Everybody was being mean to me today.
oye hoye! There ya go Habeebati! You are officially special.
lmao! Thanks for the pm Am Rani ji, or else I would have gone crajee.
Theres a place u can run away and hide,
from teh pain girl if only for awhile
life has been treatin u so wrong n iono if ida been that strong
so let me know if theres nethign ju want i b there
let me kno if i can b the one u run n talk to
U shud know that i admire u for ebery strength that u hav shown
i'll b rite where u are
cuz i bleeb in u, no matter what i b by ur side
and everythigns gonna be alright
i bleeb in u, and wen it hurts i will dry ur eyes,
u will make it thru cuz i bleeb in umemories of teh past will go with time
fade away like the marks on ur skin
he nebber knew the person that u are
cuz he nebber got to kno the girl thas within
so let me know if theres nething u want i'll b there
let me kno if i can b the one u run n talk to
u shud kno that i admire u for ebery strength u have shown
i'll b rite where u are
i bleeb in u no matter wut i b by ur side
i bleeb in u now everythigns gonna be alright
n wen it hurts i b by urside
u'll make it thru cuz i bleeb in uHe was the cause n the cure of ur heartache
for he was all that u needed
oo dotn u bleeb that ur ebber alone i will b there for u ebery step of the way
I BLEEB IN U =)[bolded all cuz it all applies., ilu]
Hey Shereena ji! I love the lyrics to this song! So beautiful! Can you please tell me what it's from? I want to send it to a friend.
Rani…please stay there!!
Oye hoye! If I stay there what will happen to the love in this forum ji? I'm the cupid around here, remember? I have to stay and shoot some arrows here, na?
I found this online:
I really liked this quote, and wanted to put it on my myspace page, but I wanted to change it a bit first. Here is the changed version:
♥ Wait for the guy who would do everything to be your anything. ♥
I like my version better.
Dii…you make me go into my dream world…
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
din mere din ke jaise nahi
tanha badan, tanha hai ruh, nam meri aankhen rahe
bheegi hai har pal aankhen meri
jeena bura sa lageOye, chado ladki! jeena bura sa lage…. dont you ever think tht!
lol! Oye dii! I'm not thinking like that! I'm just saying ji…
Tayba! I love the lyrics to that song! i'm so in the right mood to sing some of the lines from the song!
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
and I just love this line:
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me
*sigh* Me and my favorite lines!
Am Rani:
Hahaha, I know the feeling about the name thing. I don't like it either when someone has the same name as me. Here in Holland, we have a singer who has the samen name as me. When she just got famous, everybody thought that I was named after her. But she got famous when I was about 12 or 13 years old, and before, no one knew here.My parents just liked the name, not the singer… LOL
A singer who has the same name as you? She's lucky, you have a nice name. I would have told everyone that once she got famous, she changed her name and decided to name herself after me(u, actually) because my name is so pretty!
Am Rani:
A common Afghan name…. hmm, let me think… I'll find out, hahahaha!What did your “cakename” mean in Spanish?
lmao! I'm not telling you what my “cake-name” meant in Spanish! You'll figure it out then! hehe. But I will give you a hint
, my name isn't Afghani, it's an Arabic name. Lots of Afghans use it, the way my parents did, but it's more common in the Arab countries.
Am Rani:
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
[Am rAni ji is a blonde! She told me so herself in one of the threads.I did not!!! Where is this thread than, huh? huh? huh?
Didn't you? It was in the Say Something Above me Thread…hai na? Am I wrong? I'm sorry if I am, but I thought it was you who said that…or Shakz? It was one of you! I know it was!
I just can't remember which one! lmao! I'll even look in the threads one of theses days, but if i'm wrong, then sorry! I'm becoming a budhi so forgive my lack of memory.
now kids… stop fighting…..
Eugh, I was gonna say that.
lmbo! I want to see Seriocomic being nice for once..JUST ONCE! hahaha I know i wont believe it at first..but im sure i will….Eventually
You have to be special for that.
Tayba hunnz
aur ek saal aur kareeb hogaya mein apni maut ke….
and I am another year closer to my death…
Boo ji! As soon as i read what Am Rani ji wrote, I was gonna go and translate everything Baqz ji said as soon as I was finished reading everything, but you already did it!
and you did it well too! lol. The blah blah made me laugh!
oh well, imma translate what Boo couldn't translate, just to see what mistakes Khushi will catch this time.
din mere din ke jaise nahi
tanha badan, tanha hai ruh, nam meri aankhen rahe
bheegi hai har pal aankhen meri
jeena bura sa lage
hey! How can I ever hate my jaaaaaaaan? I love you ji! Eid day was awesome just cuz of u! yeah, we did lose quite a few kids , but I did have fun! I was just worried about ur feet.
Habeebati jaan! Come with me naaaa! Okay, promise me u'll come with me tomorrow? Please? I'm calling u up tomorrow so I can take u to Madressa. I don't care, ur coming with me tomorrow Inshallah, and that's it. the end. hehe.
Rani:that song always reminds me of you? awww! Thanks hun!
you know, that song could well have been your own voice… really. looking at the translation (i know the song off by heart, but hey! never saying no to a translation!
), i just know it could well have been your own words… just rememberig our past conversations…
I love you ji! So much!
I'm delighted you feel that way.
Am Rani:
Awww, Rani, it just sucke.d that they spelled your name wrong!!
I hate it when such things happen, people try to do something nice for you, and someone elkse messes it up by spelling you name wrong…
You know what? You make me really curious what your real name is….
No, It wasn't that bad, I didn't really mind, i only minded the last time! lol. It meant something not-so-cool in Spanish. lol.
and sachi? hehe. My real name is(if I do say so myself) beautiful! lol. It's about one of the few things i like about myself. Ask Habeebati, I get so irritated when someone else has the same name as me! I'm like, “That's mine! You thief!” lmao! Which sux cuz my name is pretty common.
Am Rani:
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Am Rani – Hi Hunny! aww! you're too sweet! Thanks for the amazing wishes! I hope you're always smiling! Will you also promise me something? Always keep in touch with me, okay? I don't wanna lose a friend as amazing as you!
That's sweet, hunny! Of course we will keep in touch, Insh'allah/Deo Volente (Latin for “if God wants it”). You are dear to me as well, I just told Yemenilicious how lucky she is because she has you as a real life friend
Yay! Deo Volente, We will always keep in touch, Inshallah.
and I'm also really lucky to have Habeebati(Yemenilicious) as a friend. She really is amazing.
Marine! Thanks hunnz! I loved the pics! They are so cute! Especially the angel ones! Yay! Thanks! It's okay ji, I was late in wishing u, and u r late in wishing me, we r even.
hehe. luv ya hunn!
What do I say to the budha who didn't wish me?
I guess I'll say Happy Birthday!
Habeebati jaaaaan, u know i love ur ghettoness. u better come to Madress today! I have lots to tell u about last night!!!
lol! I love my Boo ji! She may say some crajee things while she's in her crajee mood becuz she's been listening to crajee kiya re from Dhoom 2 all day, but we can forgive her for her crajeeness, hai na?
Am Rani:
Sweet dreams, Rani Afghani, hope you are sleeping by now… Crazy girl, hanging around here in the middle of the night…
*sigh* crazy indeed.
Am Rani:
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Habeebati, come with us!!!! lol. One day, imma make u shop with us! u'll go crajee!!!and btw, we couldn't go to Hayati's house today.
Did you never shopped together before? Yemenilicious and you, I mean? (if you don't want to answer, that's fine, it's none of my business anyway..)
LOL Am Rani. we never have..isnt that weird. but not in our world. the fact that I havta look after 6 lil monkeys hasn't gave u the chance to go shop with beautiful Rani. InshaAllah one day, we'll plan it out and it'll work out. =p luvya!!
and it's all ur fault! We should bring all of ur six monkeys wiht us!!! OhmyAllah! we'll have a blast! Remember when they were trying to teach me tricks at ur house?!? and remember on Eid day?!!? When we went to the zoo and we lost so many kids!!! *sigh* That was an amazing day at the end.