Jensen Ackles
Gorgeously hot enuf to eat
no idea wat dat is??
strawberry smoothie?
No my parents are not okay with me talking to people I don't know but I still do it lmao My dad put a passoword on the computer so I can't use it and when I want to use it, i have to ask my parents to turn it on for me and it's really annoying. lol but i get their point of view and its fine for now. That was a really rough time, back when i deleted everyone except Tayba, it was super awful. EVERYONE was on my back, my sister too. but i fought for Tayba with my sister and then my sister stopped saying anything to me. that was so awful of me now that i think back on it… I fought with my own sister, i hurt her so much… i'm such an awful sister, she's really too good for me. and now my dad is still strict about the computer, so i just try to hide it from my parents lmao
Your mom is hilarious! HAHA I can't believe they wouldn't believe you when you said Scarry was a girl! LMAO well actually, my parents wouldn't believe me either lmao well as long as everything is set now! hehe
yeah, just email me ur add or pm me or whatever and i'll re-add you inshaAllah speak to you soon 🙂
love you too jaana
@ Rani: Yup Kavee has always been like this, she just never shows this side of her much… an I totally agree, she a darling, an amazingly beautiful angel
i dnt believe ur an awful sister dear Rani, how could you be?? am sure u and yr sister still have dat pure love dat sisters have regardless of what had happened.. it was the past..let it be… enjoy whats now..look around and see the beauty that fills yr life NOW … Really… dnt let the weight of the world get to you my dear…
when u love someone…. no matter how much they hurt u, no matter what happens to make u drift apart…when u truly love someone, in the end only love matters… soooo whomever u may have hurt or whomever hurt u…if ( and I believe love cant be anything but true ) your love is strong u will be in each others lives again…
watever it is thats troubling your heart, let it go …try to… u cant control what anyone else thinks of you but u can be the master of yr own thoughts …
I dunno if I am making sense dear ..I really dont.. I just get this sad feeling with yr words….
All this sadness isnt good for the soul…
Hey my babbby, no need to feel so awful! Now cheer up. I'd hate to see you waste your energies on something so unnecessary! I understand … I understand how familes can get sometimes. And i understand how sometimes, when you're going through things, you just feel the need to avoid people, trust me I know that feeling. I hope your family has eased up on you now though ? … with chatting with people you met online … It sounds really scary but, surely this forum isnt! And sometimes, family dont get it. Its okay though. They just want to protect us.
My mom recently asked me again about Alishia. She sent me mails before. So, back then, my mom and me were alone in the room and my mom looks at me and she was like … did you meet a guy? Like from online? From a different country? Im like whaaaaa? Then she goes, (its okay) you can tell me (the truth). And she was serious. Im like .. (kinda speechless from the thought she had!) whatt?! No … its a girl mom! Why would i chat with any guy online and tell them my address and phone number and stuff, like i'd never do that! And she's like … are you sure? Its a girl who's sending you all these gifts and stuff? (Alishia had sent me a Harry Potter book) .. Im like 🙁 Its just a book mom … and its a girl that sent it
. She gave up asking but Im not exactly sure if she's convinced lol. Thats okay though. This was back then. But then, recently, she asked me if I was sure its a girl
and my mom was around. Anyway, thats pretty cleared up. My mom's great. She was just asking. Our families… they just want to protect us. Its their natural job
So no feeling awful hun! Por favor! Now sure i'll send you back my id. And hopefully we'll be able to chat whenever you come online…and I know that may be unlikely since you come less and plus the time is all different, but thats okay! Once we're in each other's lists, its all possible
Love you babe Hugss
Roflmao omg ..I cant believe yr mum STILL thinks I am a guy???????????? Rolls over dying with laughter, afterall we have been through …
I remember this one…I couldnt believe this and I …………..OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MANNNNNNNN KAVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIII the memories hey..of innocence of love of happiness
Lmao sum morrrrrrrrrrrrre… Now yr brother is teasing u?? Gosh I am sooo alll mushy and could anyone think I am a guy man??? We could have sorted all of this with that one telephone call ..u knw when I asked u to let me speak to your for sum private biz ( my surprise bday plan that flopped)
at least that wouldve eased her worry a bit…besides boys wont send u stuff thats all mushy ..they will send u things that will have u wondering wat the heck they were thinking of when they purchasing it…
On a serious note though, am a bit worried about sumthing after reading the above, will tell u bout it when am replying to yr mail..but mannnnn this is crazeeeee… gosh kavs just show yr mum my photo….the id one I posted to u..that shud ease things..and I think I SHUD speak to her when we are ont he phone again ..ok?
at least then, we can plan for u to come visit withou
thanks, the meaning is more beautiful than I could imagine and so true to my heart
thanks again
U glided into my life like an angel from above, u took my breathe away with the sight of your smile, u calmed my raging heart with the warmth of your voice, u swept the cold away from my life with the strength of your love…u made me find me again with your patience, understanding and truth…
no matter how far I thought I could run away from u, ur still here everytime i listen to this song I am reminded of u, it takes me to a place of love… I miss u my grey, blue greeneyed hero..I do..I hate not being near you yet am scared of being near u…
come back home soon jaan this song soo describe everything i feel, everything that has happened and is happening in my life..without u I would still feel like a victim:)..
Dil Kho Gaya, Ho Gaya… Kisikaaaaa…
(I Lost My Heart, It Became… Someone Else’s…)
Ab Raasta, Mil Gaya…. Khushi Kaaaaaaaa…
(Now a way (or the road that leads to) happiness is found)
Aankhon Mein Hai, Khwaab Sa… Kisikaaaaaa…
(in My Eyes, Is A Dream… Of Someone…)
Ab Raasta, Mil Gaya… Khushi Ka…
(Now a way (or the road that leads to) happiness is found)
Rishta Nayaa, Rabba… Dil Chhu Raha Hai…
(a New Relation, God… The Heart is touching…)
Kheenche Mujhe Koi Dorr, Teri Ore… ( Teri Ore)
(A String Pulls Me Towards You… -towards You- )
Teri Ore… Teri Ore… Teri Ore… Hai Rabba…
(towards You… Towards You… Towards You… O God!)
Teri Ore… Teri Ore… Teri Ore…
(towards You… Towards You… Towards You…)
Teri Ore… Teri Ore… Teri Ore… Hai Rabba…
(towards You… Towards You… Towards You… O God!)
Teri Ore… Teri Ore… Teri Ore…
(towards You… Towards You… Towards You…)
Khulti Fizayein…
(opening Breezes…)
Ghulti Ghataayein…
((don't know what ghulti means, but maybe curling) clouds…)
Sir Pe Naya Hai Aasmaan….
(A New Sky is over my head…)
Chaaro Dishayein…
(all The Four Directions…)
Hass Ke Bulayein…
(calls for us (while it) laughs)
Yun Sab Hue Hain Meherbaan…
(this Is How Everyone [everything] Is Being Generous…)
Haan… Humein To Yahi Rabba…
(yeah… This, My God…)
Kasam Se Pata Hai…
(I Swear I Know…)
Dil Pe Nahi, Koi Zorr… Koi Zorr..
(that There’s No Forcing The Heart… No Forcing…)
Teri Ore… Teri Ore… Teri Ore… Hai Rabba&helli
I MISS U Noysi
Oh come ON Oreo! No more cold depressing songs!
That's like…. asking…. asking the Classic Hindi Film Villian to get up and start dancing with all the innocent village kids and handing out chocolates to them out of his own hard earned money…..
Roflmao …gosh..thanks guys..for making me smile… no ..laugh..
I don't get the concept of unconditional love any more.
I dnt get it tooo… and I dnt believe in it anymore.. I believe in loving unconditionally..YES!! but not when yr love is insulted…
How can you love someone who insults your love?
u dnt ..u move on…coz Love is all around u…all u need to do is be receptive to it.. am not saying the love u felt is any less pure or may have been…but dont beat yourself up for it by hanging onto to a thread that doesnt go anywhere…
How is that humanly possible?
It cant be..all ur doing is torturing yourself whilst the one u give yr love to is loving someone else.
but nothing shall distract the wolf this time. nothing can safe ( save)the fox..the end is near…the time is now…revenge is sweet..
the (wabbit ) rabbitbetter run too!
lol…wabbit sounds sooo cute…like a kid trying to pronounce names..
Di, you came back to the forum! Hugs
Im worried about you How are you?
Im sorry that what you're dying for, is at such a great distance
Hugs, a million trillion gazillion huge lovable comforting HUGS, just for you
And btw, you should let your hair down … lookin all hawtt and purrrty, there's no doubt that he'd do anything to rescue you
Aww, I wanna humm that song to you too !! hug ~~ Isnt it from Kabhi Kabhi, with Amitabh Bachhan?
Its good to see you on the forum again. I've been coming here often recently.
Love you. Take care of yourself. I know you're paining.
I LOVE U pagli, since when did i leave? thank u for yr strength, yr wisdom and yr love
..hugggs kav back…really tightly coz I dnt wanna let u gooo
oh gawd ( in yr accent ) i was lookin out my bedroom window brushing my hair while watching the wind have a wave effect on the water in the bay( feeling like repunzel coz my hairs grown soo darn long now ) …I was just thinkin hw.. yeah if I had to let down my hair, he would grab it and try to haul himself up instead of using a darn rope..hehehehe dat brought tears and a smile to my face…
ur such a bugger…stop worrying..the worry frowns wont go well on yr ..coz the wrinkles from a smile looks much more sex.ier…
Yup amitabhs movie with Srk and Kajol…… I think I will go home and watch Bhagban or something teary ..I need to cry again & sooo sleepy…and hungry…again
an angel once whispered to me that theres always healing after the pain, sunshine after the rain, rainbows from the storms..sooo am waiting
sitting here and silently waiting..with u by my side
sendin u one warm lovefilled hug to make up for the gazillion u send me hun… dats all the strength I have for now…
yesssss…. its good to see U back posting on the forumbeen laughing my as.s off here…thanks for the smiles
Dying j
Ur in my duas.. when the time is right u will be able to understand yourself and forgive yourself for wat u perceive to be a wrong ..remember **a wrong ** is only a perception of what a person makes it to be… In my humble can u not know who u are if you do not express and experience all of lifes **characteristics*** …so a long explanation shortened… no one is ever truly wrong…… as wrong would indicate that wat u were thinking, acting out or doing was not right….and if u were truly feeling, thinking and doing something u believed to be the right thing as apposed to wat another thinks is right or wrong… why then does that become a wrong..
Dnt mean to be intrusive…and certainly dont mean to upset u or anyone soooo yeah…
hope lifes turns out as its destined to for u Rani..take care
You're not being intrusive. *sigh* Scarry, please check your PMS, I'm going to PM you after I post this comment up. I didn't completely understand what you meant, but I know you mean well, thank you for the duas
Hey Rani,
I had actually explained wat I meant ( regarding the first paragraph of my post to u) but then I deleted it coz it was too personal for the forum… I wanted to tell u… wat u basically already know..that watever answers u seek, watever is worrying u and needs to be cleansed from yr troubled heart…its already in u… sometimes in our daily lives, the outside noises blocks us from connecting with our inner self/spirit and with the messages from God..
In yr search dear, to find all the answers u seek, all u need to do is look within, ( trust me thats a pain in the frikking statement…) one of the ways for doing this is praying to and asking for clear guidance and help from Allah before u go to bed, ask for the healing u seek, the answers to yr questions, the healing of yr soul, the forgiveness, watever it is u feel u are in doubt of..ask Allah to bring u the answers in a way u will be able to understand ..
i am not sure if this makes sense now, and I cant really explain here soo if u want, I will reply to yr pm and hopefully explain myself better…
take care of yourself
~Lovers dont finally meet up somewhere..
they are in each other all along~
I sooo believe this…I soo doo..I cant even begin to describe what it feels like to ~KNW~
to just look into your eyes and watch them looking right into my soul searching for traces of u here…searching until you found ….. a reflection of you in me
oh god!!! I just…. its a feeling thats beyond any form of human description….
if i had to really choose..
spending years looking for love from the one u love as compared to
being in yr arms for those few seconds and KNOWING… and FEELING pure love…actually feeling and knwing the depth of yr love..of yr patience …yr understanding, yr knowing…
I would chose the latter over and over and over again..
I would spend a few seconds in yr arms and live without u forever
coz in those seconds I live eternally…
I just had to get that out…
I miss u jaan, yr eyes, they showed me a reflection of my soul…
Joselyn!!! Are you serious?
Shahrukh Khan was (was, I swear!) my first love!!!! It took me a very long time to get over him
Are you obsessed with Hrithik the same way I was obsessed with Shahrukh Khan?
Because sometimes, we can go too far. And then other people start thinking that we're crazy
Dont worry, Hrithik wont know a thing!
I think I was obssessivvveeellyyyy in love with Sonu's Voice.. I mean, I bought every cd I could find that had him singing a song…
I still love his soothes my soul..
Gosh, the memories that Im having at this moment!!!
When I was younger, I was WAY, and I mean WAY more obsessed with Shahrukh.
I used to tell my mom that I'll marry him. I used to tell her about the dreams I used to have about him (with me and him chilling at my house lol). And I used to explain to my friends that, see, Shahrukh really wants to be with me, like to marry me, but he's with that Gauri,see she's a mistake that he made, and he'd need some time to figure it all out.
Dangg… to think of it, that was a bit extreme. My friends used to laugh at me lolz. And my mom had a real joke out of the things I used to do/say regarding Shahrukh. She used to tell me ….. child, these things can happen when you're at this age …. and she used to laugh/smile about how silly I was being.
kaveeeeee roflmao…gosh hun..I told u..the forum and the posts are keeping me from falling over…gosh..U AND SRK…man dats soooo weirdly cute..
in a kajol and srk way..
Meeeeeeeeeeeee….. I am soooo dreaming …of being married to Jensen…dat dude does everything that needs doing for me..his eyes…his smile…his lips..his VOICE.his laughter..his body…I am sooo darn hooked on Jensen …..and to think I never thought I would become a craze in love fan of anybody
That's STILL me….
My father never had any objections to me marrying Shah Rukh…. he was thinking the buddha will conk one day and I'll have all his money ahahahahhaha…. <3 Shah Rukh Khan is AWESOME! <3
Roflmao…oohhhhh I sooooo love yr dad…
it reminds me of this song that I keep listening to..sumthing about pyaar is out and money is in..its got a good beat to it and its a flip take on wats more important //love or money…dnt knw why am thinking of that now
No no, no need to worry. I guess I was upset about something but then after posting it, I realized it may be inappropriate for the forum [?] Its okay. It doesnt matter right now. When I tried to delete my 2nd post (the one saying that I'll delete my 1st post), the edit button wasnt working :
oh hunnie ..
I actually dnt knw wat to say am gonna send u a short email…
my fingers are frozen..
2010 fever…
Gosh I dont even watch soccer but am in the spin of things…
I loved watching the Fifa games recently..was utterly disappointed with SA..but I guesss the
brazilia squad had to take home the glory
I just cant see wat the fuss is about with Kaka..Truly I dnt
I thought the americano guys were cute…
sooooooo yeah 2010…
331//330 days left??…
the excitement
the buildup is just extraordinarily contagious..
no they are just MEN.. being men…
cant understand them but u gotta love em