1 – 36 China Town
2. Mr. X in Bombay
3. Misson Kashmir
4. Meenaxi – A Tale of 3 Cities
5. Mumbai Matinee
6. Mumbai Xpress
8.Bombay To Goa
9.Calcutta Mail
10.China Town
11.Ramji London Waley
12.Kashmir Ki Kali
12. Love at Time Square
13.Love in Tokyo
14. Love in Nepal
Ness! thanks for explaining
wow im SO SLOW geesh – guyz excuse my slowness ha
ness thanks for explainin that one to me i wud have never gotten it
Am Rani:
goes hmmm
me eating roti & some delicious aaloo curry
person above me went to paris and didnt even tell abt the wonderful stories & how exciting it was to sip coffee under the eifel tower while stealin a lil glance at french dudes
come on tell us how it went! i'd always wish to go there ..how is it there?
oooooo dayem amrani ji! that is DA LIFE!!!!!! lol can i join u pretty plz lol
omg i recently watched fanaa… so good but soooo sad
um..well maybe im the wrong person to answer that q i dont even have a drivers license ..sniff
ooo scarry i meant waffers ..waffers and waffles are diff lol sry
im not a fan of regular potato chips so i guess im gonna go with yucky…
i dun really think they're yucky i just dont like them though
PRINGLES yumz lol
hey guys
i am not muslim but i believe all gods are really ONE
Rani – this is very interesting material!
Am Raniji – oh mah gawd – how dare u come here n not tell us abt yr stay in paris! soo did yeh get to have dat coffee under the eifel tower lol …i was totally picturing that…+ on of them lil french hats on yr head hehe
now can u really tell us what is the description of 'french guy' lol
RANI~!~ oh lawd…why do i always fall in luv with yr sig pics!!! rani luks absoultely beautiful!
So if we have our own pictures as file [ not as a website] we cant paste it in??
i made a welcome back flowery pic for sugaR in the say something section b/c she left & came back but its not showing up & some other pics i tried to paste never shows up
im not exactly sure if its my comp or the forum b/c sometimes when i paste stuff it shows up
Sugar Hey! Soo GREAT to see you back here. Actually I left for a while myself, and came back like a month ago or so. Soo whats up with you?! wat u mean..of course i know you! just hope that u rem me ha… we use to talk about home made remedies for the face especially & u were good with those stuffies … aw man..do tell abt the stuff that has been goin on with u!! i know u said sum1 was gettin married @ yr side i think it was yr brother..how'd it go??
oh wow mukesh, that is great!
hope that helps you purnima!
Marine hun how r u doing? i hope good. any good news about your brother? did you hear from him? keep praying!
Happy Easter!
boo omG! I love titanic [:'(]
rose is SO beautiful
boo u r right…
i mean come on….
the word is in your lang! meaning something else of course
put spaces
lol i dont have a cat anymore…it ran away
red hair on you must look hot
omg ! – he is yr brother!!!!!!!!!!!!! a gold member!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so creative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love that sig pic
booji – can you tell me what the words mean?
um true DAT!
srk is the best lol
ah …. the shocking news
oh mah gawd! never heard that word before & checked the site out of curiosty
umm…. lets just say i still never heard thta word before
btw boo – ur sig pic is awesome dude! am lovin it