boo love… not quite as funny as
oreo ……………. love? hmmpp dont you wanna stop & think???
Furthermore….. love….. with a picture?????
Oooooo these are oreo's proposals… + he's in love with yumin's signiture hmmm
issues issues issues
hey yumin..who is that girl?
It's 4.30 am, and I really don't know what I'm doing awake at this hour!
I gotta get some sleep. But my eyes refuse to!
luw awwww hey now wots on that mind of yers that is making you stay up this late hmm?
c'mon now tell tell
Remember to always take rest & relaxation techniques are always good to make you sleep well
Love, Kav
Ranz monkey bars hmmmmmmmmmmm but i dont have any! [:'(]
Tabz! no short jokes
Nosiyra — rani is in it so i may watch it! she is my fav
oof you guys are already thinking about wot to name yer sons?!!!hahaha! yeah…cuz she doesnt like that name so its gonna be my sons name!
heck yeah!
hmmmph guys guys guys tsk tsk tsk so yeh guys already talkin about SONS and stuffers?
Alright Guys – dont laugh but need yr answer/opions if yeh have any
Does anyone know any way to make someone grow taller?
Tabzeee h r that story reminds me of my parents hahah at least when i was lil younger lol
wat wat wat…. yummin …who are these kids ?! yr neices & nephews or sumthing?!
hahhaaha yeah apparently she got the great impact of that
yesh yesh it takes a while for it to wear off haylie
oof what if she sensed that you said that right now haha
Naw but how does she KNOW stuff
oof you guys are already thinking about wot to name yer sons?!!!
Khushi hey! Ohh my .. my favorite Rani is in there sooo hmm hope to watch it someday!! kids? wot you talkin bout ranz!
oh btw, this chick on yr siggy…i've fallen in love with her.LMFAOLMAOLMAOAMLAMOA OMG LMAOAMLAMALMAOMA
Yeah haylie
Scar face:
I work in a frikking MORGUE
Like seriously
i luk at dead people every day…how do u think I get my wacko sense of humour..
damn its freeeezing in this place….
didi do you really?!
oh my GOD! isnt that SCARY?!
a break in the leg!!!!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmmmm cant believe harry ARGH became the next villian guy …. and there's someone else…ermm.venom …kewl dude!!!!!! cant wait!
Pillows are evil huh hmmmmmmm how bout beds! beds are the culprits for carrying the pillows!
haha thanks for the ……………..encouragement……………….. i need that
didi haylie was meaning oreo
speaking about advertising..i was gonna ask on this site if any of you guys know any other forums like this one but then im like..hmm no mukesh would definitely NOT want that
but i didnt know they had rules? ggeesh lucky thing i didnt ask
ooof week end means more study study study and catch up ooff!
last night i was goign to study for my test that is coming up but i …erm..studied on the BED!!! and i SLEPT AWAY damn it sooo soooooon darnnn!!! it was too comfy to studyyy lol ..
sighs this just means more for me to study today & tomm!!! no more study on bed for me lol
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
everyone is insane…
Kavita…I can't think of anything that happened lately…sowwie
lmao i feel like i'm on a freak show or something
hey ranz be sure to let me know when strange occurances…occur
guys – did u guys ever wtch MONTEL its a show idont watch it expect when they had a PSYCHIC – Sylivia Brown – and someone said they saw UFO sightings and asked her what was that about! –>>> she was like yes they are aliens but they are just coming down on earth to see if we are taking care of it … im like……………………ummmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
awww Tabzz soo glad 2 hear that yr daddy is there with you ! live it up!
ohh the yellow star is actually nice but i dont understand what it means?