Scar face:
hmmmm maybe I can give an answer to why the so called errrr **Mr Flirt***
is bak ….Ya Mara???
wat say, spill the beans so to speak lmao
You see no matter how sad i get all i have to do is come to this forum you guys are to much ..
Didi whats with the wink huh by the way no hes not talking to me Mr. Big is mad at me for some reason.
Hey didi no its not a joke its a new that came out it was all over the paper and there are over 30 Armenians and god knows how many others in Immigrationg jail. I don't know i'm gonna meet someone well can't say who but its a way of braking my brother out. ALl thought that *** cost like an arm and a leg.
Boo jaanu no the judge doesn't want to talk to anyone so i'm taking the law into my own hands. Lets just say I have been serving the law for the past 5 years well now its time for the law to serve me with help of my god saab teek ho jayena.
Back to the topic. Well i feal like crap its like 1:30am i have to wrok very early have illion things to do and my brother is in Jail so i can't sleep cause i feal guilty that his siting in jail waiting to see what will hapened and i'm home.
Boy i hate the law of America well most of hte law.
I friken am the Law and i can't do anything about except sit and wait to talk to the jugde tomorrow.
Well i just wanted to get this out you guys can egnore this.
if u love someone set them free. If they dont come back hunt them down and kill them!
you can't make somebody love you. you can only stalk them and hope they give in
So is that what hapening with you are you actually stalking someoneand they are egnoring you. “shake head” poor Oreo [:'(]
u getting married shakz? let me talk to yr future husband and put some senses in his head. its still not too late for him!
Don't you have to have some sense into your head first in order to put some sense into someone eles. Just checking isnic you aint got none
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Baqz! itne baad yaha par aaye ho, koi khaas baat, kya?Janemann tumhari bahut yaad aarahi thi… isliye tumhari yaad mein forum ki taraf khincha chala aaya….. 😉
oye hoye. Mr.Flirt is indeed back.
Chalo, kisine toh mujhe yaad kiya, varna aaj kaal kaun kisi ko yaad karta hai? lol. Kaise ho aap? Sabh teekh taakh hai?
He inded is back lekin Kyun? LOL j/k kiddin but where is Waluscha? Bhabhi the last time i cheked she was up there on the tree with him hai na?
and why are u back? please…just go back to where ever you came from and stay there…forever!……………………………………………………. translated into Human Speak:
Welcome back buddy!!! Nice to see you back here!!
Kyun, Oreo ji?
OMG BOO couldn't have translated beter you see how you and Cosmic are in sinc lOL
Now do you regret leaving sweet us and going away
My hero… my Papa.
My philosopher, guide and most importantly friend. Infact, he keeps his youth alive in me! love my pa! papa ki pari hoon main!
Lol Khushi me two i have lways been dadys little angel LOL
My hero… my Papa.
My philosopher, guide and most importantly friend. Infact, he keeps his youth alive in me! love my pa! papa ki pari hoon main!
Lol Khushi me two i have lways been dadys little angel LOL
JAS JAS JAS JAS i'm so glad your back i missed you like hell. hope your not gonna leave us again.
YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYY people she is back lol now we got everyone back well the girls at least Shakz is back Kavita is back and now my darling Jasmine and if waluscha and tina come back then our purani parivan will be filled
love you guys
how are you my love? whether hell have you been? Whats new what you got tired of us girl. LOL
Bhabhi my heroes are my family and friends. Mostly the people who do extraordinary thing every day, the people who sacrifice so much for others.
Hahahaha i know how you feal about Vampia she is just besharaam and so heartless. Roshni comeon to one of the forums ones and said that even thought she pkays Pia she hates it she wishes she can kill her LOL
Well my space can be fun i mean i enjoy talking to the Bolly actors/actresses they are funny plus you get meet new people.
but let me know if you want to add me i will give it to you on my MSN or YM
Well well well UP this is intersting you just gave up on all showes hehehe
Kasam Se is like the same thing only last week was intereting when Bani found out that VampPia was Pragnant by JW and Pushypoo is just soooooooooooooo cute.
Saat Phere man now neel is the villan and Shunras hausband you should watch it Kanjun is good now hehehehe
Well Sindoor yer but Arpita is going to rpoof that her dad didn't murder Vid.
and Banu is just dum i mean Illitarate yes but come one somepeople have sences LOL
Hey you guys would love to know all the views
She messaged you one day?? huh?? mariney did I read that right? Am I missing something here…? elaborate pleeeej
No hunny you didn't miss anything. I meet her on MYspace and before she off to shoot for Guru we became friends. I mean she loves her fans and if your true then she will be your friend. Most people she get are people trying to use her to get Bollywood but someof us she likes cause we just try to get to know her.
So one day i messaged her on her private message and she starting mesaging back since that day we just talked.
If you have a myspace then you can talk to her to.
Now shes busy with weding plans but she will get back to you.
HAILA what is going on now Khushi is the bodyguar i was planin on crashing Sakzs wedding awww men.
AFREEKAHHHH whats up hunn. How have you been? how is the family and married life tell us fill us in is it as great as its suppose to be LOL Where have you been?
omg UP that is a horibble thing to go through i mean i just waith and just keep thinking if this christmas or this new year he will be here or gone which god forbit does happened but its life.I don't know what his is called but it was in his leg they removed it… little did they know that it had jumped to his lung. There is a lung specialist that we are trying to get and appointment by his in Nevada but his biiked for the next 4 months.. My bro said he will pull some strings so lets hope.
Am Rani jaan thanks sweety,
Boo its not the joke of the cetury cause after this century people are still gonna talk about it LOL. J/K hey i will PM you a peom then you can say you wrote it how about that jaanu hehehe
Ramz of cours i would ask you are my other family love. I'm great just working my way to India and hopefull Bollywood.
Asih is not a bad person if you talk to her couple of time you will see she just messaged me one day and said that she likes her personal life to not be public because the way they treat people in Hollywood… you know all the bad and not true thing that they write she just doesn't like that. That is why when she is getting out she likes to be treated like andother person…. but i know what you mean i thought she was a stuck up personLOL
Khushi di how are you? Ok if its that easy then tell me what to do what words to use LOL
J/K Boo jaan i love you hehehehe
Boo you are a poet LOL and how did you make my love into pink.
KHUSHI i know its not easy to make Boo sigh hehehehe
and the reast of please don't talk about my Aish didi like that she is really sweet in reality shes always nice and she loves her fans ” THANS IF ANY OF YOU ARE HER FANS LOL”
But i sitll can't belive she stole Abhi baby from me.
Nessa. Didi, Rani and Nosyira and ramz HOW ARE YOU GUYS
OMG that was the most special Poem that i have read who wrote it? Whos the poet and if its you enter it in the contest.
Am Rani jaan he is doing good i guess he never says anything he had fever but its gone and his back to work. We will know more when he goes and see another oncalogist. With gods grace jis lung will be save seeing that the other lung is totall ypsread.