Hi Maddie deary..welcome once again…
Tell us more about yourself…we'd like to know more about you
Marine…yesh yesh..who could be unaware of yr presence when you're actually around?!
Missed you on here…. And what you ready to bite ?
Who's head? or is it something else
Kavs thanks but the bit part tsk tsk tsk i didn't mean it like that women lol
hi Maddie how are you sweety?
Well tell us about you age hometown and stuff
Nessa listen to your messages for gods sake.
SJ got a new name i see welcome Profesor ji
Ali how are you dear.
Kavs hahaha you couldn' tunderstand the poem along with nessa
Boy what happened to te 15 year old everyone is gone and the oldies are in.
I'm so glad i'm 19teen Yes you all i'm 19 and if anyone begs to defere i will kill them lol.
ness i though you were 16 what hapened when did you grow old [snifs]
Mr Senor Jalapeno well now that i know how old you really are i don't now whather i use mr. ms. miss. or sir or what J/K
Its ggod to have someone matture here.
all the other guys were old by age but not brain hehehe
LOL Rani well i was asking you and pointing out my opinio its not what he actually said lol.
Your to much
but about KANK i have to agree with you on that he was very good in it.
LOL BOOOOOOOO your to much yaar whats gotten into you hehehehe.
Rani why would you ask me if i'm crack GOD. Don't you know i always am llol but yah i will tell you where to go if you wana know
Khushi Kavs and Nessa what up people how is everyone.
I see My booboody boo OREO is back how are you jaanu. how are things going in your little ilend are the clifs still there?
Ali whats you di how are you my love. i miss youlike crazy.
and we also have an new membet i guess or an old one coming back lol
Waise Senor Jalapeno welcome to the forum or welcome back hehehehehe
Plz plzplzplzplzpzlz PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE don't tell me you like abhishek!?!?!? *throws up!* (hahaha
) LOl, sorry – don't see an actor in him yet…!
Kushi why i love Abishek his good sometimes but i just like tall men i guess thats why.
But n o one bits Amitabh llol he was hot he is hot and will remain hot lol
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Marin- lmao. he's a budhu. he told me he has no time for BWL! That duffer!
U told him to add me? kyke liye?
lol. and not to worry, I'll teach u in no time!
llol Rani he is really busy that why he doesn't come on lol? Well i added you to his friends list cause he wants to keep in contact with everyone.
But to be honest its easyer there then here lol to many sections lol to keep track off.
And don't worry you will do great in the test my prayrs are with you.
Ali whats up di how is everything jaan
Nesssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaattttttttttsssssssss uuuuuuuuppppppppppppp
here is the hug hun. lmao
no i haven't heard from ali i don't kmow whats up with her,
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
OMG! Baqz is such a faltoo! lmao. He added me on Myspace, I don't think he knows it's me. lmao! I'm gonna deny that budhu! lmao. *cheezy grin*
Not to worry, Marine ji, I'll teach you, what say? *grins again*
Aare yaar meri hindibuhut buhutbohot bohot burihohai. Maat pucho. if i knew any i'm forgeting lol.How is that for a start?
Other than school, I'm doing GREAT!
I know! It's been so long! We haven't talked in like AGES! How have you been, dah-ling? I really need to start getting in touch with everyone.
She used to praise my [bakwaas] urdu/hindi. lol. LOVER JI!!!!! I MISS YOU!
Chotti Rani bohot shukriya.
[:'(] you didn't add Baqz i was the one who asked you hehhehe i made his myspace for him lol he know its you hehehehe.
I'm glad your doing great. and your studys are going good.
take care.
I know what you mean Lover ji used to make of fun of me and Baqz when he used to teach me and Madhu used to correct me hehehehe
I miss Heera to i have been gone for a long time.
I'm sure your teacher wasn't on crack she just knows that your brite. she made the right desision.
Lol yah my mom doesn't go with me she just jokes around a lot.
Don't get a fake ID trust me the 18 year old clubs are just stupid.
The boys are immature and old men are there to hit on yung girls.
Waith untill your 21 or acutally 25 for the private parties. lol
well hope all is well. and you start showing effection to your mom.
Its funny how i love my mom a lot but shes the one that i fight with the most lol
lol I love the realtionship you have with your mom.
But i have to warn you.
If shes anything like my mo watch out she will start to wanting to go the clubs with you.
No but i love it she my sister my best friend my everything.
I love the fact that we can share everything even clouthing cause she dreses to sexy and to classy.
Congrat love i'm happy for you.
Also nice job on the test hehehehe you didn't study and you got a good grade lol Congrats keep up the good work very proud of you chotti Rani
Aare yaar meri hindi buhut buhut buri ho. Maat pucho. if i knew any i'm forgeting lol.
Lekin my teacher [ Baqz] is back he is teaching me lol. When his not being faltoo lol.
How are things with you?. Haven't talked to you in a while?
Post getting off topic.
OMG yey your her.
Ek Ajnabi ladies and gent back to stay after a year of missing in action.
How have you benn darling?
Hey all just wantes to see how me angels were.
I missed being home.
I'm back for a while then i will be off again.
so hope all you lovelys are doing great.
Guess whos back, back again. marines back tell a friend
Guess whos back guess whos back gues whos back
hey people whats up
Hi love it went alright my leg cramped up i pulled a muscle but they didn't notice it.
The video is having some problems the DVD is not working properly so i need to get it fixed. I will let you guys see it when its done. but i don't like it i though it was one of the worse performances i did.
Hey all how is everyone doing I'm great
Ali Kavs sorry i know you guys have been trying to reach me I've been unreachable sorry. I promise to send all of you email.
Didi he is and you know what he is a good father i mean we just had our 3rd kid shakalakaboomboom Lolasugar and she/he is so cute but its transexual i mean its a he she. But still we love him her
thanks jaan i'm great just busy with work and other things i'm doing a lot of probono as in free work to write my family all evil eye
they say if you do something nice then god knows if you do two or more then god see now i'm doing so many for god to hear also.