ranz b/c you said you'll meet her up!!! during spreak break
by the way how'z ur spring break coming along? me have to totally STUDY when school re open i got all my exams shooting in my face!
abt the gangsta thing — errmm lemme leave ya'll on a gangsta note..
peace ya'll mah homies
Rani hi hun! aww yu feel like sayin my name after seeing it? ahem* i feel special* lol
marine is right – go ahead and give it a shot! yu are a smart intelligent girl n you can do it! [ abt the paper ] — it is never too late luv
tabzeee h r u! how come u didnt throw me a hi [:'(]
ali – hi love – i know you must be busy n all… n marine hun… me & ali would NEVER make fun of you..well le t me speak for mysef i wont do that
lol rani naww i dont thin i'll be successful at teaching you gangsta-ness hehehee but hey we cud all try to do it together n then laugh the heck out of our fun
omg nessa & rani – uguyz kwo each other in real life?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wish i'd known 1 of yu gyals in real life mah self
Ranzzzzz!!! h r u hun! hope yeh getting along well wid all that HW & stuff going on at yr side
nessa heyyyy h r u!!! ok ay i understand manana and ciao..what does chula mean? yu know i learned a little spanish but now that i’ve stopped its like
i totally am forgetting it!
adios mis amigos..or err..amigas
Alright ali – i am about to go and leave now also to do my report for my next class
well post to you later – wow swimiing with a shark – scary!!!!!!!!! yeah he must be fell in lurveeeeeeeee with yr eyes lol
naww..with us … we can always create our own little backyard ask me later how i'll do that
aww man hun..u r stressing ur self outalot i knwo it – RELAX RELAX and get rest alright luv? adn be strong & dont let anyoen hurt u coz i will seriously kil them if i hear of it. for the flu – drink alot of orange juice my love itw ill help to fight it off! & rest okay!
yes marine looks very awesome !!! you need to shw us your pictuer miss! i heard you ahve a myspace i need to make one
okay have to goooooooo to my HW now ( it sucks ) will talk to u later or post tomorrow love u sooo much mi love
ali – of course i look up to you what is wrong with you! u r a person of admiration!
yesh …. i know you & every1 have been telling me to be stron gfrom the inside & i am coming to figure out that the real problem lies withIN MYSELF thanks for yr inspirating advice & sisterly talks u r such a sweetheart
abt nitzah well – he want to be a bad little boy but – well yeh can luv him as much as yeh want – just like we like oreo – coz lemme tell yeh a lil secret there child – if they didnt like us who they call faltoo girls..we wudnt even be seeing them on this forum caring & replyin to us !
i'd love to have those french fries with u in FRANCE ah THE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sittin in the park watching lil dogs runnin & lil kids playin all happily in sync & sinking my teeth into the awesome fried potato of the
(drums plz ) FRENCH FRIES!! ( da da daaaaaaa! ) dayem…. ima bring some tropical punch with those..n well hey no red bull if it'll put yeh udner the influence but hey if it gives wings then errrrrrrrf gotta have em to see u ! lol … u know wat – u kow when red bull say they give wigns..do u think that they mean…a person can get intoxicated that they feel they have wings? & then the next thign u see them at yr window tryin to jump off coz red bull gave em wings? geesz thats dangerous..but wait.how strong is red bull anyway?!
well abt the bet i have i can say i bet 5 million dollars that u r loved – see i dont have that – but im so sure that i'll win the bet and then let us see where you will cough up the dough from just joking
erm well..when i start to work, iwill definitely save up to come visit you some couple of years in the future
abt the being a kid thing — well naw pple have told me that i erally really need to GROW UP if i want to survive in this cold harsh nasty world. in otehr words… i think they werent JOKING when theysaid that i think they were on a serious note … as for those pple who r all grown lol … n they stil hae their child in them but they are able to manage everything as an adult – thats fine! be kiddish for ever lol
love you… & thanks to u n marine n this forum for loving me coz..i dont know what has been happening i've come to figure out the problem is lyign with in myself withing me
love kav
Hey marine loveee NO I KNOW you would not do that for moeny that is so NOT YOU i know that 100% but was just askin coz…wasnt exactly sure what u were talking about the money & guy thing @ the parties that we're gonna throw lol
dayem – dude – ima start from now prayin so u cud win the lottery – n then u mean we cud get to fly to ali on a magic carpet?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like aladdain!!!!!!!!!
oh oh oh can we dress it up wtih beads & stuff oh n can we carry food on it..?!
okay food but no pets darling
Welcome soulpixel! good news is to see a new memeber
bad news is that i dont know any hindi and therefore would not be able to help you
but you know i think i can ask someone and lets see if they know okay?
love, kav
Ali hey h r u … well erm..the essay yseh im done with it …its due today! thanks for the magic dust u're awesome
well whats so funny if i ask her about her lil perverted boss & her fiance in the same line? OKAY TELL US THE THOT PLZZZZZZZZZ me soooooooo wanna hear wot thought u be thinkin with a pervert n a fiance lol
ooof! how did you scratch out that you computer pple know how to do anythign erh! now i will seriously do something bad to u if u dont accept the fact that i love u n that im tellin u the TRUTH that yu are a god darn awesome dude n we seriously need to meet up 1 a dese days n have a good cook out in one of our back yards!
about this whole me needs to have strength thing….. yes i am trying to look deep withinmyself & booji is right, there is jsut some battles that you have to fight yourself and be strong from within or else nothing can change
no YOU GO ON ALREADY n share yr bad & good things i hope more good than bad
marine hey noo i was just making a little joke when i was saying what you said abt ali's accent..we know that u luv her & u r not mean so why wud u be serious if u said that..its totally undesrtsandable u two ive like half way across the world from each other it has to be quite hard to understand each other b/c of the geographical difference & accent difference … so its okie..just…try to talk slowly u two..& try yr best to understand each other!!
by the way the ocean wont mess up marines make up or yrs! coz even if the ocean takes some of yr eye do away or fades some of yr lipstick you will still be natrually beautiful & thats a gift
omg..have u ever been close up to a shark ali? dayem thats freaking scary dude
oh marine..i dont know anyone from india i dont even know hindi but im glad ali's brother will help you out
love ya'll
shakzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee give yr sista a hug** whats up!!! howz everything there been missing ya for a while eye, you must be busy with workin n all that stuffies!! hows yr lil pervert boss doing & howz yr fiance & h r u!!!!!!!!?
Hope all is well dear
yes yes ali yu see she is 1 strong girl – postive – strong girl! ali! i must learn from her! n yeah u r so right shakz
love — kav
well well well i be seeing you saying that you'll smack marine lol so ahem* just learning fr my good ole role model
lol why do you call nitzah nitzkar hahah and the poochkins part is funny but cute hehe ..abt the french thing well yeah so much frenchness goin on!! lol i wonder if i'l have anythign to say abt something……………….. super frencheeeey lolz yeah right dont expect me gonna say nothin bout no frenchee guy …the only french thing i cud prob talk abt is french FRIES! lol
– excuse me missy! yuh betta stop sayin stuff like dont speak for the forum – i swaer to u right now on like 1 million dollars everyone here who at least sent you 1 post or received that fr you thinks yr a super awesome girl
hehehhe yeah mental image with u with knife trying to kill pple lol
omg – well i cant come there to see u unless u gonna send me some a dat magic dust to give me wings!! lol or i'll just drink red bull ..dont they say that red bull gives u wings? hahah well unless it has alcohol then i wont drink it! so me cant come there sniffs..well not for now…& in a long long timeee
dayem tho i am seriously dyin to see u n like every1 here lol if u come here in usa omg……… OMG!! lemme not get all excited about something that …well prob wont be happening for a long time ;;;; by the way what the hug of death ? lol that sounds kinda really good but then…i think for a minute and i go… errmmm hmmm hug good death bad … bad death from a good hug … lol
abt the marine thing with getting laid – puh lease guys! errrmmm that was hilarious …the whole hen thing but man o man… when it gets serious it gets kinda gross
yeah u n marine right now is like..alright girl u need to grow up
well..yesh yesh i do ……sniffz
LOVE YALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOMIES 4ever!
dayem girl i am so dying to talk to u even if its for 5 minutes..oo erm a call card is a thing that umm well if u want to call around the world – over seas you buy that & call with it
you dont have call cards over there?! so how did you call marine!!! awwwwwwwwwwwww marine!!!!!!!!!! lolz u aint gotz to be that mean lol…nawwww i m sure u sound fine but i guess the 2 different accents is hard to undertand each other
will talk to u later
this god damn ESSAy is driving me BAZURKA!!
loveeeeeeeeee i was just saying the fairy tale story to explain to u then afte i was done im like..geez if only life was like that aint nothing in life so good life is f-ed up thats what god damn life is
abt the thing with eric
excuse me u want me to come there n give u a lil smack missy! u be quiet right this second n if i say u're wonderful U R coz u know why u have this awesome heart that can capture anyone n every1 on BWL knows it i swear
abt the french dude
*looks around in ………………………………………………………. totally awe *
dayem girl – u get tht french dude n u show him that u r a princess juz to match his prince's charm lolz
good luck
n so am iiiiiiiiii * MWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAH MUAH MUAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * here's some warm peach scented lovey dovey hugz juz for u *
OH MY GAWD im going FOR REAL THIS TIME lol to do my ESSAY
will post tommorrow again
love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Ali!!! my sweetheart – its okay loveeeeeee dont go crazy ( just to send me an email )
i know things are up & everywhere over there so take care of those matters! we are only human there is just so much we can take, you know?
n i love u lots n thnkx for caring god bless you child
thankie for the hugzzz they wre so warm lol
here's urs *hugs [extra warm with a big splash a lurveeeeeee ]
luv yu
Hey jasmine, boo, am rani! hr u all!!!!!
hey marine , ali! c'mon now play like nice little children
n u know why do i have the feelin we need to cool ali down ..i m not exactly sure what marine said up there but i didnt look like something all good
hey come come youguys get to talk on the phone what about me [:'(] i wanna talk too you know! ali im gonna call you one of these days watch i think i'll get a phone card
& as for marine..um..i didnt know she lived in USA but since she is … i think i can talk to her sometime
My two cents…
NOBODY can hurt you unless you let them… you're only as strong as you want to be, or as strong as you feel… and if you don't feel strong from within, NOTHING will change.. ya hear me girl? NOTHING will change. The strength has to come from within you.. and until you stop feeling sad and sorry that the world is not as perfect as you expected it to be, ain't nothing that will change honey… My love – you are so right. I have to stop being this WEAK oh my god. I just I guess I cant sit here and be upset that the world isnt changing. I have to be stronger i just HAVE TO
There are some situations in life (believe me – I have been there myself of late) where saying, “Whatever” and moving the **** on is the best thing to do. But unless you can find the voice in your heart saying that it IS the best thing to do, life won't change.. you have to want to change. I have not a clue how old you are, and I don't care how old you are… but you are mature enough to deal with this, Kavita… from what I see, you are mature enough.. and that is all that matters. I know yes some pple just have to say F it an move on and away ; Im 19 yrs old – yeah I knwo i know everyone will say stop being like a little 5 yr old like marine said ot me ; by the way, how old are you? & where are you living right now? i asked you before but you didnt answer
Nobody can fight your battles for you. Do it yourself honey. Because I think you owe that much to yourself. And, if you don't mind my bossy words.. which you are under no obligation to follow (I HATE – with a passion – telling people how to live their lives.) stop seeing the world in a negative light (basically, if I may be a little rude and blunt, stop complaining and whining and groaning like it's everyone else's fault except yours… it may well be their fault, but it is first and foremost YOURS for letting their faults hurt you so much.). It won't get you ANYWHERE. Hey hey hey dont feel responsible for how i 'live my life' just b/c you gave me some sisterly advice in my time of need! b/c you have no idea how i feel thankful & greatful to feel & hear out from someone else's point of view about this whole thing. I think everything you said is 100% right and I think i have to change my self and in such a way that i love myself and that i force the world to at least love me/or be neutral [ or NOT dislike me or not be invisible to it ] No its not their fault… imean i know..it is all my fault b/c i am not god damn strong as i thought i was! i heard that this world is evil & mean & cold & nasty and if you're not strong & mean u will be eaten alive. well ………………..
you're right…it IS my fault everything s it just is
See, now you probably understand why I believe I am my only strength. Lol. Don't feel hurt or offended, OK? Not my intention.. 🙂
noooooo now why would i be hurt or offended if someone who luvs .. is telling me their thoughs on something!! n by the way i luve yeh too n m thankful for ur kind words n i just wanna let u know i totally agree with u 100% i gats to let the world stop eating me if only i stop being the scum to eat then it wont eat me! it is my fault
it just has to stop being
& im going to have to work on making things better – most of it of course, is really making myself better
Ali – ! Marine was saying alright she gets it you dont have to get YM b/c when we asked you you said okay you cant soo i guess she was just making a joke and say that you dont swing that way ( meaning..erm..you dont go in YM and chat and stuff? lol i dont know ask her ) but im 100% sure she isnt callin gyou a *** why would she do that!
lol i think marine knows she's beutiful lol marine do u?!!! yesh plzzzzzzz show ali ur pics ..i luv her pics i swear her lipz n eyes they're like soooooooo like beautifully made!
person above is the sweetest thing to me
but right now person above me DIDNT tell me who ERIC is
so when they say they're going to a cocktail party it means they're going to
gt under the influence!!!!!!!! ?
hmmpphf – they're only tring to give it a good name
cocktail party
lol coz… well sane or not u're awesome lol