Alisha thanks for telling me hehehe I thought she was a he.
Rani if yor the upit then what the hell you take all the men away from me first Baqz then Nitz the DH and then Oreo and now Baqz again. Aare bhabhi what have done that pissed you off?????
Hey di nothing just on myspace responding to my coments. How are you i just got your email i will respond i love the dogs that you send they are so adorable hehe.
Wow nice to see the love is still in the air.
UP i know how you feal my moms best friend that was avery clouse aunt to me died of cancer so i can say i know how you feal. But try to be strong for her and try to act like its nothing that she hasn't cahnged don't pitty her cause they hate it. Remind her of all the time you guys have spend loughing joking all the things you did. What ever you do don't treat her like a sick patient.
Hope all is well and you guys aren't to tramatized by this even though i know you would be.
Bhabhi jaan you are very welcome
Hey UP how are you sweets?
Everything will be fine dont' worry to much we can't cange estiny its life.
Hope she gets better MUAH kisses
Alisha and Baqz i'm so happy there are sparks flying for you to may both of you have a hppy life.
Didi since you are taking my husband that my little chotti mischiviouse sister Waluscha stole from me you have to his 12 kid that he has with all the women of the forum LOL
Baqz if you come down from the tree I want my divorce.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what we should know is that love should not be complicated, love also hurt if it is not done rite… loving rite is loving completely, unconditionally and eternally…
getting out of one relationship and getting into another is one difficult thing becoz u never know if you are trying not to be alone, or if u r using the new person to get over the previous one of u really trully love them 4 them.
Hey welcome to the forum. I totally agree with you but just curiouse weather your s guy or a girl
Baqtiar Saahab, Love comes many times and goes many times… you can only hold it once and then for a moment or for a lifetime…
Khushi jaan its makes me gigly how much you belive in love i feal ilke i'm in high schoold again and like Rani said it makes me wana go into my dream world.
Am Rani:
Those are a LOT of sparkles, Marine
We don't really know eachother, Baqtiar, but I wish you a happy birthday! One can never have to much best wishes, right? Many more happy birthdays to come!
Hahaha yah but what can i do the devil wore a red sparkle just for our casanova
I love the fact tat you to are actin glike childeren…………..
Alish whats up did are you abondening us we all just got back what hapened.
BAQZ welcome back casanova how is my darling Waluscha are you guys still up on the tree oe did you come down already. And you welcome yes one year older one year clouse to death LOL
I wish you all the best and I hope you had a wonderfull b-day and you got everything that your heart desired.
I'm so sorry i'm late [:'(] I will make a Birthday wish list now.
<img alt="t" border="0" height="68" src="
OREO grow upppppp its time plus no one said i missed you i mean you can think that be it won'tbe true. So PLEASE do youself a favor and get a life in another planet, dimention
Hey di whats up. How did you see me log in hehehe i didn't know you can do that thats funny. but thanks. I can't belivei came after so long i tryed to forget about the forum but its addicting hehehe.
I am just curious. Just wondering. What is it about BWL? What is it about this place that is drawing me to it, like a helpless nail being drawn fiercely to a magnet?
PS: OF COURSE the text had to be green. What other colour?
Hey Boo how are you? Wow I can't belive how deep you are I have never seen you talk like this. But i Agree with you I always seem to be drawn to this place I have so much going on now that i don't have time for myself and just like I was wondering WHAT IS IT ABOUT BLW? that draws me to it I try to stay away but i always come in like a spy and check whats happening.
I really miss all of you guys we used to have a lot of fun, But for some reason it has changed many member are gone. I Hope to see everyone back home soon, THis is my secon home I had loughs here I had crys here, and all of you guys have been there throught all this times with me and I miss all of you.
juda hoke bhi tu mujh mein kahi baaki hai
even having parted you are still left some where in me
palkon mein banke aansu tu chali aati hai
taking the form of tears you come into my eyes
juda hoke bhi
even having parted
waise zinda hu zindagi bin tere main
though I am alive but life without you
dard hi dard baaki raha hai seene mein
the only thing left in my chest is pain and just pain
saans lena bhar hi yaha jeena nahi hain
just breathing here is not living
ab toh aadat si hai mujhko aaise jeene mein
now I have gotten used to living like this
juda hoke bhi tu mujh mein kahi baaki hai
even having parted you are still left some where in me
palkon mein banke aansu tu chali aati hai
taking the form of tears you come into my eyes
saath mere hain tu har pal shab ke andhere mein
you are with me every moment in the darkness of the night
paas mere hain tu ujale savere savere mein
you are with me in the light of the morning
dil se dhadkan bhula dena aasan nahi hai
it is not easy to forget the heartbeat
ab toh aadat si hai mujhko aaise jeene mein
now I have gotten used to living like this
juda hoke bhi tu mujh mein kahi baaki hai
even having parted you are still left some where in me
palkon mein banke aansu tu chali aati hai
taking the form of tears you come into my eyes
ab toh aadat si hai mujhko aaise jeene mein
yeh jo yaadein hai – 2
these memories
sabhi kaatein hai – 2
all say
katado inhe – 2
cut them out
ab toh aadat si hai mujhko
now I have gotten used
You don't need it before speaking roll but if you get a speaking roll they have to give you one. I got a roll in Windfall they didn't give it to me so i am automatically hopefully will be come SAG and will get my high pay. Its hard to be a Sag these days cause you have AFTRA and all the none union are willing to work witought a voucher.
WHAT Alie wha tare you talking about?
Hi Torquoise welcome. and can we please short the name a little if you dont mind.
NESSA what up girl. actually the partys had to stop cause i got so much work that i barely have time to breath its the movie season and everyone is making one hehehe so i get a lot of jb. But i will start after my birthday.
Well you guys I have a myspace acount and someone juust sent this to me check it out its funny and i actually have bollywood stars there that have my space accouns if you want creat an account and you will get to meet they are so cool especially Kareena and Tanisha Kajols sister check it out ehheehe
What hapened to everyone has the forum gotten that boring. Oh well I love all of my darling here. How is everyone?