Desi Hunk:
Rani informed me and told about your birthday, very kind of her.. shabsh kiddo![]()
Yup yup! Shabaash to moi! hehe. I won't even mind that ur calling me kiddo
, since u did ur best to make it special for boo ji!
and DH, no problem about ur lateness.
Everything is great with me, dude. Tell us about the Nikaah!
Her Queenly-Ness:
Oye da bestest..stop wit da
! Don't want ur face to do dat ting!
Onlee u can place 'ness' in da ghetto, but puhleeze keep an eye on her, yes?
You make me feel so special ji! lol. Okay ji, no more
, what say? lol. and fa sho! I'll keep an eye on her.
whhhooooo hooooo! I can be ghetto! Let's take ghettoness to da extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeme! lol. (don't tell anybody, but i don't even know how to be ghetto to da extreme! hehe)
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Oye Nessa! But Ghetto sounds even better with the Ness!
Cuteeeeeeeeeeeee! I can just imagine you saying that… even though I've never heard your voice lol
lol. Thanks! I can imagine u smiling, even though I have never seen ur smile! lol.
Oye, Ninja ji, better late than never, kyun?
wooooaaahhhhh…hold on to yer horses khushi. first of all, this aint a madhouse, its an asylum. get the term right. secondly…perhaps u can give out yer luurrrrveeee to someone else. like boogedy for example. she needs it.
pah. it's a MADHOUSE…
YOU get the terms right ji…
you know me so well, why don't YOU give out da lurveeee then?
what is the “filed Under” stuff for? It won't show up here, but on the previous page, it says “Filed under:…” What is that for?
Salaam homies!
Eid Mubarak to everyone!
– Ameen!
I miss Tayba ji so much. She usually has a lot to say on Eid.
May Allah Ta'ala bless her with happiness, hamesha.
Khushi dii, I put Muslim woman in the subject because we were talking about Muslim women and the hijaab. Not because we were excluding any other kind of modest attire.
Yes God has given us angels but devils too – why? There is love but then there is lust too – why? To test us.
So according to the previous discussions are we implying that men are more prone to lust then women?
lol. No, dii. But men are more prone to rape.
Why is it ok for women to admire other women and their physical beauty but wrong to put that admiration into practise? Are you talking about Lesbians here? You're completely changing the subject, dii! lol. But anywho, God made Adam for Eve and He made Eve for Adam…He didn't make another Eve for Eve…hope that answers your question.
I personally dont think so. Why should men be allowed to show themselves as freely as they wish yet women dont. I believe in the beauty of human beings – be it male or females. There are many males (Esp in out lovely Bollywood) that we women go crazy over. In that moment or so, yes we become attracted to them. That is ok? But a man having the same attraction for a woman is wrong?Are we saying that men are more vulnerable to fall for physical beauty and be attracted to it, ignoring the beauty of ones personality?
I also believe in the beauty of human beings, dii. I never said the women can have beauty but men cannot. The reason why a women should cover herself up is because men are more prone to rape. I have never heard of a woman raping a man. If a woman does think a guy is cute, she will not go and rape him, now will she? Yeah, maybe she'll go out with him and date him and all. I don't know. but a man, if he is cruel enough, will actually rape a woman he is attracted to if she won't give him what she wants.
The muslim women should be asking these question, because we are the ones covered…but we are not. Maybe some are, I don't know, but the ones I know do not ask these questions because they are perfectly okay with it. I don't understand why you guys are asking these questions if you don't even wear the Hijaab? If it's just for educational purpose, then okay, but it seems like you guys are fighting for “freedom.” lol.
Then why are men allowed to have more than one wife in Islam? I know that it was actually allowed because of too many widows who needed protection, but now thesedays, that rule is abused pretty massively.
Changing the subject again. lol. But anywho, if Islam ha
Her Queenly-Ness:
…I believe it!
Me too.
BTW, thanks for the info of the song, I'll listen to it when I can.
Oye, Ninja! That was beautiful ji! I love that poem!
yowwwch. i sort of knew i would get a response like that…sorry rani ji, it wasn't meant in ANY offensive way… i just couldn't think of an opposite to 'pearl', to show that they may not be pearls, but… yeah. i put 'devil' in quotes to show it's not how i meant it. it's for want of a better word…
And I know you and most other Muslim women I know (not a lot but hey) are definitely not 'devils' underneath. As I said, it was for want of a better word rani ji…
For my twin, apology accepted. But you should be a bit more careful with your choice of words next time, I took it as I saw it.
I just don't understand the assumption that a woman modestly dressed is automatically revered as a “pearl” (comparison-wise… am I making sense here?), when there is a whole personality, a whole character, mind, views, ideas, dreams, imagination to explore. Why should it be left to assumption that a woman modestly dressed is “as beautiful, innocent, simple, and pure” as a pearl?
Do you have a problem with people assuming that? Let them, because they do look pure and simple as a pearl. Yes, we may not know how their personality is, but that's what friendship is for, na? Talk to them, be friends with them, and if after you have explored their whole character, you do not believe they are pure and innocent, then know that they are not dressing modestly for Allah (SWT). There, one down and millions more left to explore!
Why should it be left to assumption that a woman modestly dressed is “as beautiful, innocent, simple, and pure” as a pearl?
Don't let this offend you or affect you in any way, boo. The quote is not saying any woman who is not dressed according to the Islamic Shariah is not comparable to a pearl. The person who came up with the quote was most likely just stating his/her opinion about the modest attire. It's just that a lot of people agree with them.
What does the dress have to do with anything?
OhmyAllah! lol. oh boo, boo, boo…that's exactly the whole point! lol. It sux that you can't see it.
“I would actually post a picture of a modestly dressed woman and a not-so-modestly-dressed-woman and ask the guys on here what their first response was to both women, but I know they wouldn't reply. lol. darn.” – go ahead rani ji… seriously. Even I am curious to know… 🙂 Or, if you want me to, I will do it…
lol. pagli. okay, I
Thanks for adding in that important bit of information I forgot to mention, Ninja! You are absolutely correct! *hi-five*
Thanks dii and Ninja! U two are eben sweeter!
Nessa ji! That is so sweet! What is that from? I like it! …A lot!
Oye Nessa! But Ghetto sounds even better with the Ness!
I love the fact that we're totally Rubbish-ing all over “Serio's thread” ooh yeahh!
Me too! *hi-five*
Person above me and the person above the person above me are so sweet! Thanks you two! I love juuu too! I'm already starting to feel positive! lol.
Nor is it fair to assume that all women modestly dressed are “pearls”. For all you know, they could be 'devils' underneath their modest attire.
Excuse me? What are you trying to say?
Saying a woman is a “pearl” based on what she wears does not hold for me.
The quote compares a modestly dressed woman to a pearl, it does not say she is a “pearl.” She looks as beautiful, innocent, simple, and pure as a pearl looks when it is in it's shell.
There is so much more to a woman than her way of dressing.
That is exactly why a Muslim women is required to dress so modestly. So many women walk on the street and their beauty is on display, completely on display. Yes, there are women who dress “modestly” without wearing the hijaab. But still, the hair is a big part of a women's beauty, and that is on display. Imagine what the men think when they see those women. Not all guys are perverts, but some men tend to think like that without even noticing it! They don't see that “There is so much more to a woman than her way of dressing.” The modest dressing allows them to give that a thought.
When a man sees a modestly dressed woman from afar, he doesn't start thinking about how beautiful or good-looking she is or how that dress brings out her curves. Some may respect her, and some may not think anything at all and just look away. Some ignorant people are even racist towards her, but they are ignorant, so no use talking about them. But if he is actually able to talk to her, he notices how nice she is, what a nice personality she has, etc. (That is, if she really does have a nice personality)
He is given a chance to know the woman within, and maybe, he might fall in love with her, then if she agress, maybe even get married to her. Now, after they are married, he can enjoy her beauty on their wedding night.
As for a woman who is not modestly dressed, he notices her beauty before he notices her great personality.
This doesn't apply to all women and all men.
Nor is it fair to assume that all women modestly dressed are “pearls”. For all you know, they could be 'devils' underneath their modest attire.
Now, back to this. If you could explain exactly what you mean by “devils,” maybe I could give you a proper response. For the moment, all I will say is that I am definately not a devil underneath my modest attire.
I would actually post a picture of a modestly dressed woman and a not-so-modestly-dressed-woman and ask the guys on here what their first response was to both women, but I know they wouldn't reply. lol. darn.
That was sweet, Shereena. Please let her know that she's in my thoughts.
Desi Hunk!
Aap bhee na! A pleasant surprise…
Who told ya?
I'm dissapointed that you even had to ask. I told him of course! Didn't we tell you? I informed all of the members I could think of for your surprise. Then I asked Tayba to help me remind them…Me so dissapointed.
Inshallah means If Allah wills. Mashallah means just as Allah wished. Mashallah is used when u want to praise someone or something. Example: SHe is so pretty, Mashallah! and Inshallah is used when u intend to do somehting. Example: I am going to the park tomorrow Inshallah.
Make sense?
lol! Ghettoness is FUNness! lol!
…and Khuday pamaan! In Pashto.
lol. Imma miss you jiiii! I wish u could come.
Well, we gonna see each other in Eid Inshallah.
and we r gonna have FUN! Inshallah! lol
comeon her nickname is toooo long! lmbo! yeah i know..we shall teach her how to say it Arabic style even when she's speaking english. haha she's hilarious Masha'Allah. keeps the class alive..
But Rufus? How do u say the funny one in Arabic? or funny? lol. She does keep the class alive! lol. It was hekka fun with her at the Bridal Shower! I got her her fave hershey cookies and cream bar thiny lol.
Shakalaka Baby:
Hahahaha, that gave me a good laugh RaniBut hey… I don't think she wants to kill you! She likes you too much to do so!!
awwww. I like her too! and u too shakz!
Am Rani:
Indeed, Rani Afghani, and you know I do!! (like you to much, not want to kill you
Your lecture made me cry, because it was so sweet. It was a sweet lecture!! It still comes in mind sometimes, it meant a lot to me.. Don't you ever think it doesn't!!
It made u cry? nooo! That's not what it was supposed to do! sweet? lol. I just wanted to make sure u were actually listening. lol.
I'm glad it meant a lot to you.
That convo means a lot to me too.
I love you Am Rani ji!
Am Rani:
Ow, and Rani?? I just LOVE that quote about a woman being modestly dressed!!!!
I LOVE IT, eventhough I don't cover my head myself. Such a nice quote!! I don't know why I love it so much, it just impressed me. And it's so true!! Wonderfull!
It is true. I'm glad you love it. I love it too.
person above me better come to the party today or imma kick her butt!
Am Rani:
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
what do you mean what about my avatar, person above me?
It says: I wish I was as invisible as you make me feel.
Haha, I know it does, but that's not very possitive, is it?
lol. no, it's not positive. Dats cuz i'm not feeling very positive these days.
lol! corn on da cob is hekka YUMMY!
Oye Ninja, I want some of ur yummy steak! lol.
Yogurt, plain yogurt