Hey bhabhi whats up.
Kvs n ice gangsta talk kick back and read some book cause you know you don't know sit lol j/k
lol marine plzzz u kinda right lolz for a person who'll sit bak n study everyday of spring break
dang i think she wud never know how to be core gangsta lol
man oh man – ali – i dont know if you'r being sarcastic or as strong as a bull in reality
but hey glad to hear that you are stronG & will always luv u & marine & every1 here &
i know marine has been upset abt soem stuff & we've gotta be there for her!
kinda agree with yeh on the love thing — partially agree however —
but i dont know…. sumtimes u go to distances to feel something for some1 & they just never seem to acknowledge it & u cant blame them coz they might say its not their fault that you are behaving in such ways ……….HMMPPH!!!!!!!!!!!! not their fault that they made you god darn fall into their comforty warm arms of love ey! argh! ARGH!!!!!!!!
love you too hunny bunny lunny tunny munnyyyyy
stop?? thats not part of serio's vocabulary!
continue, go on, keep going, never give up…thats more like it.
wow thanks for the advice oreoji – u r showing such a warm heart these days!!!!! look … how nice he us inspiration .. continue…go on… keep going..never give up guys!
all thanks to our sweet oreoji
I hate essays. I have a serious case of writer's block.
ack – dont we all sometimes! sumtimes it takes FOREVER just to get an intro!
but u know what writer's block
n then tackle the essay Q again
OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH what does she suck i wana k now is it lolypop or ice pop lol
YYEEMMEENN whats up baby
tsk tsk tsk marine why are you saying lol over lolipop and ice pop
im just hoping that you are saying lol b/c lolipop & icepop just make u wanna laugh out with all the joy in da world
& not b/c u're thinking otherwise
ali! h r u mi love! oooooooooooooooooh yahhh dude i am TOTALLY down with the whole forget france [hope am rani is having fun drinkin coffee under deh eifel tower however ] & i wundt mind spendin dat time in africa with ali! yay ! yesh yesh we'll still have our park & erm i'll still get to see lil dogs runnin in the grass n the wind blowin through the lil kids hair & im gonna be looking forward to be seeing some animals nature is awesome but yah so gats to be careful hmp – i'll still brin the tropical punch which'll fit right in with the weather over there n instead of french fries..emm… well i'll let this be yr pick! wot foods you gonna introduce me to?!
as for red bull – oof! no dont go listenin to me abt the jumping out the window thing lolz – oooooo so its like…coffee?? it makes u stay up? umm okay hahaha thats cool
well i aint no $$$ earner either but im so confident in betting that coz i know i'll win coz im zip on the dough lol
love you lots – will read yr email & reply — kav
omg! i forgot to say that y'day i watched FANAA!!!!!!! omg its so darn sad! loved to see kajol back after so many yrs & amir is so awesome
ali – you keep plants? really? what kind?!
ness hr u hun how come u never tell me back hi everytime i tell you hi – sniff
oreo — aw man — no need to tell me such things
b/c from that 1 time u were actually caring to me & gave me such wonderful advice [when i was saying everything about..such and such…and his friends….and such and such]
how dare you think for 1 minute that me & every1 here dont see that ur heart may be even warmer than ours
really interesting q – i have the same q actually i think we shouldnt really trust like people in chat rooms and stuff b/c i think alot of pple are real nuts
as for this forum i trust all of you here i dont know why but if you were bad pple why would you spend your time here advising each other and sympahtizing with each other & writing yr views & playing games with each other and asking each other questions … sometimes silly ones…some times funny ones
its really a mystery how i can say not to trust pple in chat rooms and how i say that i trust you all & i have never met you it is really a thing that makes me sound hypocritical but it is just me
alrigth i thinkw e need more answers for this same Q
i have a question here
ali – is arnab paul your brother?!!!!!
person above me my schweet sister who will
make me an aunty of 100 neices & nephews!
if she has that many kids!
shakzee h r u!! oreo lol h r u dude? everything goin smooth?
ali! you never told me about………………………………. i mean you never mentioned him i didnt know that you said stuff abt the whole thing on the forum
omg! waffers are SO DANG ADDICTING!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh wait..did u say waffers scary? oh waffers the lego my ego thing ermm
i dont know what risotto is either but sounds interesting
steak i cant say if thats yummy or yucky some1 else plz say!
shakzee – what weird msgs do you get?
orange juice
black hair or brown hair
*commands marine to rest her head on my shoulder* — let me cry for you — come on ! strenghten up love! the world is opening its arms for you & anxiously awaiting the vibrations of yr voice & yr movements & would be honored to be seen by you or heard by you — the world loves you — smile right now — just for me!
*oye ! oreo —!! oh gawd – what is this with this multiple personality thing … maybe serio IS a shrink…no wonder he be getting to us sooo … not doing so well though… shrinks dont tell pple to jump off of cliffs unless they're mad themselves…..
boooji – agree with you that serio's quotes are awesome… b/c they really are!
and marine – agree with you that… he's actually saying something…wow sensitive..something that has feelings for god's sake!
look every1 – SERIO has a HEART! lol *me love you serio*hug*
oreo – dayem – you dont know when to stop huh! dun go advising pple to jump off the way how do u know its helpful to them..have u done it before
marine & ali – my schweet sisters — oh help us dear lord when we are in our greatest need & in our time of most greatest suffering when our hearts are the most vulnerable to destruction and pain
marine – how are you my love? whats been happening to you? please tell me … dont worry you will get what ever it is through… i know you must be so upset & worried about..S but let me tell you something
you must be strong …just as you guys tell to me… be strong & me & ali & every1 are here for you
i know sometimes we have NO idea as to how to answer these crazy q's that we have in our hearts & minds & we dont even have any idea as to how we GOT to this place where we are right now! but this is what i need yu to do
look inside yrself & seek yr self out & seek your heart out and realize how wonderful of a person you are
and that you as your own self does not depend on anyone else to be a sweetheart
we are here for you marine — as for you ali — seems liek something is going on with you too my love & i know it is about ….. i thin i know…& i sure know that there's a lot of heart ache involved — but im here for yeh okay ….
marine ali , if anytime that you cant hold back the tears, please rest yr head on my shoulder & i will cry for you
Marine – dont cry hun! but if you are or you did – here's mah shoulder —- just waiting for you to cry on
although i dont even want 2 hear u crying! sometimes its good to cry though you know what…. b/c it rids your chest of so much crap & sometimes you feel so much better after crying
ali – luv – h ru? hope good! mah shoulder is here fr you too!
booji – h r u hun
so busy here trying To study — during spreak break — i know guyz dont laugh at my life! but yeah i got
to study coz i have mah exams when i go out back — love, Kav
pshkkkkkkkkkkkk – and we wonder why life is confusing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AW HOW SWEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!! [:'(]
Hey all you gorgeous gyals h r u!
Marine.. you are Right on the spot with those thoughts
ali – you stop it right now young lady! – 1 little pimple should not
take anythign away fr you b/c you are awesome & a pimple have NO competition
in trying to prove otherwise!
hey my lovely pple
sigh..tabzee ..thanks..soul pixel have a look at unique princess's translate hope it helps!
tabzee so poetic!!!! aww hun *hug*
marine — yes is right & i've heard that… if you dont believe in yourself NO ONE will belive in you and i have to start believing in myself and being strong and showing the world that i am a person just like them and not UNDER them
love you guyz tonssssss
ali! you will not go dancing b/c you have a pimple!!!?? oh come on – so you mean when you go dancing pple look at yr face ..i thought it was only dancing
and besides one lil pimple is nott gonna scar yr beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ermm* marine* soo are yeh working on making that clock for tabzee?