MARINE!!!!!!!!! How r u??? You have been missed!!!
Oh and btw…that whole stick thing is 'Ew', but funny as hell!
All of u ladies are certifiable! rotflmao!
Hey what EWWWWWWWW I'm fine doll how are you?
Hey its a beautifull picture just imagin.
Ali stop with your wild imaginations.
Kav's lol you rock.
MARINE!!!!!!!!! How r u??? You have been missed!!!
Oh and btw…that whole stick thing is 'Ew', but funny as hell!
All of u ladies are certifiable! rotflmao!
Hey what EWWWWWWWW I'm fine doll how are you?
Hey its a beautifull picture just imagin.
Ali stop with your wild imaginations.
Kav's lol you rock.
My modo is don't marry the one you love marry the one that loves you.
REASON: this is what i think. I belive if you marry the one you love they will always ask you for things as to they will think since you love them the wll get a gren light to do what ever they want.
If you marry someone that loves you they will be devoted to you more. I mean i want to fall in love after marriage.
I think if you get married and your no ti love you will gradually love everything about the other person.
For me marriage is forever thing and i don't want to love him and get to know everything about him and start hating him or his habbits.
I want to fall in love after a while i have been maried
Scar face:
OMG, my sister just called me to let me know that theres a huge storm back in Durbs
Theres sum sort of alignment with the sun, moon or wateva
Which is causing a major catastrophe
Half my town is being evacuated as I speak/type for fear of perhaps another tsunami ..
Daaaaaaamn and my mom didn’t tell me a thing about it when she called last night
Kindly keep my people in your prayer , it is sincerely appreciated
Ali – sorry to hear what is going on at your homeplace – just keep praying and keep hoping
Dear Lord God, heavenly Father,
Please listen to us, your humble children
Please help those people in need and please show them hope
Put forth your palm so they can nestle into saftey
Put forth your help so they can feel that their prayers are being heardSweet and humble Lord, wash sins away and spare us from catastrophies
Sweet and humble Lord, hear their prayers and keep them SAFE
Dear god, bathe them in the light of HOPE and give them FaithThat everything will be alright and you will keep them safe
Sweet and humble Lord, put forth your palm so they can be forever safeAway from negative and dangerous associations
Sweet and humble Lord, help all of those people who sit in fear
Sweet and humble Lord, help all of those people who shiver in anxiety
And give them Hope, and show them LightBecause you will forever make them SAFE
Didi i'm praying for your family, But now you told me everythings alright so its a peace of mind.
Kavs the same prayr goes for you. and remember your promis to me please. Remember god cares for everyone and he loves everyone.
Oh thank god i thought Nitza was going soft on us.”sigh of relief ” Don't scare us like that again warm up before hand. I thought you had been kidnap by aliens. I mean Oreo
Nessa whats up?
Amli_Jatt welcome to our colorfull forum you will love it here as well as us.
Kavs I agree with Khushi she is right and also please take you own advice that you gave to Ali.
Khushi and Rani jaanus how are you guys?
I'm going to sleep but send me a letter or text i will answer and for gods sake get Yahoo mesanger or MSN please
Boo jaan maf kardo language is bad lol
Kav lol i'm sxaring you its the reality real life deal with it
didi you are right i will talk about marriage i will help all the brides runaway lmao
Thanks everyone for the wishes hey i have an idea since i'm goona be rich by the year 2008 i will get everyone from the forum together and we will celebrate holi together.
Ok how did you guys from hair falling and pills wich i love with Vine thank you very much, to marriage lol
Haasini marriage? JUST DON”T F*N DO IT
have you guys seen neal N nikki well me and my friend jade were doing the same to our best friend Jaya on her weddin it was so funny we had the f*n ticken reserved just in case she wanted to run away lol
Sorry yaar… language…
Hey its not the damage that i'm worried about its the *** that gonna make a chain when he starts
No oreo we are just joking i don't raeally want you to sit on a stick the medical billl will be to high.
And insurance doesn't cover plastic surgery
Aww Kavs you are just to sweet.
Yes i'm fine evrything fine a little busy thats all but missing all of to much
Hey guys sorry i droped off the face of the planet. [OREO NO COMMENTS PLEASE]
Kavs i do love you and i did talk to you. Don't ever think i will egnore any of you.
You guys are my family.
Didi i will send you a long letter telling you everything
If you guys think its Sol its not he is out of my life and out of mind i got me a newcomer to Bollywood lol SUCH
Well my darling family i love you all and will talk to you guys soon MMUUUAAAHHH
HAASINI welcome darling you couldn't have joined a better place.
everyone i slike one big family we share eachothers problem and solve them to
So welcome to our little family
Ok didn't want to be rudde coming in reading then leaving so i just poped in to say how to my lovely angels.
And see how you all are doing
and i noticed that some one you have a myspace so add me lol
well love you all will be back if anyone wants to talk to me [;(]
Hey everyone how are my litle angels
Didi how are you. I miss you so much everything is cool on my end still waiting to hear from my brother.
But you sound so frustrated why don't you use a tree or something lol
Well i saw Sol yesterday and i was with a frined and totally egnored him lol it fealt so nice he had to say hi to me first lol MMUUUAAAHHHHAAHHHAAAHHHAA
Seriously the one reason I hate women is that they cry all the time….You people need to stop watching bolly movies or serial cause lal you learn from that is to cry… and its anoying
but yah I love you all very much YES EVEN OREO
Alie lol stop teasing him
Kavs i can't belive you would compare Baqz to those faltoo childeren.
Oreo go sit on a stick aint no one have a thing for Baqz or any of you here. Get your head checked
Hey Ali i said that i will write but i've been vusy how are you fealing now and how is your friend that was with youu?
Did you go tothe doctor and what did they say. Does the person who owns the car have any insurance well tell me?
I will write soon but tell me what is the news Hope your alright scared me half to death and now you haven't told me anything
Hey Oreo is back why is when there is something seriouse going ont hat when you show up?
Well all whats up.
Kavs your right we are all from different place but still we are one family and thats the way god made it and thats the way it should be
awww come on you guys you don't know the sweet cute Baqz that i know he really isn't that bad HE IS TOTALLY EVIL lol