Gham ho ya koi khushi
Purva ka jhonka hain
Ek aaye ek jaayega
Kyun dil ko rokaa hain?
Is dil ko humne nahin
Hamein dil ne rokaa hain
Koi bataa de zaraa
Kya sach, kya dhokaa hain….
inshallah its sach… pyaar hamesha sacha hai… hope I said that right..
have had my share of Questions, have found my answers my dear Rani darling…
I wish u will receive all the answers u seek too.. soon
wer love is concerned..
I dont think love is unkind, cruel, or vengeful in any way.. people may be like this but love isnt..
if someone wishes to seperate from u, its not the love thats lost, its the person who isnt there anymore, sharing experiences that deepen the bonds of love between u two…… the love u had, u feel, will remain eternally with u, because love can never fail as such…it simply cant..
People also cant fail because they make decisions based on their pure truth and wat is the best path for them, so if someone chooses to walk away from a friendship or relationship, they are truly not at fault as such and they have not failed in anyway watsoever because all they are doing is taking the steps they feel is necessary for them to grow as a human, in whichever way they may perceive that growth…
do not think theres failure in the relationship, Should u not be a part of their present or future, because the purpose of their presence in yr life or yr presence in their life has been served, take with u the love that had formed, the lessons that were learnt and the strength uve developed by accepting wat is… the fact that ur no longer connected on that physical level …
Ohhh this is so cute, you are really really in love I like this line:
” O is for the only one I see “
why are ppl soooo by it??? lol
yup yup yup yup yup love love love it is…. and isnt it soo darn beautiful ..
***grins*** he is the only one I see…
To E: ****sighs***
You got my attention
At hello
We had this connection
That wouldn't let go
There was something sexy
About your voice
Anything you say
Makes a beautiful noise
To: W
You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me
To: my jaan..u make me throw caution to the wind and FEEL the rang of love all around me, not a moment goes by without my heart beating for u ….
I don't wanna leave you here all by yourself
I just wanna let you know I'm there for you like no-one else
I don't wanna drift off to another place
I just wanna lay here in your arms with your hand on my face
So let's not ever tell the moon about the sun
I'll keep hearing love songs, hoping every wrong's undone
It's foolish but we've only just begun
I don't wanna stop this, all my walls are caving in
I wanna give you something worth living for
I wanna tell you this and so much more
My Everything
My universe
I'm so mesmerised by your serenity
Hopefully you'll take me there inside your dreams
Just like autumn leaves I'm falling over you
It's so unbelievable but yet so true
Our imperfections are so beautiful
Right now
I don't even see them
Only diamonds now remain
It's crazy how
Without making a sound
You can make me feel things
You know where I've come from,
You know my story,
You know why I'm standing here…
Please don't go,
Don't be in a hurry,
I'm here to make it clear,
Make it right,
Well I know I've acted foolish,
But I promise you no more,
I've finally found that something
Worth reaching for,
I'm not here to say I'm sorry,
I'm not here to lie to you,
I'm here to say I'm ready,
That I've finally thought it through,
I'm not here to let you're love go,
I'm not giving up oh no,
I'm here to win your heart and soul,
That's my goal.
Na Kuch Poocha
You Didn’t Ask Anything
Na Kuch Maanga
You Didn’t Ask For Anything
Tune Dil Se Diya Jo Diya
Whatever You Gave, You Gave From Your Heart
Na Kuch Bola
You Didn’t Say Anything
Na Kuch Tola
You Didn’t Weigh The Pros And Cons
Muskuraake Diya Jo Diya
Whatever You Gave, You Gave With A Smile<span style="FONT-SIZE:14pt;C
kaveeeeee roflmao…gosh hun..I told u..the forum and the posts are keeping me from falling over…gosh..U AND SRK…man dats soooo weirdly cute..
Hey di, well Im glad that the forum is making you laugh! Thats a good thing right?! Me and Shahrukh … cute?
Omg, I would have never believed that those words would come out of someone's mouth … or rather from someone typing!
in a kajol and srk way..
Haaaai! Im over Shahrukh
, okay fine, I eased up with him … but if I ever see him in real life haaaaaaaai! I might just faint
I mean, not that I like him anymore or anything ……..
Meeeeeeeeeeeee….. I am soooo dreaming …of being married to Jensen…dat dude does everything that needs doing for me..his eyes…his smile…his lips..his VOICE.his laughter..his body…I am sooo darn hooked on Jensen …..and to think I never thought I would become a craze in love fan of anybody Oh mi goodness … this is just a bit strange … I just never knew that you had such an attraction to Jensen. My sister is such a huge fan and because of her, my whole family basically watch Supernatural
My mom says that Jensen is really REALLY handsome lol… Jensen's funny hehe. Well ..you can love Jensen..but dont get to carried away now …
lol…I shud be replying to your email right now but but but .l..ammmm soo in the mood to just chill on the forum for a bit and post beautiful songs.. will get to it sooon ..promise jaana
lmao …u wont faint if u see Shah Rukh hunnie, he is only …erhmm another man, who happens to be ubber famous,
Lmfo, oye vot is sooo strange bout meee Krush on Jensen huh?? bol?? its as sweet and innocent as yr Krush on Srk ze whole idea of having Krushes and falling in love and all of zat is toooo get carried away pagli
…s ooooooo far away with love ..float float float….
on a boat boat boat… lol ..am jus in mah mad mood.. am sooo happpppppyyy…in love and feel blessed man<img
Hi everybody, I am back…. I really really missed you!!
Main yahan hoon, yahan hoon, yahan hoon, yahan!!
lol.. welcome back dear
Ok this is a song, but it means soo much to me and sounds soo poetically beautiful, I wanna post it here, ***huge sigh** coz it reminds me of my love:
For u, the pagal one, the one who is blind, deaf, mute yet irresistable cute
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore
And love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart but please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Axeline, welcome to the forum dear, its a beautiful place with beautiful people and lots of kushi and love.. have a lovely stay here
My randomness for the month…
I added this guy as a friend on facebook now because I think he is sooo cute, am not sure how I came upon his photo, when I was trying to find something else???
lmao but I was just **wowed** his eyes are soo cute and he has a cute smile and nice hair annnnd a cute smile( Oh I said dat ) hehehe..only now did I notice he also has a nice name hehehe… Maksudur..
he also has a cute nose, lol…
I like it!
dayem am in a crazeeefully gorgeous mood today….
in the words of MB, oh yes its uuuu, u, u, u and only uuuuuuuu..
u stupid, dumb,
u fooollllll,
its onllllyyyyyyyy u…
I love love.. Its hopeless feeling of being helplessly reckless and free..
You're amy falling star, you're themy get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to say.
And when you play it bcoy but it's kinda cute.
Ah, when you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend that you don't know it's true.
'cause you can see it when I look at you.
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're a carousel, you're a wishing well,
And you light me up, when you ring my bell.
You're a mystery, you're from outer space,
You're every minute of my everyday.
And I can't believe, uh that I'm your woman,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.
Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.
ur absolutely right person above me about the person above u
kavzz..lmao… getting hawter n gorgeouser by the hour Id sayI love love love the person above the person above me
hobbies?? hmmm
sleeeping ( a lot these days )
ok ..er reading, writing, dancing, singing, laughing, gyming ( my all time fav), playing tennis, golf, collecting stufff.. tooo many to mention, photography, designing, art, sketching, hiking, river rafting, extreme sports, listening to music, writing a bit of poetry, astrology, annoying my family and friends, oh my and my favorite is eating hehehe… wait did I say travelling and exploring new places in my town> I also think shopping is my hobby, especially shopping for fabrics..
gosh I didnt even realise I have that many hobbies…
wats yr favorite word??
yum yum yummmm.. want sum poorie now
Bollylover me not sure wat bruschetta is?? sounds like brussels?? not sure
ice cream banana split ??
erhmmmmmmm the red delicious kind?? wat are they called ?? dnt knw the difference 🙂
boat trips to nowhere…or a helicopter ride during sunset?
Hey, Boo was the one who started it.
Hey its a good offer, did anyone expect me to turn down something that good?
Yup, will check my email in a litte while. Right now Im trying to cook something … hehe. But as you can see, Im on the forum hehe..geeeshh. Well, hey the food's cooking and im .. well, Im typing! Everyone's happy
Glad to hear that you've had a fab workout hun. But, question for ya : how long does it take to lose weight? And have you experienced losing weight … in the wrong places?
pagli…dont u turn g.ay on me u hear…
oh just remembered … we actually spoke about this whole exercise thing… sooo wont bother replying here
Jacky bag wani or sumthing…
dances well
cute and adorable
both jaana
I LOVED school **every single day***, gosh I wish I could go back
I loved my work life tooo… And I miss it…
a means of communication..
email or telephone or face to face or snail mail communication??