yes boo PIMP!! thats totally my word..Rani imma kill juuu! stop stealing my words when describing my stuff bahaha. i dont make sense
oye! u wish! That's my word! don't be stealin my words!
haha pshtt u? young. haha ur about to be legal in a yr. so be happy! whooohoo! Isnt Baba Ali Hilarious! baha. ALLAHU AKBAR!!
of course i'm young! ur a budhi! Oye! He's hilarioussss! But he's definately right! Alhumdulillah. the burping part was funny! But I never heard anyone burp while I'm praying. Thank Allah!
yep yep! Allahu Akbar!
*talks super fast* This is Ally(he's said Ally! Not Ali!) reminding you, just in case u forgot!
Niqaaaabi ninja! Me loved ur video! the pics were pimp! Now go start on ur poem!
oye u lovelyness, thinking about me? oye hoyeee! and Baabul has released. Me watched it already.
Habeebati, thanks! hehe.
Appa? U miss her? She betrayed me.
ahaha, ur very funny. snatching, stealing same difference!
Inshallah ur parents will say yes!
Am rani ji, haan, I remember. lol. a bit late, na? better late than never, is what i always say!
Oye Ninja! That was her!?!?! Imma kick her butttttt! Plus, she insulted Rani ji first! That lil….grrrrrr. How dare she! Rani aint short and ugly, okay she is short, but she aint ugly! And plus, im a shorty, and i'm pimp! Rani is pimp too. hehe
oye! Tell ur hubby i said sorry! I shall not say his name on here again….ABDULLAH!!!
hehe. sowwie. I couldn't resist. Mustafa? He's good, he called last night, said he was having fun without me! grrr! That lil beezee! hehe. he's rude. and yep yep! We'll drag them both with us Inshallah!
haha. Takbeer!
ur a majnoon! (p.s. is dat right? lol)
yeah yeah, don't get smart with me! else i won't help u kick ur kids' butttts!
oye, i will watch umma films! I just turned it onnn! loser! How do u say loser is Arabi? Telll me!
oye, no baji vaji! I'm jawaaaaan! (young) lol. peace outtt!
P.S. 30 DAYS?!?! You're gonna die!!!!
MY lovelyness?
wasn't it YOUR lovelyness (as in: “Your Highness”)?
SO good to see you online!!
yeah, actually it was! lol. woops! Sorry ur lovelyness! good to see u too.
Rani's signature:
…jee mein aata hai, tere daman mein, sar chuupake hum, rote rahen…
Wow… that was Aman's (Bolly_Lover's) signature too… I still remember her, having that signature…
I miss her as well.
How are you, Rani?
oye, u missin too many people. Kiska hai ye tumko intezaar, main hoon na!
I love that, that's why i put it up. and plus, i'm kinda in a mood for it too. haha
How are you ji? I haven't spoken properly to u in aaaaages!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
I love the way you say that dear…
me too, my lovelyness!
Oye Ninja! I'll ask her, aiight? Then u better come! hehe. We'll have tonz of fun Inshallah! Remember last time u came? It was fun! Especially at the party when u stole the curler from us and started to curl appa's hair!
u thief! hehe.
lol! But u have six! ohmyAllah! U take three, and i'll take three, okay? i want the lil girl, the second smallest one, and the oldest girl, okay? U take the rest! We'll pretend it was an accident! lol.
Hey, why don't u come over? bring all the kids, we have guests coming over anyway, and my mom would love to have u come over too! Go and ask ur hubby if u can come! goooo!
What a retarded. I triple time X it :@ Comes at all the wrong times, and then when you need it to so the crap you studied can go to the other side of your brain and be processed and saved it decides it doesn't want to come and leaves you laying there for like hours. So your left exhausted and tired and drained but awake. :@ plastnerd hope it gets it butt kicked :@
lol! me too! I hlep u kick its butt, or better yet, i do it for u! hehe. read a really boring book, it'll put u to sleep.
aww Habeebati, are ur kids draining u of all ur energy? I kick their butt for u! hehe. except the lil one, i'm scared of him!
pssh! Yusuf is crajee. Ur way better! and jur friend aint touchin me.
immature? immature? immature?!?!? lol! ur right!
My Qur'aan? We were learning surahs, jaan. Well, that's in the Qur'aan, but still
yo, i gotta bounce. peace out jaan.
u better teach again! else…
U can never say no to anyone!
(woops! Only when ur the teacher tho! lol. I love the way u said NO! when dat crazeeee girl kept asking to write the stupid date on the board!)
“the gilr who eats in front of appa” lol! I LOVE her! She taught me what habeebati means, remember? She called me that, and i was like, “excuse me?” lol! She killed me with a kiss on thursday! she grabs my face and kisses my cheek hekka hard! i was like OW! haha. and then, when we were going to pray, i gave her a biiig hug and she was like, “hey, we might give the little girls a bad impression” then she touches my arm in a nasty-ish way and says “we r only friends, girls” lmao!!! She's psycho!!! and remember how she took my hijaab at the wedding shower? She tied it around her hips and dragged me to the dance floor! I can't believe I danced! lol. She was going crajee and makin me go crajee as well! hehe.
*sigh* beautiful memories again!
what do u mean stop being so nice? I'm not being nice! I'm just telling u the truth, u sing hekka good mashallah.
i love ur repeat.
lubz u too jaan!
Who really cares?
Who really cares when I talk?
What I feel?
What I say?
Nobody not really
Who wants to take
The time to find a stand?
I would like someone to heal me
With some empathy
That I can't find…
Nobody not really
Maybe I'm invisible to the world
Is there anyone in the world who even thinks of me
As more than just a hopeless cause?
Maybe the world is not my block
My stoop
My life…
My dreams…
My anything, anything
Who wants to help?
Oh but she's so tired
Powerful, but you're not here
I'm alone in a big empty space with
Nobody not really…
LOL Rani Jaan. teaching…fun?? lmbooo!! ur crajee my dear! I make an awesome teacher…right! true indeed. loll Rani's like “Don't send me out, we're friends” I'm like “Naopee, business is business.” lmbo! I really did have fun. and woahhh that girl was too obsessed with the date. acting like none of us know the date. yeah u know what..i regret not sending her out. ehhh ohh well, next time, I shall think twice b4 offering to teach. InshaAllah. But i really did have fun! Imagine if u weren't there and me stuck in that class without Rani. bahaha. okay yeah ill go to bed now. I love uuuuu jaan!
Allah Hafiz
You do make an awesome teacher! Just ask Abdallah! lol.
and ur a meannie! U were gonna send me out! I was like noooooo! hehe. “business is business” huh. and she was obsessed with the date! hehe! I love the way u handled it. and she didn't even know the date! haha! She's one crajee girl! But dude, she can sing!
ha, so can u! ur way better than Yusuf! Seriously! and dude, u havta teach again! Even (the psycho who eats right in front of Appa!) was saying so!
awww poor u! I don't know what u would have done without me!
lol. i'm so conceited! hehe. no, of course i'm not.
Did u have a headache afterwards? hehe.
wow…what i just wrote is so confusing! haha. oh well, love u too jaan!
P.S. boo ji, habeebati is right, i'm the best classmate ever! I always make people laugh with my crajee questions!
*sigh* I'm so glad i joined madressa. I learned so much and made so many beautiful memories there. Hai na, habeebati?
I liked it.
Sushmita looked beautiful and i loved her acting. She cries so beautifully. I love her voice and the way she talks for some reason.
The scenes in which she was crying were so sad.
I love the fact that her character was so optimistic in the movie…
Am Rani:
I'm very happy I did not marry the guy in the end…. Sjoefff, lucky me
Since i'm here, I might as well answer the question!
probably my sister. everyone thinks we are twins! It's really crazy
Next question:
Who do you think about the most? (just generally, who is on ur mind the most?)
Thanks Tayba! I really love it. Do you have a video link to it? i looked on youtube but didn't find it.
Can I dance with the Canadian too?
Hope u feel better jaldi Shereena.
Ameen. You are always in my duas.
lol! Everyone was mean! i made a mental list of all the people who were mean! hehe!
oye! Isn't teaching fun ji?!? You should teach our class everyday! U make an awesome teacher ji! I loved it when you sent _____ out of class!
You should have sent the mean one out too! lmao. kidding, of course!