Nessa ji! If I send you a pm through Vchenoa(replying to the old pms), will you recieve it? Or should I make a new thread for our pms?
of dogs!
I am so scared of dogs!
The person above me gave me an amazing compliment! I also admire her a lot! She's very strong, Alhumdulillah. Also one of the kindest person I have ever met! Very helpful too, Mashallah!
Thanks Tayba ji! It feels great to be admired! Although I don't deserve it. lol. But it feels great! Especially since it's coming from you!
Anything for you, Tayba ji! I miss that day! I remember how excited you were! May Allah always keep you khush!
Salaam my beautiful Tayba ji! I'm so glad to see you! You made my Eid day even better! I really was missing you!
Tayba jaan, I hope you feel better soon Inshallah!
Tayba jaan! See? You did celebrate Eid! Alhumdulillah! Inshallah, you can do lots of fun stuff for Eid-ul Fitr!
The Eid Salaah is a huge celebration just by itself! I am in love with the Eid Athaan and Salaah! The takbeers are amazing Mashallah! Allahu Akbar!
awww! Alhumdulillah, you are so lucky! Inshallah when you go for Hajj, make dua for me! awww! You'll be a Hajji! How cute! Inshallah Imma go one day! Ninja and I are dreaming of going together with our hubbies! Inshallah the dream will come true!
… especially at night in the masjid, outside where you can pray namaaz and the moonlight hits the white marble floor as u go down for sajdah behind the imaam.. the whole masjd goes quite and there's a cool breeze..
*sigh* I have a beautiful image of you going down for sajdah in my head.
Sounds so beautiful, Alhumdulillah.
Oye, Ninja ji! Hayati and I were trying to call you, but you won't pick up. busy, I guess. lol. It was funny, cuz I wasn't doing much and Hayati calls me and tells me to go to her house, I was like Inshallah we'll of course go if we can. My sis is a bit sick.
And we were just talking and her house sounds like it's having a hwole lot of fun! lol! I was like, “What are you doing calling me? Go celebrate!” And She says. “this is part of my celebration!” I was like awww! haha. She's amazing. Then we called her best friend and we were talking to her and then Hayati ditched us and it was just me and her best friend…I was like, “…uh…hi!” lol.
Marine! Those are so beautiful! Thanks hunnz! I love it! I hope all your dreams come true hunny!
Tayba!!! Salaam dear! I missed you! You went for Umrah? Alhumdulillah! That's so wonderful! You are so lucky! Madina looks so beautiful! aww!
thanks for the duas. I pray the same for you darling!
Oye Tayba! Don't say you're not celebrating Eid! You have to celebrate Eid! Just say you guys are not doing anything special this year hunnz. How can anyone not celebrate Eid? Did anybody go for Eid Salaah and did u guys say Eid Mubarak to each other? If you did, that's the celebration hunnz.
I don't want you saying your not celebrating Eid, okay?
lol. I love youuuuuu!
Here's my yummilicious cake, aah i miss it now! lol. What a great evening!
It looked too big when I posted the image on here, so here's the link
I can't believe I missed this! Maybe it's because it's a link, I'll post it up for you so you don't have to click on the link.
I love it! It's so beautiful! and Yummy-looking! hehe. I love the way they wrote your name!
Since it is Eid-ul Adha, I just posted some pics of the Kaabah for all of you.
I love ur siggy too Nisha! But Raf? I can't think of anything. hint please?
Rani, even tho I know nothing about this but i shall guess a movie u told me about a while ago…
Hum Tum
I love u my beautiful dost!
Yay! *hi-five!* That's exactly what I was thinking of! hehe! I love you too beautiful!
New Don! I loved it!
same q.
hot fudge parfait with just a teeny bit of caramel?
ohmyAllah! Still same question?
Nessa…puerca! lmao! poor lady!
Ninja…hahahaha! Ur psycho!
I really can't think of anything… But I know there are tonz! I don't know why I can't think of them…
Well, there was this one time when i was in Afghanistan and my dad's family speaks a different dialect of pashto than my mom's side. I know how to speak my dad's pashto, but my mom's pashto is kinda difficult. But Inshallah imma learn it!
so anywho, we were at my mom's dad's house and we were eating breakfast. My dad told us(my twin and i) to pass something to my grandpa(i forgot what it was) and so we asked my grandpa if he wanted it. He said, “yeah.” That's how it sounded like. My twin and I look at each other, we think, he's talking in English?, we shrug, and hand it to him. We think he said yes, he wanted it. My dad starts laughing and asks us why we gave it to him. We told him, “He said he wanted it.” He laughs even harder! my twin and I are so confuzzled! What is going on!?!? lol! Finally, when my dad stops laughing, he tells us that our grandpa didn't want it, in my mom's pashto, “yeah” means no! lmao! haha! It was psycho!
Still same question! haha.
oye person above me, I want an e-mail tooooo! lol. (kidding ji)
whattt????? the yam…again????? for the 3rd time??????
thats it…i aint playing this thing anymore.
sheeshhh manggg, leave the yammm alone…I repeat.
and who's the beezy who forced u to play this game??? don't play it!
lol. it's beezee! hehe.
Eating animals. Meat comes from them right? So in one sense, infact in all senses we are eating the animals.
Yes, we are eating the animals. But they were made for us to eat(the ones that were made for eating), so it's okay.
On one hand, people feel bad seeing animals get hurt, etc. On the other hand, they eat them.
On one hand, they don't like to see animals getting tortured. On the other hand, they stuff their faces with meat. It is stated in Islam that if you are slaughtering the animal, you must do it in a way so that the animal is not tortured to death. If the animal is pained, the meat becomes haraam and you are not allowed to eat it.
Another thing that bugs me (sorry if this offends people, I really am.) is when people go half and half – i.e. they say they will eat non veg only on certain days of the week. Um. HELLO???!!! What difference does it make to the animal killed whether you eat it on a Wednesday or a Saturday?? How does the day of the week you eat it on affect ANYTHING in ANY way? I find that hypocritical (sorrysorrysorry again), to say “Oh today's a Tuesday, I only eat veg.” And that makes up for all the others days you DO eat dead animals?
lol. sorry, but this made me laugh.
Anywho, I love meat. It's delicious dii! lol. Sorry. *becomes a murghi* wahaaahahahaa! murghi! Get it!?! lol! woops! Sorry!
Hi diiiiii!!!!!
lol, i didnt mean lsebians – i meant admiration. Like you admire Rani. Like admiring cinders – we all want our sandal left at some ball.. lol tht kind of admiration.
Of course u can admire! I love Rani ji! She's da bestest! hehe.
The only reason why i am asking questions about the hijab is because of the picture – showing a woman wearing a hijab- NOT against the quote. Modestly dressed doesnt directly mean the hijab. Modesty comes with upbringing and value. If the girl thinks shes ok with wearing a bikini everywhere- then THT reflects the kind of values she has. Its self explanatory. I dont think clothing necessarily equals intellect, inner beauty and self respect. Its how you go about with it, how you carry yourself makes the difference. The example best known to me: wearing a saree can make u look immodest, if worn in a vulgar manner or make u look respectful if worn with modesty.
I'm confused.
I know girls who wear colourful hijabs, with decorative patterns and broches on it. What does tht imply? Is tht still showing a display of a kind of beauty? Whats your take on this shweetoo? Is tht wrong?
That beauty will reflect the hijaab, not the person. If I see someone like that, I will say her Hijaab is pretty, I won't say she is pretty.Unless, of ocurse, if she is pretty, then I would tell her. But I will notice her hijaab first.
I believe it is wrong to wear really fancy and bright colored hijaabs, because that will attract attention, maybe not sensual attraction, but people, men, will notice u more and look at u more. Right Ninja? Or am I wrong?
Once again, If you want to learn about islam, study the religion, not the Muslims, because some Muslims don't know what they are talking about.
.Because comeon, as Rani said one time. Islam is truly a perfect religion but Muslims arent. Muslim women aint perfect and pure just because they wear the hijaab. Thats exactly why you should never judge a religion by its misguided followers, but rather by its teachings.
Oye! That's true! lol. Islam is perfect, but Muslims aren't.