Mrida- hehe yah maybe we should be thanking him for that!
especially because we meet so many interesting people!
Thanks Admin ji!
This Tanya gurl must be one gurl!!!! hehe well i haven’t seen the movie yet, but it sounds very interesting!!!! hehe…i don’t think they should have given the role to rimi sen….no offense or anything but some1 else would have been better…
btw welcome Desi Boy! Hope u enjoy it here! I know i have
hehe maybe should! Accha…wel i feel like “murdering” some kulfi!!! hehe…i want some……
Walusch- ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!! hehe. ur a funny gal! actually the person who started this thread left us clueless and never came back! hehe. So we just started talking baout the movie Murder…and then we went on a tangent!
Ocean Princess- hey! Finally back!! hehe. Wow sorry to hear it gets nasty there during the summer! Here (US) it is always nice. I mena wen it is cold it is not REALLY cold and wen it is hot it isn’t REALLY hot. Well we do have our bad weather days but it is okay….i guess…
oh that would be cool!!! hehe. We should have that!
Rabia- hey welcome! We got a new person in this topic now!!!!!! haha…so u live in Florida too? Yah its yucky wen its hot!!!!
OceanPrincess ji- kaha ho tum?
oh okay! hehe. Disney Land is fun too!!!!!! Very……….magical!!!! hehe…..but i wanna go to D.W also…seems more magical… wat u been upto these days O.P? U dont go to the Say Something topic thingy? Well if u ever do, go to the say something special about someone topic i made. I sed something about u in ther…somewhere!!! hehe
haha. yah i noe wat u meant. Sorry i dunt know!hehe. SO have u ever been to DisneyWorld? We have been to Disney Land and now my little brother wants to go to DisneyWorld!!!! haha. Well i cant say from experience but i think they are basically the same, just a little bigger and maybe a little better, am i rite?
Yah C.A is a great place! And it is beautiful! haha. Oh she’s not my aunt but we call her that so i guess it doesn’t matter! haha…oh and i dont know the city! i forgot! haha…i’ll let u noe if i find out l8r..
haha! I liked Salman! So cool how he could lie and his wife would believe him! My fav. scene in the movie was wen Lara sees Bipasha with Anil and Anil says she is Fardeen’s wife. And Fardeen was like “y did u have to say she was my WIFE? U could have sed gurfriend so l8r i could have sed she died or something!” lol!!!!! It was so funny cuz i sed the same thing rite be4 he sed it!!! haha
haha. yah something lyk that! I use it all the tym though! I know wat it means i just cant explain it though! haha…So where in the US do u live? (haha sorry! i think i got the “nosiness” virus frm Desi Hunk as Boo lyks to say! haha)
oh Florida is a cool place! haha My mommy’s friends live there. I almost went there for a wedding but we had to go to school so thats y i didn’t go. I live in California!!!!! haha. love the bay area! Our governor is doing some crazy stuff! haha
haha. ur talking about Thnxgiving break, na? We only have two days off (Thursday and Friday) but some of my other friends have the whole week off! Lucky! haha. Where in the US do u live. btw?
haha! I hekka lyked it too…was kinna scary! Urmilla can hekka act wen it comes to scaring her audience! dontchya think?
ur welcome! and tell me wat u think of it!
Hey i liked the movie too! SOme of my friends didn’t……John is getting better in his acting…cuz at first he couldn’t act…now he is getting better…i liked th egurl, she was hekka sweet! and she couldn’t speak hindi that well lyk me! haha..i understand it, but i have an accent wen i speak it……
Hi Sparki…..hmm…about the Anil comment…i dunt know!!!!! But its kinn atrue cuz he never really looks bad with anyone! i just noticed it….hehe….actually i thought Farden was horrible in this movie!!!! well maybe not horrible…but he wasn’t that good…i lyked how at the end (was it anil or fardeen?) that told Salmaan that he was dancing (or singing) lyk Aish!!!!! haha…was funni…..The only song i liked was No entry…the rest were weird….
I really liked the movie. I though tit was great and RANI WAS TOO GOOD IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was weird wen Shahrukh was all shaky(u noe his hands) in it…but my mommee sed dat if u have a life lyk his(in movie) u will be lyk dat too….then it made sense….Princess1- wat parts are missing?……
Sparki- u didn’t lyk it enough to watch it again? I thought it was worth another watch
Queen- i saw that movie too. I liked it, but lyk u i was also confused……has anyone seen the really old movie of Ormila? the one called Kaun….wasn’t that a really weird move? Esp. wen she is talking to her mom but the phone line is not even connected!!!!!!!!!!!! it was freaky…..that one guy Manoj Bajpai was in it too…….