oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh
I would rather be out there in the rain ( bollywood style )
fav season..
summer or winter??
oh chup man.. have u not heard of **the more u give, the more u receive??**
besides wat da frikking hell am I gonna do with all dis happiness on my own??
why not give it to the ones I love??
Besides am saying it in a selfish way coz I KNW the more of my happiness I give to everyone, the more I recieve soo yaaaaaaahhh….
its just the way I am..
now stop arguing an open up yr arms and receive some of mah craze frikking happiness
..u knw u got it when u start hummin in the middle of the street or u have a smile plastered on yr face or theres this feeling of floating inside of u and all around u
…..let me know once the loves reached u k..
am trying to send it via instant delivery heheheheh..
strength & courage are qualities we are all born with honey, deep within us lies dormant our abundant resource of both courage and strength..
Why does this sound familiar? *head down*
why indeed…coz u had been drilling this in mah beautiful head since god knws how long ..now its yr turn lmfo and u knw wat..its my experience that tells u ( Miss Wise one ) that those words are 100% true ok….
how does one knw bravery if not faced with a situation that challenges one to be brave Maybe one doesnt quite know it because he/she was faced with a certain situation, and couldnt really do much in that situation.
sometimes not doing anything is bravery on its own kavi…trust me on this..in life with our challenges and experiences as humans we tend to believe that every action deserves a reaction….NOT… not in my life and opinion…being brave can sometimes mean..simply not doing anything.
Just when you think you can't take anymore, life throws you a bunch more problems. *siigh*
I soooo understand this…
ur always in my duas .. my sweethart above me
gosh my sis was talkin about this the other day..apparently divine…I have no clue
the new vanilla choc coated magnum ice cream with flake inside??
didnt taste yet..heard its divine too
renting out movies and watching with friends/family or yr love one
going out to catch a movie on the bigger screen??
an angel
my light
my butterfly
u are beautiful, kind hearted, full of love and giving, u have a wicked accent, giggle a lot, ur soo mature in yr thinking but a child at heart…ur one of the most amazing
souls I am blessed to call my family…my sister
**I love**
Preity – Salaam Namaste…
( I got to watch it properly again last week and was blown away by both her performance and Saif's …such a beautiful story..
love, marriage, living with a guy before marriage, s.ex before marriage..all the consequences… I LOVED THIS MOVIE
I cried, laughed and just enjoyed this one…
To: V ( sister of my heart )
Al: My sounding board hehehe
Nish: My human angel
and most especially
Kavi: My Light, My spark, My floating butterfly…u have no idea, just no idea how much u have given me by just loving me hunnie…
I want u to knw dear Kavi, that the intensity of your love, the force of the strength u sent to me, the depth of the courage u have shared with me, the immeasurable happiness yr presence in my life gives me…. is felt with great love…
I was going to highlight the words in the song but realized every syllable explains how all yr love has enlightened my soul and saved me..
I LOVE U ..all of u beyond the restrictive descriptions of mere words…. and am grateful and appreciative of your love for me
cudnt find the **count on me song..this is second best 🙂
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes whe
Dont get this wrong for a split second :
Despite how I feel (personally),
I am so so happy for you and your success. I know how much it means to you. And I know that right now, it means everything to you. And I am delighted to share such a happiness with you.
not as delighted as I am to have u share this with me..
Are you usually this willing to give up all your happiness?!
I ABSOLUTELY am and will give up all my happiness in a split of a second
.. my happiness..wat is my happiness..its seeing and feeling the joy & bliss in the lives of the people I love..and from life as a whole..thats were my happiness springs from..
so yr happiness is my happiness ok.. theres a huge difference between, feeling joy, success happiness and gratitude my angel
Keep it, keep it, keep it I say ! You deserve every drop of it.
Actually though, happiness is not the thing that I should be in dying need of. Strength, courage, COURAGE. [?] Somewhere along those lines.
strength & courage are qualities we are all born with honey, deep within us lies dormant our abundant resource of both courage and strength..
in times when we really need it to help us deal with a situation or experience, it surfaces in the forms u would least expect it to..
theres no need to go searching for something u already possess my angel, I think u shud allow yourself to feel your purest feelings but also remember how far u have come and tell yourself that *this to shall pass** in order to grow, develop and evolve we need to go through such trials and experiences..
I am always always with u, always my love…whenever u need comfort warmth, support, my arms to hold u, just think of me and am there…
I will comfort u with in an embrace with the help of a cool breeze, or through the ruffles of the wind in yr hair, I will keep u warm in my embrace with the help of the suns sparks, I will guide u with the help of the moon through the lines of the stars, I will be in melody of a birds song or the whisper of a leaf that falls, I will be there when u walk pass a café and smell the inviting aroma of a tantalising brewed c
gosh I cant believe I am answering my own question…wer da heck is everyone????????
I think my fav word is
Im about midway of The Time Traveler's Wife. Its going kind of slow but its alright.
Love in the Time of Cholera sounds depressing.
u completed this yet kav?? if so how was it??
These are just the few names I can remember …
Of marriagable Age – Sharon Maas
Yesterday I cried – Iyanla Vanzant
The gratitude effect – Dr John demartini
Judge and Jury – James Patterson
The husband – Dean koonzt
SHANTARAM – Gregory David Roberts
The pact – Jodi Picoult
The tenth circle – Jodi Picoult
The touch – Colleen McCullough
Platinum – Jo Rees
Love and other impossible pursuits – Ayelet Waldman
Chasing Harry Winston – Lauren Weisberger
Still reading or trying to complete:
The mermaids chair – Sue Monk Kidd
Act like a lady, think like a man – Steve Harvey ( sigh ) this man ..I just dnt get it….
It is not like me to say this but :
I feel down. I feel kinda sad.
I HATE that u feel like this hun
..when I am so happy u are sad?? wtf??? Life can be such a darn huge ass.s b.itch sumtimes…
sigh!!! open yr arms…am sending u all my happiness and warmth…(save a lil for me to help keep me from falling under again)
I love u …
I feel like spreading my wings and flying, soaring through the air, the wind in mah face, when I reach u..will glide down gracefully scoop u up and we can just go sit on a cloud and chill… wat say?? u interested
Is it complicated to work a cash register? And count money with that crazy speed that I see going on in stores ?
no it isnt… its quiet easy after a few hours of training..am not sure how it works in the usa but theres also codes for the veg and stuff that u need to learn..
no stress at all.. one of the easiest jobs I had was as a cashier at a supermarket waaaayyyyy back ….
the grossest part of it was having to haul meat products across the scanner …eeeuuuyuk…
u still considering it I see huh kav?? its a good way to earn some money …
I simply love this song
Sare Sehar Ki Jagmag Ke Bitar Hai Andhera
Har Muskan Ke Peeche Chupa Hua Gum Ka Chehra
Yehi Hai Sach To Harpal Ko Jee Lu Mein Jee Bhar Ke
Aur Has Has Ke Yeh Keh Dun Dukho Ke Pathar Se…..
Alvida…… Alvida……, Alvida…… Alvida……
Koi Waqt Ke Aage Hara Hara Sa..
Koi Pyaar Mein Firta Mara Mara Sa..
Dil Ke Riston Mein Kyon Dard Hamesha Milta Hai
Aur Kyon Kaanton Per Hi Phool Sukho Ka Khilta Hai
Yehi Hai Sach To Mein Iss Sach Ko Hi Apnaunga
Mar Bhi Jaunga To Mein Pyaar Amar Kar Jaunga……
Alvida…… Alvida……, Alvida…… Alvida……
Alvida…… Alvida……, Alvida…… Alvida……
(Zindagi Na Mil Ajnabi Banke)
(Bandagi Shamil Har Dua Banke)
Zindagi Na Mil Ajnabi Banke
Bandagi Shamil Har Dua Banke
Has anyone watched Khambaqt Ishq yet?? got to watch it last night…
I laughed soo much during the first half, am not even sure if it was because the movie had authentic comedy in it or because of the silly acting from Akshay and Kareena and well basically everyone ..
Its mad, craze, tends to get boring and predictable, I could identify with Simrita's reluctance to fall in love and her anger towards the male species, because there are many men out there who actually use women because the feel they can and then dump them like garbage…. its got sum lekker action scenes, even that was done in jest.. I laughed a lot …then frowned at the poor acting .. I mean if I had some hollywood hotshots to share screen space with, I would ensure my acting is upped a notch..it was just silly at times…
gonna watch Saifs movie with Deepika tonite, I cant for the life of me remember the name of this one**thinks**
aaannnn I cnt wait to watch Short Kut, I luwwwwwwww Akshay khanna and Arshad warsi ….
but the one I bollywood flick I wannna watch is New Yorkk.. John luukssss hooottttttttt…
and off coz the proposal.. I really wanna watch this one…