Hahahahahahaa whoa cud imagine how yr bro and cousins looked if they wre imitating those 2 dudes hehehe
Hahahahahahahaha yumin you crazed nijafied fella!
Ranzz hella is a CURSE???? I think i heard from YOU [or was it Yummin? ] that hella is like saying hekka and its like meaning 'VERY'
i know those are words of you cali dudes
Boo aww hmm nice sig pic — soooooo congruent with LOVE hmmmmmmm *thinks*
Nosiyra!!!! AH HA!!!!!!!!!!!!! See its NOT only me who had this 'idea' about
Boo — okay yes maybe I meant not against love but sort of totally NEGATIVE toward love to the point where it
was coming to 'seem like it was against it' [but guess not]
I dont know why i had this in my mind about you booo but i know it didnt come from the air molecules floating around on the top of my head
either when we were all talking about this you said stuff and i misinterpret it orr you said stuff that was easily misinterpretted by others toooo
Anyway glad that you (boo) correct that
sugaR hey!!! whats up with you??!!! been missin ya here – I had sent you a pm [in BWL] i didnt think you checked it though
Yes Shakz is still on here – she usually come in the Say something Totally Random Thread but she comes once in a while
I think ali was making a cute welcome with her suggesting yu guys could go for coffeee — so you are not in durbs/africa..where are you then?
Hey sugaR , I saw this video a long time ago
Those dudes are soo crazy and whacky
im not exactly sure what they're saying though
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
She's just a bum on crack.
Rani's favourite words, ladies and gentlemen (though few…. on second thoughts, if any. )…
1. Hekka
2. Crack
3. “I love you oh so much”
Any more I'm missing, guys?
umm Hella?
oof what if she sensed that you said that right now haha
Naw but how does she KNOW stuff
devil tells her.
black magic.
But umm how would that explain …her talking about the WHITE LINE [holy spirit] of GOD and stuff
nope one should never get on the ninja's wrong side
Lol okay enough of this crazapit lemme stop hahahah spongebob is sweet & i shall leave it as that
wot other episodes do u watch…if ne
*Gasps* Since when do I get accused of Being on CRACK when I say that spongebob is the most awesome sponge that ever existed! his lil pink star fish friend is weird lol but hmmmp makes yeh laugh when ya need a good one!!!
oh come on?! now u tellme which sponge in this world cares so much about citizens that he is absolutely DEvoted in ensuring their happiness … especially in the area of consumption & so motivated in becoming the BEST of the BEST sponge…notably…Employee sponge .. && is always there to entertain an extremely grumpy neighbor …come one now which spong has a SNAIL for a pet….and FEEDS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
arf dont yeh ever see how his big eyes well up with tears when someone gets offended
Spongebob is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is the Bomb!
Patrick is weird lol
tsk tsk tsk – homework is the KEY to your GOLDEN and SUCCESSFUL future
hehehehehhehee ooof!!! *smiles*
Hahah oh plz well havent gone into details on the sponges as yet but still!! need sum motivation! hahahaha
the only sponge that interests me is THE BOMB …THE ONE AND ONLY…THE SWEETEST SPONG EVER …
SPONGEBOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! luw this lil yella fella
ahahaha hmm
soooo wot are yeh up to there yummin?
arghhh sittin here…staring at the ceiling! hahaha okay back to reading summm biology …hmm SPONGES ARE SO INTERESTING !
[SUREEEEEEEEEEEEEE – sorry i just need to motivate my self in SOME WAY hahaha]
Anyway, I am going to study BIOLOGY STUFF NOW
Soooooo gotta go start my chapter on hmm ANIMAL ORIGINS AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE BODY
Yesh yesh, Got to start from NOW TO study for me finals…which for this bio..is like TONS OF STUFF
Anyway, Take Care
Love, Kav
Hahah yes i said YUMINNNNNNNNNNN hahaha
wot up with you? hmm yumin must comment on the beauty of that signiture pic of yours
I really do think that girl is wrapped in beauty and devotion!
i wonder what oreo thinks of her
Yemenilicious : *looks around…IN GUILT*
aww hun whats up is everything okay? Inshallah you will succeed in EVERYTHING you do! Ameen! *hug*
Kavz: lol sowiee hun, was in a cheeky mood
hmmmmmmmmmm its alright..you didnt know i get totally when someone says how SHORT stuff
really wish there was a way i cud like…ahem..grow!
If i succeed all will remember
If i fail none Shall forget…
wow you seem to be on top of matters !
hmm Hey khushi!! how art thou havent seen you here for a while
yumminnn hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm take your advice rem you need rest rest rest tooooooooo