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  • in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #32361

    Surprise ranz! in love with tabzee's brother?!!

    arfff tabzzz yu gatta control this gyal

    she goin crajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


    yeah crajee crajee in lurveeeee


    in reply to: THE TRUTH #64017

    hmm Ranz interesting

    Praise the lord!

    (All of them are ONE – to my belief)

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #32341

    hey hunzz aww why was yr heart poppin outta yr chest y'day? Surprise hey r u alrite?!!!
    thank god for ness … go ness! lol she is an amazing one!

    wowwww 95% geesh u r too good to be true! congratz on dat one

    i dunt knwo my grades yet but i know they aint good this time Sad but whatever

    plz tell us this STORY behind 'the scent of yr man' hehehe

    awaiting to hear what REALLY been happenin with u ova there



    in reply to: Title song of tara rum pum #64857

    This is just what i was meaning, new people come here and they dont even know where the Introduce yourself thread is

    But anyway its not my forum Smile

    Heyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please tell us more about yourself, glad to see another person

    at BWL!!!!!!!!!

    iwill check out this video right now i LOVE rani she is my fav

    in reply to: L o v e Q u o t e s ! ! #46615

    oo man …booo me sorry if i got this crazy info of mine…incorrect but i jsut really remembered you talking
    against love…well No not agaist it..but not totally for it & all romatic and stuff … or wait was it that soul mate
    thread that…khushi(i think) made up? aww man…sry hun…im crazed … i definitely DO remember this
    but i guess my INTERPRETATIONS at the time were wrong


    love kav…

    oh yeah if any1 remember anything abt this..cud yah say? lemme know if im goin looney toons or sumthin

    in reply to: Advices ** Questions ** Life ** School ** Love ** #62585

    Ali hun – how ar thou?! me = relieved
    Aww man i dont nkow whre marine buthope she is okay..oh yeah she isb usy practicing for this show she has to
    perform in soooooooooooooo i wish u good luck marine!! dunt worry … wid you…every1 will be amazed hehe
    u're full of confidence & talent & yr beautiful — geesh ali look at me talknig to her as if she was here!!

    me miss her too yesh yesh … & me miss yeh tooo *warm choco covered hug* haha omg gym!!! u go to gym! must be an awesome
    way to totally get in shape & in fit

    hun about yr q – rejection is hard to handle i kind of know that ; well i havent really been through all this but im still trying to help you
    by telling you my thoughts ; If you'renot strong enough to take rejection but ur feelings are strong enufff to risk thAt , then is it not
    better to like..ask? or tell? or hint? but dont mind are you and you know yourself better & able to judge if you shud do
    this or not; yr prince is sumwhere i know it…

    wel security in love? geez alie i dont know if that even freakin EXISTS! really …& if it does i dunt know if i'll ever be able to get CLOSE to it
    coz for me it seems like i just have this boundary line around me & its invible but its CLEAR CUT & its THERE

    gota go do report now ..luw youlots, kav

    in reply to: L o v e Q u o t e s ! ! #46612

    boo missy!! hmmp omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SurpriseI distinctly remember you being the one who isnt all about LOVE and stuff and you use to say all the time
    thta you dont believe in love Surprise omg r u telling me dat you forget what ou were saying before! Surprise

    i dunt think im wrong thoo..ask they others! well if u wanna look at it this way..i think this was a LONG time ago haha
    omg… Surpriseso you believe in love?!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    well u're right no the exam stress gettin on meh but ermm i got it rite wat i said abt you! omg..yeah i've been noticing yr lovey siggies n im like..huh????? er maybe she just likes …ermm….the actors or actresses or pple who said em? lol umm ne way!!!!!!!!!!!1

    back to do my report

    ali hun..h r u …hahah what r u REALLY crackin up abtHmm..c'mon share it with us Hmm

    in reply to: THE TRUTH #64014

    hey you twoo me see ya'll having fun here hmmp oh yeah BWL is there when yah need to be

    tottally distracted from doin yr hw hehe but BWL is definitely needed!

    ooof SAT! ARGH to that CRAP I think that test is so STUPID you know why??? B/c it seems as

    though they are TESTINg how FAST you can do stuff and not if you can actually DO IT

    aint dat dumb????

    neway good luck on dat for both of ya'll & ranzzzz if you have to study for it

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #58500
    RaNi iS ThE BeS:

    I feel like crap…I remember the days when I would log onto the forum whenever I was upset…now this forum feels like a “stranger”


    Aww ranz…! you need a warm choco covered huggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hug* Right Hug aww dunt worry some of us are here! seeeeee Big Smile

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #58499
    RaNi iS ThE BeS:
    p.s. I hate it when I miss people

    im sorry. he'll be back in no time Insha'allah

    Surprise HE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surprise

    in reply to: psychic #64742

    Surprise ranz..hmmmmmmmmmmm …. interesting stuffers i see you gat in dat mind of yers!

    sooooo ermm haylie…cud ya share wid us the otehr psychic stuff associated with rani?! oh
    come on now! she said its alrite!

    hey ranz..what is the meaning of takbeer?

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #32336

    hey ya'll…sup? uhhhhh wait i didnt quite get what ranz & haylie said abt yumin..was it um dat she wud make a good couple with oreo? lol

    hahaha wonder wot oreo wudh ave to say abt that himself

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh the relief! my exams are over [for now] at least!!!!!!1 yay at leat i can like

    dive into mah BED early tonight AND totally DRIFT off into dreamland arf…cant wait!!!!!

    ali…hun!! thanxx fr the magic dust yr so kind…oooooooo whaat finals are you taking??? oh god

    here lemme give u some a dat thing they call magic dust Stick out tongue

    Marine lovey…good luck! i nkow you will do fine b/c you have beenpracticing & practicign makes you have CONFIDENCE that you will do good; you have the skill to shake yrself & leave pple in TOTAL AWE! so go kick butt!! or…go shake butt! for this matter lol ..*hug*

    love ya'll


    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #32326

    hey dudettes…just wanted to say HEY…. so

    HEY! hehe

    alrite enough fun on BWL…..time to STUDY!!!!!!!!!!! Just had my 1st test & my 2nd test is in 2 hours…ermmmmm gotta cram stuff in 2 hrs..!!!!!!


    alie….magic a whole ton !

    luw ya'll


    in reply to: L o v e Q u o t e s ! ! #46609

    First of all – WELCOME Canadian ACE!!! Good to see you here; wouldnt ya want to tell us about yourself? Definitely you must tell us this esp. in the Introduce Yourself Thread! btw, nice quote!

    Alrite girls — sniffs i LOVED the notebook like SO MUCH i use to watch it like OVER AND OVER if its showing & my sister & b ro use to get mad b/c they wanted to watch their shows hahaha…….

    tabz…yu wud hit the guy? lol ….well i dno tknow i wud definitely get MAD but …. you know how it feels to have the most love in the world
    for the person you totally Hate at the moment? kinda weird

    tabz i see u r caught up in a walk to rememember! — well i saw the advirtisements on it di dnt get to watch .

    ali hey lol um …yuppers those stuffies u underlined in tabz's a walk to remember summary sorta describe me too..but more you hun [since you said so] lol have fun watching the movie

    boo ji hehe since when am i hearing you talk about love as such!~!~! i remember you as the girl who didnt 'believe in love' & now you're saying that you'd be wrapped around him awwwwwww how schweet


    we've gotta have a whole convo on titanic — lol -anyone watch it? alrite this is the al time awesome movie …& my bro & sis definitey got engraged bc i wanna awtch it every time it showed…watched it so much last summer…kate winslet is the most beautiful actress… brillant actress..absolutely love the movie..why DID JACK HAVE TODIE???????????// WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [:'(]

    in reply to: psychic #64736

    umm Q : anyone know about sylvia brown…. the psychic Surprise

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #32325

    ali ..schweet love are you alrite??? hey where do you work?? awww man..dunt worry …i hope everything gets up soon … & rememeber

    to get lots & lots of rest …what tests are you getting?

    haylie..hahaha…neways forget abt the druggie thing..who cares but it IS bad for yeh whoever is taking it

    um im studying biology …. have to cram about…bacteria and Viruses and evolution and darwin's lil finches, and the fungus mold that comes on bread & all that stuffers!!



    in reply to: A Thought… #57033

    didi are you alright???? please tell me that you are! & where did you get these thoughts from !!

    in reply to: Advices ** Questions ** Life ** School ** Love ** #62583

    mi art thou! awww…its aight to get caught up in the moment every now & then hehe no probs bob

    awww well oh yesh yesh ..if you can run for the gold…. girl yeh better start running like if you're in a sprintin race

    See you are courages you are strong you are the person that keep hope when the storm shatter every dream You are the person i'd admire & you are the person i would actually learn stuff from that would help me to adapt to this arghing life

    If you really feel lik eyou just need to tell him…& you dont believ ein hints & you are Capable of going for the gold [ha] …why not try and do it at least? what say? try?

    security in love..ack…yesh what on earth am i saying… i think the only security in love wud be when u're married & have gray hair

    in reply to: psychic #64735

    Ack..studying never ends! & i have my major tests tomorrow ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    errrrrrrrrrrrrr say haylie…cud yah get our chotti rani to predict my test scores

    ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cram cram cram i have to cram cram cram i have to crammmmmmmmmmmmmm

    in reply to: L o v e Q u o t e s ! ! #46588

    “That's what we do, we fight. You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a bytch, and I tell you when your being a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a two second rebound rate and then your back doing the next pain in the ass thing. I'm saying, it's not gonna be easy… It's gonna be really hard. But I wanna do that because I want you, I want all of you, you, and me, together. Everyday for the rest of my life…” Noah – from ''The Notebook'.

    Tayaba!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE NOTEBOOK!!!!!!!!!!! u watched it?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was really in love with that movie when i watched it…. i mean the end is too mushy for me but everything else..

    geesh..LOVED IT man ..ALIE!! AND NOAH!!!! OMG! THE MEMORIES! i havent watched it since like last summer! and the duckies!!!!!! remember the duckies? lol

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