yo today was MAD hot!
yumin are you reading me?
hahah yesh i was wonderin abt that WING THING … come on now..dunt it at least make yr head…FLY …like HIGH … in the sky ..somewhere..lol
Hey how'd u know im a New yorker! i never said mad crazy … but YEAH LOL we say MAD CRAZY we say mad alot… mad kinda means”VERY” soo if ur couz says u're mad crazy…it means u're VERY crazy lol ….nawwww my quiz is on friday …. soooooo at least i wont die if i dont study everything tonight but then again…procrastination is A KILLA!
of course
advanced placement student
Ohh hindus are allowed to enter a mosque – that is nice to hear – some day soon i want to go into a mosque
to see how they pray, etc. just some one told me that they think mosque wouldnt let hindu in , so i was like..in my mind, how would the mosque know i am hindu anyway? they wouldnt…but just wanted to do what was rite lol
have gone into christian church many times when i was younger! wanted also to check out sikh temple sumday
i know any any any any person of diff religion can come in mandir the lord will open arms to them afterall if human, demon, or beast worship him He will accept the offering
yumin, no i dont pray to ALL of the gods no ; I am hindu – a Born hindu
I pray to hindu Lord. But I am just saying – I can accept any other religion just because I believe all the GODS are really ONE. I am hindu but I am just saying that when it comes to other religions its okay.
Seriously … if all the Gods DO exist and they are all IN HEAVEN right at this moment – what difference would they have amongst each other?!
yumin — oh red bull hmmmmm dat thing dat gives you wings aye… will blame u if u catch me jumpin out of mah window [remember this ali lol]
coffeee man o man coffee screws my stomach over man … dayem i better open mah eyes WIDE & ermm…study else my a$& will totally fail!
stay up for daYs? umm thats noooooot healthy for youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
omg but wow…gud tactics to study lol
dayem i dont know how pple concentrate when sleepiness is like BITING AND CHEWING at their brain grooves man!
oh my good god; i am so sorry to hear what happened didi
what was the situation behind this? was your cousin sick? or had background illnesses? oh my god
Let us just pray that she is in the abode of the lord & her soul will rest in peace
yumin…SIGH yes… does anyone know how to make myself STAY UP ; or be energetic or something…[ withOUT COFFEEE PLZZ]
ali..didi – yes marine better send us the video
hun wot wot i heard in the other thread you met the MAN of yr dreams so i wud probably disregard all the negatives in this thread
heheheehe orrrr do these negatives still apply? dunt know if u met him after u wrote this or before???? aww its okay hun i totally get what u
mean wen u said u shundt hint when feelings r involved bc it cud mean anything
will talk to u later hun love u lots mwah
oh my gawd too much coffee for me means stomach craze!
aww mann how do u STAY UP im kinda soo sleepy but have to study for my quiz..how do u really stay up
besides..ermm…the coffeee?!
wot wot i know you know ranz really guuud soooo me wanna hear sum a this
wot been goin on with ranz and a GUY who lives in a far away land hehe
NESSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE ENGAGED?!! ahh is see you told our chotti rani!
but hey!
omg — CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oye! dont shake yr head…
tell tell tell!!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Kavita – I also believe there is only one God, but I call my God Allah, nothing else.
Ranz – awesome answer – no problem Allah is your God – he is the [form of Lord in which you believe in!]
I honestly believe that different religions…really all the Gods are just ONE God – just as my religion [hinduism] having many forms
of the lord – its just ONE of them in separate places and times. Just as there is many interesting unbelievable things/clues about islam; there are unbelievable things from other religion like christianity and hinduism , etc.
To my belief all of them exist all of them are ONE.
Why should there be wars about religions when we are all worshipping
the being we call GOD the being we bow to and pray to ? Why should we shed blood over a different believe that is SO MUCH ALIKE?Why? THe lord need to make the earth righteous – bless us with your righteousness dear lord! And cast away all EVILS!
I have a question : Can a hindu be allowed [by the mosque] to go in the MOSQUE?
Scar face:
Advanced placement ???
exam for english ????
wat is dis??…neva heard of this one before…..tell me more pls
am interested..
didi this is for SMART PEOPLE haha
hahaha, v have them next week. whack!
I see no point from that stupid test. lol
yumin r u in cali too?? hey do u n Rani know each other in real life or sumthin!
omg the test that i totally believe has NO POINT is the SAT … CRAZY pple..testing on TIME more than quality knowelge sooo STUPID I TELL YEH!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
psychicgood guesser moments? ummm….I gave Tayba's bro same nick name he gave himself.Scarrrry – No one is psychic. But I'm a good guesser. *nods*
hmm Ranz..wot wud that be? hawt? [seems like u're really into tabzee's bro…hmm gurls wot am i missin here? haha]
no ranz tell me more dude this is awesomely awesome…& interesting..go on ..any dreams lately?
ness you seem to be liking tabzee's brother tooo
how do u guys knowwww him lol…!! wot am i missing out on here?!!!!! hmm tabz??? heheh wud ya'll care to tell?!
drops out of chair*
wud ya look at dat? luk how she said it… just met the man of MY DREAMS … aWWWWWW!! so he asked u out!!!!!!!! awwwwwwww!! hun i am sooooooooooo overjoyed to hear this info!!!!!!!!! u r a wonderful person he is lucky to have someone like you & i am so happy hope everythin go well aliiii aww hunnn !! yay!!!!!!! wedding bells!!!!!!!! OH MAH GAWDDDDDDDDDDDDDD r u seriuosly startin to hear dem in the distance!??!!! GASPS!! i nkow you were very upset over…………………………. [other person] …………………………… this is why i am really happy to hear this news
girl u betta invite me to dat wedding if it happens lol
me soooooooooooooooo tired & sleepy will tell u more later 7 email u later love you soo much
heyyyyyyyy nessa was there?!!!!!!!!!!! OMNG WHO TRIED TO GO IN YOUR FLAT!!!!! HOLY MOTHER OF THE LORD! WHICH IDIOT! gawd r u alright?!!!!!! nessa lives there?? oh wait..i thought she lives in america?? okay wait im a lil confused now? lol but awwwww man… thanx to her i know how u must have felt during that terrible time hun!
take care & plz be careful where u r
love you didi
oh gawd wots goin on here
ranz in luv with tabzee's bro
hahahaha ranz? hmmm tabz? wot if yr bro come on here & see all this wunderful lovey things our chotti rani is saying bout him!
yumin…very nice sig pic
naw ranz tell me more of yr psychic moments
me wanna hear