Let me introduce myslef.
My name is Marine [yes you all have nick names but i can't remember what it is]
I live in this small town called. babala bumbum rafatumdum
its beautifull
and here they call me[first name] lokrtiscaropitolist [last name] Krtiushkiyargnshukhx
I have a boy name Babaluki and a girl name babaganush
my husbands name is TSKALAKAPTYPTUSLIG
i am 13 years old i got married when i turned 5 years ol and 11 months cause after 6 years old then i'm to old to marry
Hey sugarcane im good how are you?
I know its been a while i felt out of place coming and going lol. So i though its time to come by and say hey lol
Hey all BOY IT FEELS SO GOOD TO BE HOME how are all of you guys doing?
Just wanted to stop by and say hi and that i missed you guys since i will be busy as hell again.
Well catch you guys soon
Hey all how are you guys. well in the morning is my performance and i prepared for it.
So i need you guyses prayrs and best wishes.
Love you all will update the video on myspace ones i get it.
Rani i have never took time to look at this treat untill now. Wow this is amazing its true when they say signs are everywhere and god is everything in you case Allah is everything.
You really posted something amazing wonderfull work my compliments to you on your work and to your parents for having a doughter like you.
Aw di its still April your not late just bit delayed lol.
How are you my angel.
OMG Rani yah i used to get freaky stuff like that ones this 17 year old kid wrote me messages thati couldn't belive was going through his mind. Then others so you all will get stuff like that lol.
Oreo Ninja jelouse? lmao I very highly doubt it.
Unless Yemz you are jelouse hehehehe j/k
Kavs & Didi how are you guys doing.
Hayati whats up babes welcome back. Where have you been?
Khushi di thank soooooo much i love thank oh and if you want the track let me know i got it lol.
I will hun its a Solo act so i'm editiong the music but the sound is not good .so i'm gonna use Babu ji Zara Salam E Ishq and Meri Haton Mein nou nou choodia and also other i will let some of you see the video when its done so i can get gudjed its my first performance so wish me goos luck even though i have a week till the show.
Oreo the stick is getting cooler go sit on it and warm it up/
Boo hun i know but since its all copy and paste there [trust me it is no one really trandlates its all from bollwhat] i posted it cause you can't find it anywhere so since Khushi know it she migh be able to translate it. so i will Pm her if it doesn't get translated. leave it tilll Sunday please love.
im fm ct. u?
hows marine
Hey yaar why don't you ask me yourself lol. Sugarpop how are you. Where have you benn for gods sake. Missed you babes. How is everything i see your brothers weeding went well. How is the girl. wow 9 months it seems like forever.
Tell me about it women and come and Join us OREO won't bite lol not intentionally neways lol.
Didi i'm so glad your back send me and email telling me what happened. i got your text i love you to di v4ery much. How is mom hangin is she alrite and dad and everyone tell me i'll be waiting.
I'm great di i really really am
ok but text me before snce i got docs appointment.
I'm going to bed and i'm alright don't think about it to much oneof us needs to be sain.
And that is the reason why your still single multiple personality tsk tsk not good you need a shrink.
Well hope you two are happy together
Oreo you should be the next Kevorkian helping people commit suicide, But no help neede here I love life to much
So keep your cliff and sale some of it nad move into civilization
If you think that i will sign and waiver or contract made by you then your crazy.
I rather really jump off a cliff or under a truck on the freeway then to sign a waiver made by a crazy person
Wow i had no idea you all were so into Bollytalk and Oreo and Nitz actually a girl is preyt or hot what happened are you guys straight now .
Well who are you and what have you done with Cosmic.
Oh it must be that you had a good vacation .
Wow Oreo you suad something that actually makes sence are you fealin alrite