se Main Hoon Tab Se Hai Tu
Mujhko Mere Rab Ki Kasam
Yaara Rab Se Pehle Hai Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Yaara Rab Se Pehle Hai Tu *heart u *