Noted i won’t call you sweety. I’ll just call you other thinks nice thinks i mean hehehe
Nessa sweety i did take it as a joke i was jking to even though i’m not that good at it I never take anything seriously unless you tell me your seriouse. I just should have put it differently so that you would know that i was replying to your joke.AS far as Sub Marine i didn’t know that is was a super hero so thank you for the compliment.
Rani hey sweets how are you thanks for the back up.
Nitz If you think your sharp and pick up everything then think again. hahahaha
whats with the Sub Marine thing when my parent named me they didn’t add SUB in front of so sorry but neither can you.
Leave LA huh NEVA fi there is anyone who have a problem with me being in LA well then they can move hehehehe
aw sweets that was so nice of you guys and that song was just beautifull thanks for shering
Hey Oreo just a question how come none of us got those reward before or now huh huh huh.
ITs getting boring? you should of been here a while back like a month ago it was so boring you wanted to kill you self.
and what you mean what r u about? about everything that exicst on this planet. I ma everything and everywhere. you can’t see me but i can sertainly see everyone.
its Thank you heheht he same thing
are kya kamal hai you agree so easy.
And Merci? where did you learn Armenian or did you mean Merci in French?
Yes its right on top of Niralis picture the good thing is that they put it on zee tv and the newspapers and they got alot of doctors valentering so we are all hoping that her parents pull through this and she gets beter.
Queen of Bollylyrics huh I guess that makes NITZ the KING HEHEHEHEHEHE
Huray to our KING AND QUEEN (NITZ AND QUEEN aka “Tina”)
Hi Aman good to see you back Hun how are you? we really missed you it has been a while since we seen you here. How have think been going? Hope you are doing good.
sweety thank your prayrs will mean the world ot her and she is just to yung i mean i know that there are many kids like Nirali but she is a doughter of a member actually an Admin at one of the forums that i cat at and he is asking everyone if we can help but I will let them know that you will be praying for her thank you and thanks to your mom. Of you can let people know they can go to the webstire and they can register to get tested. she is not getting better and she is loosing weight and she is not smiling i don’t know i would do it but they need Indians to donate or south Asian here is her moms update
We are back home. The MRI showed a bit of inflamanation in pelvic area so doctor has changed one of the antibiotics. And tonight is the last dose of steroids so according to doctor, I will get my little girl back once that stops! Her mood swings and irritability will get a lot better. I can’t wait for my ever smiling daughter to return to herself. We will have to give some steroids with next round of chemo but not this kind. She only wants mom and dad these days so both grandmas are also waiting for steroids effects to go away so she will play with them! Her face has ballooned up a lot but hopefully with no IV fluids and no steroids, it will start going down. Next hospital visit will have to be for five days for next chemo round. We have requested that it start on Sept 1 so we can take advantage of Labor day weekend.
hey yup nitz is here hehehe
what was that marine…BAQZ huh
Hey Kavs darling I didn’t say anything
oh comeof it Nitz we all know about your love story? but now that you are back she has shyed away.
Thanx for the concern Heera, Unique, Vchenoah and Marine. Dont worry…No serious damage has been done….
And i wonder y Boo dint react to my advise??? She did come in, inbetweet Vchenoah and Marine….. I wonder!
I have revealed my real name to only one person on this forum and that too becos of my ignorance. But that person has turned out to be 100% trustworthy.
Like Rani said, I dont trust anybody that easily…. Yet, I have this feeling that of late, koi mujhse khel raha/rahi hai…..So girls (or guys…God alone knows!) I’m going to refrain myself from contact with anyone here, outside the forum…(ie, email etc). No personal grudges….I just dont want to get hurt…U see, its true that i dont trust easily…but once i trust, its 100%.
I know what you mean i’m the same way everyone tha tI talk to and take clouse to my heart ar unique for me. I don’t trust easy cause I had backstabing friend in high school so time teaches. Life teaches and I’m glad that you are good and its nothing seriouse
Hey you guys how is everyone. I just come in to see whats up and all of a sudden you guys are talking baout not being able to trust the people you meet on the Internet? What hapened to Lover Ji all though its good and a true warning but still Lover ji I hope your fine do come back and put our thoughts to rest
hey coem on you guys no one traslates anymore
Hey queen its good that your back and see now that your here so is Nitz wow could it be that the forum is getting back to normal all we are missing ir Oreo DH and Baqz