Di! Hey! hug hug!
But …… now Im feeling even more confused. Kavee has always been like what .. exactly? lol hmm. They're trying to imply something here but I cant quite get my fingers on it! I never show which side of me much?
It kinda sounds like I've changed from some past time but I … dont know ? Or ?
Anyway, how have you been di ? Hope you're doing alright there. Stay well. Hugss
ooooof…. check yr email jaana..btw everyone changes….
ammmmmm hot sweaty exhausted from Gyming and in need of a shower gtg jaan….again, check yr mail, and
Is that what you plan to call me when we're having a ball in serio's beautiful king sized bedroom ? Hm, what shall I call you, my pet?
lmao …..gosh ur just toooooooooooooooo much kavita
Dear Rani,
I dont really know what to say to you, I can understand what u are going through though, last december my friends mum had a stroke which left her paralysed from the head to toe on her left side… it was a really difficult time for everyone in her family as am sure it is in yours dear
What I can say is that with Faith and prayer, miracles do occur, I HAVE seen it and experienced the same, sooo keep on making dua for her ( as would i ) ..am sure she will recover fully from this..
With patience, faith and therapy, my friends mum can walk with some help now and she is gettting better by the day… sooo hang in there Rani your mum will be fine…
Sending you more strength and love dear rani, take care of yourself as well ok.. and please let me know of your mums progress..ur in my thoughts…
warm hug for u …
Aw my Rani. What you and your sister have is extremely special. Cherish it.
U knw wat I was thinking Kavee??
To have a beautiful relationship like dat with yr sister is amazingly special..
to have a relationship like that with a friend ( Tum nah ) is a blessing…
We may not have had the chance yet to rest in each others arms or laps for comfort and healing but we are in each others hearts
always… when u can turn to a friend and let out yr all… and she turns back ( virtually dat is ) and holds u in her heart more tightly …
sending u more love and warmth…never judging, just loving… theres truly nothing more I can ask for ..
I was reading the above and lattttttttttttttter whilst I was cooking and cleaning Im still thinking of Rani and Boo's Words and I thought..
I truly am blessed.. with sooo much abundance in love.. I have 3 amazing sisters…blessed relationships with them, and bonuses of love from beautiful
friends ( soulsisters) like u
I love u jaana, I dnt say this often enuf
I hope soo 🙂
U happened upon a genie, and was granted 5 wishes…wat would they be?
Lmao …
not sure… bout Soy Milk…never tasted it???
nooooooo I was too lazy to make roti last night( was actually thinking I havent had my mums cooking in aloong time )… but had some curry.. am getting good at this housewife thing heheheh
Well I am back on the forum bcoz of u and W, and I wanted to wish Senor tooo but thats later hehe
If u want ROTI, made by meee and curry… no fed-exing ..u come down here and have some …
Next: Carrot cake??
am generally quiet
depends on the situation I guess..
sometimes it is better to be quiet. ( but not if u feel u MUST be loud in order to get through to whomever) .sometimes not I am soo not helping hey…but its just mee..
Music or Movies ?
roflmao..siiiiiiiiiiighhhhhhhhhhsss.. Dean
Ur singing now??
Oooohhhhhhh sowrie, erhmmmm am not sure which season u guys are on yet, but we just ( almost) finished watching the fourth season sooo yeaaaahhh.. I didnt mean to give away details…
anyways… for sum reason the last episode on season4 isnt playing …and I ammmm like soooo annoyed coz …welll am just addicted I guess…
I never thought I would actually get addicted to a series as dark as Supernatural
cant wait for season 5…
Misha Collins …..
would marry him
( my sis thinks he is shabby, which is wat attracts me to him…. lol )
My mother had a mini stroke.
Yr families in my duas hunnie I hope yr mum gets better soon….. I cant even find the words to express wat I feel..
Mango Smoothie?
Never tasted mango smoothie, is it any good??
Diiii, its great to see you online here in BWL again !
Hmm except I dont feel right being here anymore… ( hormones going beserk again hehe)
I started back and.. i think im getting addicted again lol … hey, i think this place make us all smile …
It does sweety… it sooo does make me smile feel all fuzzzy inside hehehehe…
and we need that sometime or the other na?
love you
U knw me loves u too
Roti…and curry ( am hungrrryyy)
boxing for now… am soo gonna try it by the end of this week
Cycling or running??
Lm ( fangs) off.. well ur around your older sister who happens to love Jensen – Dean
Jared Padalecki…
He is cute in a boyish sorta way..Tz lurrrves him minus the sucking demon blood parts
I cant seem to get thru to u on gmail chat person above meeee
am sorry
sent u mail..
next Q:
are blue roses real?
Woman!! Ur playing this game with yourself??
boxing or karate ( as a means of stress relieving? )