lmao i give you props Yemmy
hehehehe Yem i love how you get to the point lol
stop spreading love so much jaanu you'll run out of it
how did i know you were gonna ask me about her.
i guess she is since she isn't hom ehehehehe maybe they are playing in the other field
hehehe i'm glad you all agree with me Yem if you go to the old forum its went from a movie to a reality fight hehehehe
Kavs i agree with you iwas go ne for 2 day and had no idea what happened
Don't we all its your faul lfor going Fida on everyone and being to sweet
aare techer ji lets leave the animal style lessons please lol
what i mean is i hace been having a bad weekend so now seeing you to reading hte posts make me laugh
aw thats sounds nice to bad i live in a bad neighborhood or eles i would go for a walk.
SOmone was just yelling at his wife saying i'm gonna kill you and you know i will get away with it no judge can convict me lol
thank you bot i needed this lough today
FIDA FIDA FIDA well what can i say may god help you darling
Yemmy may god help you first love cause you will need it heheheh
Love, like a river, will cut a new path whenever it meets an obstacle.
I loved this
in the world there are two blind people. ONE is you for not seeing my love, SECOND is me for not seeing anything but you
No well before you joined the forum i divorced Baqz for Dh the i divorced Dh for Oreo then i went on to Nitz then came to Oreo anda all this made him craazy i used to chase him and hea ctually left the forum for a while because of it lol me and Nessa are the only people that have chased him away
He is just so sweet when he runs out of things to say lol
lol Baqz already for gods sake at least take some time let the wund in my heart heal first.
I'm good Yemmy a little sick of drama and people who bring then into my life but except that i'm good
Baqz yes she is a wow i knew that from begining glad that now you do to.
Yemmy why why for gods sake what has my daling bubbly bo done to you???
OMG LMAO is Oreo reads this he is gonna have a fit lol
one thing is contagious …and thatz ur naiveness. and am so fallen for it….
hey marine… this Yemmy darling is sooo Wow…!
my naiveness? WAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!
shut the hell up.
hey marine…shut him up pls
Sorry love don't have control over him Baqz is his own person
Yah but isn't he the sweetest though
how are you darling Yemmy