Sure Cosmic lead the way. I will follow.
How is it within me di.
I wish it was then i could find it soon
Ok we'll talk in PM
Life sucks sometimes.
Why do we have to struggle with it?
why do we have to pass through so many test in life?
What is it that god has planed for us?
I want to know exactly why does he give us heart to love,
But he doesn't give us the one that we love.
Why are the only ones that can hear our hearts echo?
Why is love so complicate?
We go through life dreaming of that special someone,
Yet when we find them why can't we hold them?
I yarn for him, My love is the only one that my heart aces for beats for.
My love is the one i dream of day by day
Yet i wake up to a hollow day.
Why is he so close yet at the same so far away.
Why is life so much torture.
I live for life not for love, but yet love is the a biggest part of love.
Someone tell me if you can,
Someone make me understand as to
why am I being tortured so much by my feeling?
Will the say come that i can have my hearts desire?
Will the day come where i get to hold the one that my heart aces for?
Why can't he hear the echo of my heart?
I see nothing but color but yet my heart in black,
Why do I feel like that my heart is only half whole?
Dear god please hear my plea and answer my cry
What test should i go through to get the one that makes me whole?
I guess no one can answer me cause everyone has one question or another.
But at the end we all ask got WHY OH GOD WHY.
Sorry guys when I'm sad i don't know Why i put my feeling into a poetry. Tis is really how I'm feeling and if you know the answer really know the answer then tell me.
Scar face:
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved…mmmm … bak to u Ness:
((words dont come easy to me…hw can I fiiiiiind a way, to let u seee I **care, am there err here ***words dnt come easy…..)))
for ….u know yr name………… 🙂
I'm tired of rumors starting
I'm sick of being followed
I'm tired of people lying
Saying what they want about me
Why can't they back up off me
Why can't they let me live
I'm gonna do it my way
Take this for just what it is……and … heart beats for u…
Time stops for no one and moves on unaware
It's easy not to notice
It's easy not to care
Conversation circles
There's money changing hands
I've been standing in the middle
I've been caught up in the spin
But out of the confusion
The static and the noise you got my attention
And made me wanna livexxxxx… love dat wont go….AWAY
I keep telling myself things can turn around with time
And if I wait it out you could always change your mind
Like a fairy tale where it works out in the end
Can I close my eyes have you lying here again
Then I come back down
Then I fade back in
Then I realize its just what might have been.…more beats from this heart…
Live like it's the last moon rising
Scream just like no one's there
Lose all of my defenses
Hold you touch you love, you like it's
A very last moment in timeIt seems like I woke up beneath a different sky
And I'm drunk on what I'm seeing through these open eyes
All the little ways you move me
All the places you expose
The illusion I held on to
You've got me letting goI just wanna stay here soaking up the rain
Falling all around me wash the world awayxx…wat does one do with a drunken soldier…la la la ..early in da morning…xxxxx
for u…
Everybody wants to know our love
Everybody talks about our love
Everybody wants to know your name
To know your name
Everybody needs to criticize
None of them are even in our lives
Everybody wants to know your name
To know your nameCant get out cant get through
Need to be alone with you
Must escape or are we allowed no part of privacy
You and nessa love to make me cry his song says half of whats paining in my heart
DI that actually made me cry cause its a question well all go through….and i actually took the chalenge and ended up where i am. But you know what i love this i really do.
Kavs i knowyou are right there with me crying so are you Didi
OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH what does she suck i wana k now is it lolypop or ice pop lol
YYEEMMEENN whats up baby
Acha baba no need to get so defencive over your little jared or what ever lol you are to much girl.
And i didn't scare him away he is welcome to oin in
Cause ones Oreo it Nitz get here then he will go away lol
But Mavelli82 don't worry about does faltoo idiots lol they just bark they never bite lol
nessa is busy as you all can tell she is have a shouwcase with someone lol so she is really busy lol
Rani ssee i'm not the only one that thinks you should do it lol.
Kavs if you did sweety don't worry i wouldn't take is seriously even if you ment it lol
but i kow i love you guys so don't worry about it.
Hey bhabhi whats up.
Kvs n ice gangsta talk kick back and read some book cause you know you don't know sit lol j/k
Hey Kavs yah well you know what you need to do your the one who is with yourself all the time, Even though we know you we don't know as much as you know yourself.
Ali what you mean you won't go out cause you have apimple if it was like that no one would go out. Plus its so dark at the clubs who in the world is gonna see your pimple lol. Di your to much lol/
I'm glad that you doing well bhabhi. But i wanted to tell you its never to late to do what your heart wants you to do. If you really want to write the paper then go ahead and do it. I'm sure your teacher wll except it i mean you have weekend if your teacher doesn't except it then you at least know that you tried….
I know that it will be excepted cause not many girls write about it nad i know i have a lot Muslim friends they do tell me but they will never talk about it in the open.
And if its what you want to do then may god be with you and if i were you i would do it no matter what.
Count me in you guys i haven't gangster tlaked since high school my old cholita days lol
Rani you start it and we all will join you love lol.
Ness now you know you don't know howta gangsta talk.
Ali i was kidding i don't think you and KAvs making fun of me plua if you were i don't get affended you know that lol.
Tabz whats up girl how are you?
OMG UP when you find one let me know lol i could use some time i need a watch like that.
Di and Kavs i know i'm beautifull and i don't doubt it i mean i'm not saying i'm not beautifull i'm just saying that my face and my personality doesn't go with my body and thats what i'm trying to change. I mean we all have something that wre don't like about ourselfs rite?
Di i was calling you a les lol
Kavs i couldn't agree with BOO more she is right that what we all need to remeber. I mean we all can get weak in the knees and bent down and brake down also but we all need to f ind the strangth within ourself and move on. If i let other to hurt me and act like its getting to they will hurt me but i never give other that apportunity to do it. i mean people only see you how you see yourself they treat you the way you treat yourself. So that what you need to do.
Hope i made any sence. lol
AWWWWWWWW di i did send him a message hope he can help.
I have left several messages for him go get his money that people ow him and hope full i can get the oney his his pasport and send him home…cause the government i ssaying that they are gonna keep him cause they can't afford to send him back how sad is that. I hate the jail system here.
I'm gonna help him and his family the best that i can its humanity after all.
soulpixel Welcome to our little family now give us the 21 questions about yourself lol j/k but seriousely welcome to our little family
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Hey nessa jiiiii!
how are you?
gosh, i feel so out of place on the forum.
Hi Bhabhi why would every feael out of place here we are your family and you never feel out of place while you got family around. I haven't talked to you in w hile so how is everything going? How are you my angel?
Scar face:
nope no need for explanations sweety, u think its as easy as dat nah..well it aint okies..believe me it aint…
no jokes bout this mara okies…mmmwaaaah…
Lol i know di it aint that easy thats why i am just joking and not acting out lol ok well i'm glad that you are well learned….its just my version is kind of kinky lol
dnt worry me is well learned…just luw to see yr version of it sumtimes hahahahahahaha…
wat>> and u call me yr didi…but neva invited me?? lol
Didi off cours you are invited you are hostes hai na. well don't worry the party will be when you get down here i will invite everyone out here
wat da?? hmmmm quit while u are ahead lady…u REALLY dnt want me on yr bak for this now do u ??
SORRY SORRY SORRY DI i'm a good girl i promis
not worth the effort, wud rather have a manicure done, thanks …and sooo shud u, but go on venting at least u
get it outa yr system r8 *********HUGZ*****************
Lol i swear we think the same sometime thats what i would have done. If the world came trumbling down i would get my nails done to die beautifull lol
Whos gonna kill u??? MOI?? yup for sure, wud tonza LUW, HUGZ and more LUW…An YES ppl
she is kidding…
I can't waith to be killed by you with your huggs and love i can feal you warm huggs already didi i love you so much
wat?? u get yr a$$ here as promised u hear me, dnt go making excuses…HOW…. dare I?? coz I have dat right lol, ya?
Yes you do you definitly do. I iwll get there when i can afford to i promis.
stop behaving like a hen and be the woman that u are…me luws u my lil HEN Lmao
I love you to and thanks for relixing that i'm a hen lol
kisses mmwwaahh