that you all have the hotz for serio ? honestly, that statement is not for you…its a reminder for serio !
try it…and tell me how it went 🙂
aha ! see, there was no denial in there…just a shocker that the truth is out there….!!!
err…weirdo….go lick ur elbow !
yes…quoting a whole post just to add a lil icon, which doesnt even show…is really helpful now isint it ?!? go lick your elbows !
wannabes 🙂
awwwwwww dude !! how can you say that !!!!!!!! your gonna crush her….umm…watchacallit ? the strongest-muscle-in-the-body !
Scar face:
Scar face:
heres an idea…why dont u, mizz yuuuumenilicious and yr fren, mizz rani not the best, create a new thread so that both of u can talk about yr daily life, whos hot whos not, hayati this, ninja that and all the other c.rap in there?
oh…Banana Day Already ?!?
hello people
my name is Haylie, but i would like to have some cool name for you guys to call me like Proffesor BobbleHead or Headmaster Terdy, or Doctor McKlain, but Rani refused to call me doc. . .
well well well…looks like the 3 stooges is now complete. we have rani is never the bes, yuuumenilicious and now professor thick head. btw, have u read the rules of this forum of death? if u havent, i suggest u go read it first before u start posting.
crocodile dundee
its either that or you juss stupid…:)
Scar face:
got to u ….sooooo soon??
well wateva u say my dear
am in no mood to satisfy yr ego