hahahhaahaha…oreo… yumin wont be jealous b/c she doesnt get freaks!!!
hayati – hey…what lang is that?
hmm booji yup i guess your idea is better !
i dun have a credit card marine*
ali heyyy h r u hunnie
boo & nessa mi loverly sisters … calm yerselves down .. play like nicelittle children here …dun worry with ya'll , its always cool!
ali – you have a nose piercing…wow…must look hott hehe
ranzz hahah…be careful hun…i dun know much about myspace & the pple there & how serious pple wud take 'em
but be careful okayyyy !
oreo – hey gud to see u bak here how was yr vacation…. did you enjoy jumping off of those cliffs of yrs
aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii – MAGIC DUST PLZZZZZZZZZ i have to study for my exams next week & i cant concentrate damn it!!! well dis stuff istn really exactly wot yu wud call interesting ..but hey! i gatta do it! i need some magic dust for my examss luwie … urgently
Hey my lovely hunnies h r ya'll…
ali glad to see sum connection b/w you too..being that you're from the same place & all!
sugaR well not sure what happened with Rose…the girl left and NEVER came back been talking to marine about it… yes she said her parents were OVER strict i think she only told us something so that she would leave us on 'a good note' … sighs… ijust hope she is ALRIGHT miss her like SO much i tell you ..guess we'll never be seein her here again however
marine hun..haha well… dont mention oreo & before ya know it he shows up inthis same thread making trouble..haha joking..u know oreo's trouble are out of love haha..coz think of it..why wud he come here if he didnt care a crazap about us
anyhow – ali once again thanks for the magic dust – im only replyin on this thread – coz i gots to go study me buttt offfa mah chair again…yeah rite..hope i dun fall to sleep! n hope i dont hurt my brain [ as marine kindly told me] lol dun worry tho marine..if i do…u're be to my rescue you said so
luv ya'll…will come on back tomorrow…gotta go study bio now & my other subjects..before next week is here! sighs..wish me LUCK plzz i need it
love always
i was crackin up over amzee's 'goes hmm' too lol sry guyz the roti was the only thing icud think abt hahaha
aliii i still have tolearn to cook roti…taste awesome
next : thoughts
why do u guys like emraan hasmi or whatver his name is
c'mon srk is the hottest
stop sayin otherwise!
honey bunzz i think he was saying dat about nitzah coz you always say nitzkar haha
srk is HOT dudes!!!!!!!!!!!! *drooling* lol
hey you two! wudda ya know you both are from africa yay! haha
alii hey been missing ya sooo much round here hope everything is alright…me need some magic dust to help with my upcoming exams
i think sugaR cud sure as heck do with sum herself haha
well erm…seems like me got the honors to introduce ya'll too..*ahem* sugaR meet ali, ali meet sugaR *hahhaa*
sugaR ..SIGH…Rose… she left us she NEVER came back i know she lied to us and said she had to go and study b/c she was getting
tutored … well i just really hope she's okay…; i think she got in trouble from her parents n stuff… u know how she said they were
extremely STRICT…but me miss her soo much wish she wud come bak ..well hydroprinces..she use to say stuffies abt homemade facial too so im sure yeh read some msgs from her
marine is alright…i've got her ym screen name so we chat often .. as for shakz and rani – you shud definitely check out the say something totally random thread — usually people even if they've missd alot of days just come back to say hi in there
talk to you guys later..luv ya'll
Hi Mukesh, how are you? Hope good.
I was thinking of something. Is it a good idea if this forum had a 'Introduce Yourself Section' ?
I dont go in all of the threads but few times if I happen to go in one, I see that there is someone saying they are new to the site.
I think it would be a good idea if we can have the introduce yourself section so whoever is new would just come and introduce themselves
to all memebers of this forum. Also, I think tihs would make them less shy to post messages b/c they dont know where to 'start' or 'fit in' with the long thread conversations that occupy many many pages [and you know how everyone also stray away from topic].
I dont know how effective this will be but I thougth of it b/c i would really like to see more people on BWL and being free to post msgs
Hello Mukesh, I understand now what you are saying about uploading pictures. Its okay dont worry about the welcome picture thing.
I can understand why space can be an issue.
Scar face:
Kavz u dreamar..me miss u
naw its more like Kavs you extremely SLOW person
luw you n miss u alot tooooooooo just hope everythin is alright with u!
Am Rani:
Am Raniji – oh mah gawd – how dare u come here n not tell us abt yr stay in paris!(I did!! About a 100 times, haha) soo did yeh get to have dat coffee under the eifel tower lol …i was totally picturing that…+ on of them lil french hats on yr head hehe (Little french hats?? Tell me more about it, haha
now can u really tell us what is the description of 'french guy' lol Hahahahaha, they all seem to be gay!And I know know why, but there were SO much Spanish people… I hardly couldn't see the french ones, haha
hey guys what really cooking with ye'all …. hope ya'll havin the best times of yr lives
yeah sure.. ;;; Amzzzzzz lol well thanks for the update on the pariiiiss vacay – lil french hats lol..erm am i mixin dem up with another country? oo lol err maybe i am..i dunno theyre like lil flat lookin hats dat sorta tip over to one side..anyway forget it! oh god so now u're tellin us french guys seem to be gay lol why wat u mean..they wore tight pants n walked like models or sumthin? hehheehe ..spanish pple..wow…didnt imagine that..well gud to see yeh back here ..n 1 day i'll head on a lil trip to pariiis myself
a loud ear wrecking shoutout to the rest of my crew [lol] scarry glad to see you back been missin ya around here, just hope everything is alright at yr side!
heyy hun wat up with you ..?! sooo glad to hear that you're in
yr final yr of studyin wow – progressin i see -! thats goooood
… man…. i kno how exams can make us nervous but u know what…
just make sure u use up alottt of the time left for studying n i wish u good luck
I actually have 2 exams next week oh gawd — gotta study like SO MUCH
more its really nerve wrecking and totally scary
omg – the wedding?! how was it? hope gooood i rem u tellin me that the
girl was havin a lil attidude n stuff… hope she's treating yr bro good
well nothin much has been going on here…still in college 2nd yr … studyin
hey do u remember rose (shahrukh is the best) and hydroprincess/asmaprincess?!
& who is scarry talking about here?
ness can you give a clue
im kinda really lost at this
hi atulji! out of yr list i am definnitely for:
abhishek with Rani , defniitely for srk & kajol
Hey Amz how are you – Yes i agree with you on that … wow to that adult contacting kids and talking about perverted stuff – This just DISGUSTS me
I really think people on the forum here can be trusted. The question though is WHY or HOW do we know that? / WHat makes this forum members different from people in chat rooms?
For me all I can say is what I said above, if you guys could spend time to write here and communicate & give advice to those in need, etc and be very caring I just feel that you all can be trusted Its just a feeling & because this site is ORGANIZED makes it even better – if you know that this is a site where indians interested in bollywood would come and leave msgs then that would be fine; some chat rooms its like you really really dont know which part of the world or Who on earth you are even talking to [not even a clue about them]
same q guys