Dear Tayba,
That was beautiful… I enjoyed reading it… you are right, it DOES get you thinking, doesn't it?
I hope all is well with you ji… *hugs*
Can I ask you guys something?
Do you think you are regretting your life right now? Do you think you have lost sight of what is REALLY important to you – be it your God, your family, friends, Love, whatever?
I don't. I am not a perfect person, but I think I live my life as a celebration each day – or at least, I like to think I do, and I make an effort to do so… I always try and say “I love you” to those that mean the
worlduniverse to me, and appreciate their Love and Friendship as much as I can… (Khushi, why am I thinking of you as I write this? lolz… crazy!)… and I am sure most of us DO do that in our lives. Unless I am being too optimistic and trying to neglect the reality of life…
Just curious to know…
UP love you hunny thank you so much for sharing it with us.
I agree with this BOO most of my days i live as a celebration to i treat everyone around me like its my last day or their last day. Like i love to make my family lough before they go to sleep so they don't go to bed with anger or with thought of something bad.
I always took everything for granted when i heard my uncle has cancer and he might die it made my eyes open and look at life differently.
I love you all you guys my other family and you all are very specail to me new members or older.
Well older more then newer LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Boo Khushi how are you my sistas. I agree with you guy pyaar ki matlab:Intazaar Because when it comes to love all you do is waith and waith and waith then waith some more LOL
Hey all just droped by to see how is everyone doing, but i see you guys are dancing in the rain yeyyyyyy can i join LOL
Waise in every topic everyone is so religiouse what changed? but its good to be religiouse i'm not one but its good to be one.
Hey UP good luck on your essay huun if you need help holla
Shakalaka Baby:
I see that Shaks Nessa Aman and all the old members are back awwwwwwwwww.
Yup, main hoon na!!
How are you Marine? Long time, no see
YEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY SHANKZZZZZZZZZZZZZ whats up baby how is everythig. Like i was telling Nessa i was on a mission and it ended well LOL i had kidnapened the one that stole my heart hehehe.
How about you when i was here you were gone.
Hey…how'd you guess?? A boy & a girl! Hahaha…yeah right!
How've you been? Loving the smog?
Loving the nightlife or have you been working urself crazy?!
Last time I spoke with you, you were heading off to a party…and you never returned! Musta been some party!
Dang Nessa twins huh that must have of been painfull lol.
Girl the night life is awsome of course the Bhangra parties in LA are off the hook.
And your right i was going to a wedding on the way some guy stole my heart, so i stole him and keep him captive thats why i was gone LOL. BUt yah i never made it to the party.
Sweety I couldn't have said it better myself. May god bless them and may they rest in peace. 2006 was a horible year all thgether and let brighten 2007.
But you never do know when you will dye my brothers friend that i knew woke up and right in front of his house while going left te truck hit him and his head got seporated from his body by a glass, so his parents had to see that in the morning. I can't imagin god forbit seng my loved one dead and his head seporated from his body its the most horible thing that can hapened.
So we all do need to live life like it our last day, and love our dear ones like its their last day to.
May god bless all those who are no longer with us and may they all rest in peace.
Khushi di yeh saab kya hai? Tum janti ti ki Oreo meri pati hai aur tum. [:'(] waise you can have him his no good after a while.
Boo darling how are you?
Hey all how is everyone I missed my family “Oreo and Nitz no comments please” I missed you guys now that everything is done hopefully i will catch up to you guys and see whats going on.
I see that Shaks Nessa Aman and all the old members are back awwwwwwwwww.
Hey Subsy! Welcome back!
Hehehe thanks i'm all charged up now and i'm back with bells on. HOw have you been you were gone for s while what hapened got married and had couple of kids or kya?
Hey all how is everyone I missed my family “Oreo and Nitz no comments please” I missed you guys now that everything is done hopefully i will catch up to you guys and see whats going on.
I see that Shaks Nessa Aman and all the old members are back awwwwwwwwww.
Haylie welcome to the forum you are another caracter here so enjoy our little family everyone is more nice then they seeme. LOL
Hi my sweet AMAN haapy birthday may all you dream come true may you have all that your heart desires and may god bless you in every step that you take in this life.
Miss you jaan hope you had an amazing day.
PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats up i see the same old thing LOL How you all doing and HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL.
Hey sweety I meant to say if you are cupit then why don't you help me out you take all my bollywood men away hehehehe 🙂
Nitz wont have you take Oreo waise i gave him up?
Aare Oreo meri batchi kaisi hai????
Scar face:
😉 …..hws baqs Mara??
didye tell him wat I said??? lmao
Hes great. How do you think a casanova would be. Lol yah i did tell him and i texted you his responce did you get it. ????
Scar face:
ooops sowrie,
just got back from my almost final meeting …
sheeeesh hectic here hehehe but u knw me.
didye get the phots from the fashion show ???
watye think of my creation ??
am not even sure if u still online…
What do you mean your creations are they your desines?
I'm still here but i'm going to bed i have to go to meet the dancer tomorrow early for the company……………. Ay i'm tire i hired this belly dancer then i had to let her go i gave her a job and the crowed didn't like her but my other girl OMG they loved her and today I tired team of 5 samba and they were ok. And tomorrow i got prince andwrew the best belly dancer ever.
So will tell you late. More
Hey serio alway a pleasure serving you at least here you use your brain to think.
How have you been oldtimer?
Di say something don't just quot people please. i came wanting to read soemthing and you have just quoted me 😉
Hahahaha never mind saw what you did hehehe
Well you know what they you get love the same way you love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL