Sachi? Then whoo hoo!
lol! Ninja, you sound like one of those old ladies admiring a lil kid!
*sigh* I wish I can be a 5 yr old again! Those were the days! No tension vension at all!
oye, Ninja, do I ever listen to Oreo ji?
lol! Ninja, ur crajee!
My feelings…let's see…What do you do when the people that can make you laugh, are the ones that make you cry? lol. messed up people we have in this crajee world.
dude!!! This is our life! And we're having tonz of FUN ji!
Very well said, oreo ji.
lol. yummy of course!
Fruit Gushers!
wow. that's a hard one…I think I would love to be loved because I don't care much for haters…
same! love to be loved or hate to be hated?
I remember when I used to see “pearls” in Oreo ji's user name. hehe. i still see it!
dil vich tera hi khayal rhenda
tu hai badi soni soni dil kehnda
maine tujhse kiya hai pyaar
Tan Mann miraksam
tu jeet meri meri haar
tan Mann miraksam
“Miraksam means let's dance”…pah! I wonder who does these translations! Miraksam does not mean let's dance! It means I'm dancing…my tan and mann is dancing, not my tan and mann let's dance. HA! Crazy people. *shakes head*
lol. No problem Scar Face ji, U can talk to me anytime.
doesn't matter
Her Queenly-Ness:
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lol! I miss herrr!
She is well & busy!!!!! But sends sum lurrrrve!
oh! Then send her moreeee love from meee! hehe!
I guess primary? dunnoe.
crying in private or with people there?
weird question, i know.
lol! Sorry person above me! I replied to ur answer to my question. u know me, i always reply.
Scar face:
Hey hungonna sound off here coz am sooo tired
which guy are u talking about
or more like which song are u referring to ??
Wowzie. How many guys are we talking about here? lol. I'm talking about the guy who is making u sing this song:
Scar face:
But now I know the reason for the pain and the headaches
You left me all alone now I can't even concentrate
I guess I'll wait for the day until you come back
Because my heart is where your love is at
You got me twisted
haan, vadde log, vadde baatein.
By dismiss you mean ignore? or deny? explain please!
and of course I won't be offended! The decision is yours, ji. My duty is to present it to you. If you don't believe…I have done my best.
and btw, can you tell us which religions you have tried?
Perosn above me is nice! hi!!!
Am Rani:
Hee person bove me! Hope you don''t feel offended by my comment on the poem in the RAAANNNNIIII thread… Didn't mean 2!!
lol. Define offended. no, kidding! I lub u ji! I'm not offended at all!
Am Rani:
person above me, Im sure Rani is not offended because I'm not. I like the fact that we're all sharing our beliefs. No offense taken at all.
That's good to hear!! People get offended easily when talking with people who “criticise” their religion. But it's good we can all have our own opinion around here. And I think it's beatiful so see how happy people can be with their religion, and how much joy it brings them. Like you and Rani.. I hope you get what I mean…
lol. uh-oh. if ur criticizing my religion without knowing anything about it, then i'll definately get a bit angry. offended? not sure about that, but definately angry. hehe. and yes ma'am! my religion brings me tonz of joy!
Scar Face ji, were you in love with that guy? Truly in love? and are you still “in love” with that guy?
Sorry, I just want to know… Of course you don't have to answer if you don't want to.
it is cool!
U keep smiling toooooo my ninja! I love you.
hehehehehe! rubish talk is da shizznit!