I think this is a really cute quote:
One night, the moon said to me, “If love makes you cry, why don't you leave your lover?” I looked back at the moon and said, “would you ever leave your sky?”
Hi didi! Missed you too!
shouldn't you be sleeping? abhi takh jaag rahi ho?
Gosh dii! We were so wrong that you had to post it up four times? lol.
You know, I was going to say, “Tumne mere liye itna kuch kiya?” But it didn't sound right.
What I tell you?!? My hindi/urdu sux! haha.
But dii, correct me every time i say somethign wrong, teekh hai? and Boo can correct my English. hehe!
Shakalaka Baby:
I don’t have double standards, is all I wanted to say. “you have to change yourself to fit religion” – what? Compromise on who you are, what you want to be, because religion asks you to do so? Needless to say, I completely disagree.
Religion is not some regime, it's a way of life… And it's a way you CHOOSE to live…
I agree!
Actually, I think I am right! lol.
crajee? I thought we already disscussed this? I am not the crajee one. lol. aaaah! I need sleep!
yes, it was great.
sleep? ohmy! did i tell you? I was up till 4 last night trying to finish up my essay!!! It was assigned two weeks ago, and I started on it the night before it was due! Ugh! I was like a zombie at school! lol
I still stick to my sheep theory (lol… I have a feeling this will need to be edited too… sigh…), because I feel we are following religion blindly. We don’t pause for a moment to consider that things could be different, and the different aspect of things is not so bad, in all honesty. When people ask why we are doing some things, religion-related, we say because that is what my religion says I must and must not do. And that reason irks me so much.
If you ask me, you also have a religion, Boo. It's called Atheism, and to be an athiest, you must not believe in God. The rules that this religion has is that you get to make up your own rules. Do what you think is right and be ur own kind of God. Don't athiests follow their religion blindly? Do they “pause for a moment to consider that things could be different, and the different aspect of things is not so bad, in all honesty”? I understand that most athiests are usually born with a religion and when they decide they don't like religion, they become athiest, which, in my opinion, is also a religion. But you have to understand, not everyone who has a religion follow it blindly, thousands of people ask questions, that's why we have scholars. I ask so many questions too! I ask so that I can learn, and i do learn, and i also understand it as well. So I do not think I am following my religion blindly at all. My friend is also an athiest, one day I asked her why she doesn't believe in God. Know what she said? She said, “Because I am athiest.” Isn't that just like what you said? Instead of saying it is part of my religion, she said i'm athiest. In my opinion, atheism is a religion, Boo.
And as an atheist, the moment things don’t go my way, I don’t blame religion. Some things in life I do blame religion (not in my life, just general happenings in life) for, but when it comes to my life… as I said, I am the boss. I blame myself for doing things ‘wrong’, whatever they may be. Or I accept that the situation has put me in this position and try my best to rectify it. You blame yourself because you are the boss, in other words, God, of your life. So ur still blaming your religion, which is atheism. Don't you see? As an atheist, that is what you are supposed to do, and that is what you do! It's just like a religion…
that's more like it! although, it is quite fun being pagal!
oh my! I can just imagine you correcting people once you learn hindi! grrrrrrrrrroooooaaaaaaaaannn!
hey! u weren't supposed to agree with me! lol.
In that case, you should have said, “Tumne mere liye itna kiya?”
*I hope i'm not teaching boo anything wrong* lol
Tum mere liye itna bhi kiya hai?
Since we're correcting today…what exactly are you trying to say? lol. That I would do this much for you or that I did this much for you?
and fine, if u really want to be faltoo, then be my guest!
*excited to read Boo's crazily awesome post, but doesn't want to let her know*
It sounds right.
Okay ji, I will.
Tayba ji! Don't give me too much credit! It makes me nervous.
Boo hunn! I am so glad you liked your birthday present! And hunn, don't trip. you don't have to write a whole lot as your reply. The smile is enough for me. Like I said, If I could do anything to bring about that smile, I would. And i'm glad to know that I can, and did.
I'm really sorry everyone couldn't make it.
Thanks for coming Madhu ji! I know you're really busy, and I appreciate you taking out time to post something for Boo.
Loverofmusic…kahan ho aap?!
sigh… just remembered you for no apparent reason…
She's busy hunnz. She told me she was gonna come for your surprise, but i guess she couldn't make it. sorry ji.
good going then!! better than me, at least… actually, the correct way to say it would be:
tum – ho
aap – hain
BUT sometimes AAP and HO are used together… DON'T ask me why haha… I am still learning…
Really? wow! I didn't know that! In fact, I don't know a lot about the grammar, i just say what seems right to me!
and i'm the pagal one?!? *rolls eyes*
Congratz person above me!
But umm…why does that make you feel love isn't written for you?
Shakalaka Baby:
It's just the greatest (or should I say worse?) present we can give you for your birthdayHappy birthday Serio!!
*let me be boo ji for a min.* you should say worst.
*hmm, it wasn't as fun as i thought it would be.*
lol. kidding ji.
Can love fail? I don't think so. the reason I am not positive is because I have never experienced love. But, I do believe in love.
I don't think that it is love that makes us unhappy, I think it is the situation that makes us feel how we do.
… but when love brings you more pain than pleasure, is really 'love' doing so?
I think it is your expectations of love that give you the pain.
If people hurt you so much, then it can only be because you gave them your heart, right?
Right. But not right when it concerns general situations. Like some random stranger on the street can say something to you and hurt you, but that doesn't mean you gave them your heart…
If I find a guy I love, with all my heart, I will let him know so. At the same time, if I find ANOTHER guy whom I love with all my heart, I will let him know so too.
errr…I want to believe that that is not possible.
Whether I am being 'unfaithful', or a 'player', or whether I am confused as to whom I see as a friend and whom I see as a lover – all this means nothing to me.
There is no reason whatsoever why I should not be free to love whom I please, when I please… why should we be bound down by 'rules' of 'society'?
You would really do that? goodness! I won't even be able to tell one!
But…what if you hurt both of the guys? Tell them both, “I love you,” and they both end up falling in love with you(if they don't already) and then, at the end, you decide you know which one it is that you truly love and say ba-bye to the one you don't…won't it hurt the guy? Or what if you decide you love a whole new guy and leave both of the first guys? wow.
Shakalaka Baby:
Boo… now you're talking about love in a friendship way, I was talking about love in a really true love way… Of course some other guy can have a special place in my heart, but I will never tell that person I love him… I will tell him he's a great friend and so on, but the only person I say “I love you” to, is the one I'm together with… In my case my b/f… I can not really love two persons and be together with one…
would you do so with a girl? why should it be any different if it is a guy? isn't love the one and same thing?
eugh…ur confusing me…are you saying the love you feel for a guy is the same as the love you feel for a friend or family? Cuz if you are, I dissagree. Love is love. But that doesn't mean you love everybody the same way. Your love for different people is different.
But let me remind you, I have never been in love, so yeah…
Am Rani:
As I see how “limited” people who believe in God can think… Not all of them of course, but some always say “because” if you ask them questions about life, and everyhing that has to do with it.
I highly dissagree. When I ask an athiest why he/she doesn't believe in God, they always say, “Because there is no proof of God.” What kind of answer is that? Of course there is proof.
Am Rani:
It's hard for me to believe in a God. When something really bad happens to me, I just can't say: It's Gods will, and than go on with my life. I sometime admire people who can, but it does not work for me.
I understand that it may be diffcult for you, but read serio's second post.
Am Rani:
I don't want to say I'm an atheist, definately not, but most of the time, I don't really feel a need to have any religion in my life. Most of the time I think as human beings, we have enough brains en sensibilaty, to see what's right and wrong.
It all comes down to who gave you that brain.
Am Rani:
Example: My best friend used to have a boyfriend, years ago. We were pretty young, but she really love him at that moment, so she decide to sleep with him. After a long time, the relationship ended..
In most religions, she's “damned”. if she wants to become christian (she's an atheist as well),she should feel sorry for what she did, and she should suffer from that for th rest of her life and beyond.
But at the moment she really loved that boy, she only loved him, and the relationship felt right. Who is God than to say she did something wrong?? It's up to her to decide if she has to feel sorry about it or not. She has to face herself, and if she's ok with herself, than it's fine.. Who is God to say she did something wrong? God, of course.
Why does it always come down to s.e.x? Why do people want to have s.e.x so badly before they are married? What if your relationship doesn't work out? Then you go and find another guy, and sleep with him as well…Then, if that doesn't work out either, you find another guy, and if that doesn't work out either, NEXT! I mean, Come on! Imagine how many people you sleep with! It's completely disgusting if you ask me. But if you're okay with that, then hey, it doesn't make a difference to me. But think about AIDS…
The simple, pointless things… the ones that have nothing to do with ‘God’, but are simply the s h i t of society that people are expected to carry around with them… the idea of no s e x before marriage, for instance… . These have NOTHING whatsoever to do with having someone out there to look for for guidance and support (this being ‘God’, of course). THIS is what I am against.
These are not stupid or pointless hunny, and they have everything to do with God looking out for you. s.e.x before marriage may cause AIDS, and it has. Wearing a burkha protects a woman's beauty. If a guy wanted to rape a woman and he saw two woman all alone(w/e), an