joy joy joy
We are human and we're subjected to the pangs of our human bodies and our human mentalities
Which pretty much translates to something similar as Mamatha said … we may never feel 100% blissful or if we do, it may not be permanent … and to those who feel this and its not temporary – wonderful for you !
I guess we pretty much have to try to take what we have (especially if we are aware that we cannot drastically change a situation/event/thing/self) and turn our perception around to see those situations/events/things/selves in a different/better light.
Just as our peception allows us to see something as fearful/bad/terrible, its just so that our perception can allow us to see the same thing as wonderful/lovely/okay/bearable.
your posts always brings a smile to my face jaanu, coz u seem to know exactly wat my heart is yearning to hear
I was just thinking about Mamatha's words, I am blissfully happy, content, have soo much gratitude for all my blessings, my heart is fulfilled, am happy, extremely happy with the way my life is ( minus that one huge issue ) and I have accepted everything for wat it is… I aint gonna chase after anything i logically know I cant have..etc..
yet life had become sooo fustrating in that theres this silly issue I cant seem to conquer…sighs
lol… yeah u KNW i see things only with love these days.. am driving everyone craze…
anyways jaan, thank u for always having the right words …for knowing.. I love u
wats the purpose of life? Is it really worth the effort ? wat really is the purpose of our lives?????????
my view…..
Life feels exhausting most of the time coz we are always running after something that we dont have, instead of learning to be happy with what we have….
beautifully said dear:) …wise words indeed..
sounds yummy.. wat is it??
milk tart?
person above me has the cutest laugh ..
is gorgeous and is an amazing young women
cant even remember wat I was talking about …above
my award for 2009
Priyanka ..again
for Fashion
I love this movie
I loved her performance.. brilliant
kavi: I love u more n more an more n more with every beat of my heart jaana..warm hug
Rani! You translated the whole song!! Thank youu! The words are really deep. Its so wonderful when you know the english meaning of a song … it means soooooo much more to you than just a good beat and some good singing!
Thank you hun [:}]
I so love this song! I keep playing itttt, Im playing it right now !!
wat song is dis?? yeah ur right the song means soo much more when ur aware of wat it means nah?
I cant get over teri ore from Sing is King, reminds me of W.. and love and new beginnings and the blessings of god…
gosh am trying to post here, speak to u on gm chat and reply to your email…eish
trying to shake this mooood offff.. sooo many questions, soo lil time
lifes really testing and fustrating at the moment…..~siiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssss~
kav: like wat on earth are u guys talking about ???
Thanks for sharing this with me………….
I like Shahid Kapur with Amruta Rao
I don't like Shahid with Karina
Do we stop loving people?
Why do we stop loving people?
We dont stop loving….. loves an eternal flow …
How do we stop loving people?
We dont… they 'r just not in our lives anymore…
Does love fail?
Nope it can never fail..
Or is it true that we fail love?
No, we dont fail.. how can we, when all we are doing is loving in the best way we possibly could
If so, then who failed?
no one…its the perception of a failure..
Did he fail who stopped loving?
Or is it he that failed that is loved no more?
Where did our love go?
within and around u always..
Thinking of u, love and everything else: How I feel, wat I want right now…
Being one of those grains of sand
I get blown all around the world
And what I make of it
Oh I don't know
What's the meaning of it
Oh I don't know
I've been around so many times
That the worlds turning in my mind
What do I think of it
Oh it's so so
What more can you be than the things they say you've been??
Say you love me all around the world
Stay and hug me all around the world
Be yours a boy or be mine a girl
Just say you love me
Just say you love me
I never ever realised
It's so easy to make you cry
But did I break a bit
Oh I hope no
Have you forgot about it
Oh I hope so
But you never ever wonder why
In every single pair of eyes
There is a hunger in it
Or it's soul dies
What more can you be than the things they say you've been
Say you love me all around the world
Stay and hug me all around the world
Be yours a boy or be mine a girl
Say you love me all around the world
Stay and hug me all around the world
Be yours a boy or be mine a girl
Just say you love me
Come on now darling, say you love me
Oh yeah, please please say you love me
Come on say you love me
My love
I'll never find the words, my love
To tell you how I feel, my love
Mere words could not explain
Precious love
You held my life within your hands
Created everything I am
Taught me how to live again
Only you
Cared when I needed a friend
Believed in me through thick and thin
This song is for you
Filled with gratitude and love
God bless you
You make me feel brand new
For God blessed me with you
You make me feel brand new
I sing this song 'cause you
Make me feel brand new
My love
Whenever I was insecure
You built me up and made me sure
You gave my pride back to me
Precious friend
With you I'll always have a friend
You're someone who I can depend
To walk a path that never ends
Without you
My life has no meaning or rhyme
Like notes to a song out of time
How can I repay
You for having faith in me???
A fragile heart was broken before
I don't think it could endure another pain
But there's a voice from deep inside of you
That's calling out to make you realize
That this new bond gives inspiration
To all who feel no love appeal no more
So how can I break this wall around you
That's aiding both our hearts to grow in pain
So forget your past, and we can dream tomorrow
Save our hearts for card and lovin too
It's hard I know, but oh
One thing for sure
Don't go and break this fragile heart
A hurting mind in need of emotion
I don't think I could endure another pain
But baby in you, I've found affection
Affection I have never felt before
So don't let your past destroy what comes tomorrow
Don't go and break my fragile heart
With all this fire that burns between us
There's so much to lose
Yet so much more to gain
And if I could, choose the world around me
The world I'd choose would all revolve around you
So help me complete the game inside me
And help to mend my fragile heart
I feel:
Loneliness is always looking for a friend
It found me once and it has been around since then
Loneliness is never waiting by the door
It sweeps right through and it will never be ignored
Why, why was I chosen?
Why am I left without?
The love of my life, the love that I need
The love that they say is in life for free
The love of dreams, the love that I want
Loneliness knows me by name
Loneliness knows everything I keep inside
My endless thought in the silence of the night
Loneliness is the one who made me see
Ain't nobody else who can make a change but me
Why, why was I chosen?
Why am I left without?
Life is more and that would be the vacant space
The cried out tears and a never ending maze
I have found what only loneliness provides
A strength within knowing I will find
persona bove me makes me smile with her posts..
1. Money
2. money
3. money
4. the ability to fulfill wishes
5. Love and a happy fulfilling life
Why is life soooo exhausting much of the time?
muffins or pizza
I think its good to add the angel effect, makes it more meaningful, I mean if theres the devil, the bound to be theres existence of God right??
Angels are warrriors of God Kavs, hence its their job to be fierce and comforting all at the same time ( or wateva)
Well I think its my age nah?? Coz obviously u guys wont think someone like him would be cute or sex.i 🙂 shabby can be cute..
Oh YEAHHHHHH its mad funny hahaha.. I love Dean, man I sooooooo love him, his oneliners, his silly comebacks are hillarious…
yet theres the dark side to it.. it makes u think – really think about the existence of all these fables and Urban legends etc…
I didnt really like Jessica to be honest… I cant help but laugh whenever Sam kisses someone:) but Dean.. I gooo mad craze… coz dat dude is forever kissing women on every second episode ……. never thought I would be jealous over something that silly
he is cute.. adorable yesssss…
still havent watched eagle eye…
Ranbir Kapoor
nice dance moves…