*blush* either i compliment myself (which i dont like doing… lol), or i diss you (which i wouldnt like to do either… lol). decisions, decisions!
thank you… my pleasure to help!
Well boo! You are a genious after all! I’ve been reading various posts and find that you have a solution most of the problems here! Keep up the good work!
Mine! Isnt this place amazing! Cool
Nitzah, I dint intend to reply to your post. I just wanted to make a post thanking the administrator. But i dint know how to go about doing it. So i clicked on the reply button above your post and this page came.
Well Mukeshji, this place is amazing! Though Im still learning how to use it. And thanks to Boo, I too succeeded in uploading that picture along with signature. You are one genious Boo! Or is it that I am dumb