oye oreo! try my Afghani food, it'll be all yummy! not yummyky. lol.
homous? never tried it.
chocolate chip cookies
person above me is one of the bestest human beings I have ever had the honor of calling my friend.
bilkul sahi!
Why did we stop debating? Boo got her answer?
and I can just hear u trying to pronounce it! double hilariousness!
Scar face:
remember Rani with Kaporas in her hand, all tempting
ooh la la. very tempting.
who cares what u feel? lol.
Seriously, nobody is even gonna think anything! The only people that have been going this whole week is my sis, me, Hayati, and the girl who eats right in front of appa! And just imagine how many girls are gonna come tomorrow! u won't be alone ji! and plus, i'll be there! I haven't seen ur booootifoool face in aaages!
u bestest. lol. I wish I was there to see her reaction!!!! I can't believe u actually told her! gooo ninja! whoo hoo!
Oye Ninja! I don't care, she aint gonna say nothin! Remember? She said, “so?” She don't care! Last day na!!! Please come! I'll take u! It'll be fun! Pleaj? see? I'm even talking like juu!
*gives Ninja the puppy eyes*
U help as well Scar face. lets get this partyyy started! whooohooo! sit back and enjoy serio. All this rubbish talk u dont want to hear shud be interesting..:D:D:D
Ur pagal!
rubbish talk is the best kind, Oreo ji! So chill.
Ninja- what u mean have fun? U better come!!! How can we have a party without you? not fair.
Come with me, na? ppppwwwweeeeaaaazzzeee??!?!? We're gonna have KAPORAS! lol!
I wanna blame it all on you, but it's not even your fault…
oye, u ruined it. I wanted u to run so i could have him all to myself.
lol. kidding.
Inshallah, I'll bring donuts and cuppycakes! YUM!
umm telling a dear friend of mine that her brother has passed away
Do I know this person?
Whats the toughest thing youve ever had to say to someone?
I can't think of anything specific right now, but there must be a lot. Like I'm sorry, when it wasn't all my fault and the other person didn't want to say sorry because he/she thought it was all my fault, but I said it anyway just so that we can be cool with each other again cuz i hate fighting with ppl. Also saying sorry for the mistakes that were mine. I don't know why, but saying sorry is kinda tough. And also telling Ninja sad news, that was tough. Other than that, I can't remember.
And saying good bye to all of you on BWL, it's so hard that I'm delaying it! lol.
Same question
I miss person above me. I haven't spoken to her properly in aaages!
I lub uuuuu Ninja!
I don't lub uuuuu Oreo!
nessa ji- I do love cupcakes! i should take some to the party! whoo hooo! I will Inshallah! Thanks Nessa ji! You always seem to help me out without even trying! now, you're da bestest! lol.
I have tried the Halaal ones, and they're icky.
anyone ever tried Afghani food? Won't name a dish just in case no on has, but if u have – yummy or yucky?
aww! Let the poor guy dream ji! hehe.
Madhuri Dixit:
Nigehbhania – Guard, Janitor, Keeper, Protector, Warden, Watchman
Thank you for the translation.
But in the song, he says, “Pareshaaniyan bhi do, hairaaniyan bhi do, Nighebaania bhi de do, de do naa” I don't get it. The song is all about how he is going to protect her, so why does he say that? It doesn't make sense. If you could explain it, I would appreciate it.
Ninja – Oh em geee! lol! when I was talking to Hayati on the phone one day, she said that, and I said Oh em A! lol! She didn't get it.
Of course u had to think it was sweet, I wrote it!
lol. Actually, it's kinda cheezy.
I made it in like 5 mins so I dunnoe! lol. You have two more days hunnz! Today and tomorrow! We have a party tomorrow! I wanted to make Afghani food, but my sis is too lazy and she won't help.
Hayati wants me to bring donuts(lol. i like spelling it that way
) so i guess i'm taking donuts! u better come! I want ur ice cream cake!!!!!! lol. Inshallah.
lol. uh-oh, we're ruining oreo's thread, he's gonna kill us! Run!