Yes, it is stated in Islam that we should eat meat because God gave it to us so that we can eat it.
Yes, that is where Qurbani comes from.
Khushi, are you vegetarian?
Oye! Very late mr Desi Hunk ji! and in a new thread too?!?! Dude! U shud have posted it in the “special” thread.
lol. vatevar. aap ki marzi.
Nikah?!?!!? ooooohhh! With the angel si ladki?
Anywho, very sweet of u. Thanks for making it…!
God gave us meat, of course we can eat it!
it's YUMMY!
aiight, I gotta BOUNCE!
I'm outty like a Saudi!
Fo shiggity! begging is FUN! lol.
u bestest beg hard enuf! I wanna see u tomorrow!
Rufus? She's rufus now? ewww! not rufus please! It sounds creepy! lol. and she doesn't even say it like that for the fun of it, that's actually how she says it when she talks in English! She only says it right when she's talking in Arabic!
WHAT?!?!? More important than ME?!?! lol. Astaghforallah, of course it's more important. I'm proud, but I still miss him ji! lol. and my man is strong, he can kick their butts and get to the black stone! lol. oops! no kicking butts allowed! he's also nice, can get there without hurting anybody. lol.
oh, dats right! How could I forget? lol. Missing Mustafa, dats why.
Scar face:
it was a difficult road to walk through……but am here now ;-).
I forgot about ur beautiful kids! They sleeping? awww!
she means ur the flame and Oreo ji is the fly(moth would be better, but w/e) and oreo ji is drawn to u the way a fly would be to flame…
person above me doesn't get it.
I get u Scar Face!
I admire your strength.
Scar face:
[ Yup dats wat friends are for, completing you in many ways
aww. that was sweet.
I don't wish for anyone to be in this situation either. I have seen a wonderful person go through this, it's amazing how strong she is. I love her to death.
Hang in there, Scar Face. Allah does everything for a reason.
Falafil? Me wanna try! Gimme some Ninja!
corn on da cob
Person above me is a weirdo, par dil ka acha hai(good at heart).
I love you too Ninja! Anna yuhibu kaafilah? right? that's how it goes?
You're welcome hunnz.
sometimes we can't express what we feel, but it's okay, we have friends to help, na?
I have never been in this situtaion ji, but I kind of know how you feel.
Mozlem! the-girl-who-eats-right-in-front-of-appa talks like that! How annoying! I'm like, It's Muslim! Get it straight! She's a psycho! How many times do I gotta sa it? I lubbbb her! lol.
and u got dat right! they bestest show some respect!
first help yourself, then place your trust in Allah. You can't just sit there, wanting to go, and say if Allah wills, I'll go.
How u gonna go ji? Come with me? And if you have transportation, then say Inshallah!
Scar face:
- The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else. ;-(
I agree.
I beg to differ, Scar Face… an angel who has come my way has shown me, that Love is Love is Love. The feelings of love are so pure that they can never scar your heart, only help it to blossom and grow – regardless of whether that Love is returned or not.You do what YOU want to do, and if the other person does not reciprocate, what does it matter? When Love is genuine, it does not care for receiving, it cares only for giving…
I think. Because I still hold to that quote, “The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is to love AND BE LOVED IN RETURN.”
I don't agree. To an extent, it's true. But someone who has just fallen in love might think that way. Someone who cares only about loving. But mostly, someone who has a hint that the person they are loving, also loves them back.
I may be wrong, or it may be just my opinion…but when you fall in love, yes, it is a beautiful feeling, but if the person u love doesn't return your feelings, it hurts. This doesn't mean your love lessens. Not at all. In fact, it may make it stronger.
You do what YOU want to do, and if the other person does not reciprocate, what does it matter?
It matters. It hurts. It's hard. But you learn to live with it for the sake of your loved one. Love is love is love, even with the hurt…
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that if you love someone and the person doesn't love you back, it won't affect how strong your love is for the person if ur love is true, it won't make it any less. But it still hurts, it's still hard to watch them with someone else. But you live with it, and eventually, the pain may even go away and all you are left with is your true love for that person.