Didi, Why are you pissed off at the world and everyone at the moment mi love?
me luw you soo much you take it easy there and stay calm, have faith, and pray
Gawd!!!!!!!!!! I cant WAIT to see SPIDERMAN 3 — yayyyyyyyy!!! Im going soon to see it sometime! My fam loves spidey!!!!!! Awesome..cant WAIT dude! Have fun didi tell me how it went
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Scarrry- Like I said, this is not about me. She's not confusing love with like. She likes this guy(kinda is what she says) and she wants to go out with him, date him, for fun, nothing hekka serious and definitely not to think about marriage. I so think that is stupid, I do not believe in dating, full of crap. *shrugs* but she does, and since she's my friend, I'm trying to help her figure things out.
Hey wow – I feel shocked that you would actually pass on an advice as vague as mine – I mean Im not exactly sure how to reply to your friend's problem
Because relaly I dont know much about these things but I just thought a bit about the little that I know
First of all – you clarified something. You said your friend is NOT serious. Why then, does she want to know if this guy is SERIOUS? If she does not want anything serious [and wants to go out with him Just for fun ] , then Why must she want to “wait” or prolong her feeling/courage , just to see if HE is “serious?” I mean do you think it is fair what she is saying? Anyway, if she is NOT desperate but WANT to prolong and FURTHUR something with him, she seems like a quite CONFIDENT gyal and – I suggest let her Tell him or ask him about stuff regarding to her feeling and wanting to GO out WITH HIM. And while she is waiting to do this, let her read him and observe his actions properly.
Note though….. he may be OBSERVING her actions too! You never know. Maybe he is wondering if SHE is serious. I suggest she give it time and over this time – observe him, read him, HINT stuff to him and see his response, TURN down stuff when he asks her [ex. to go for a walk or anything like that] –> see his response – OBSERVE IT [ha] – and then let her sayy “ahhh just joking! “
I dont understand why people would want to just go with guys (for fun) to be with them – if you have known him for a long time [b.c. you dont need time to “get to know him to see if you are compatible with him”] so I agree with you Rani on that but hey! Everyone is different. Be a good friend to yr friend. Jus tell her to be careful, there are some crazed idiots out there
Hey mi two luwwies, how are you guys doing?
WELL *gasp* i didnt know AFrica has all 4 seasons!! YEAHH i thought it was like in the movies…sunny and…Desserty and SUNNY!! Movies are just weird they depict stuff so..stereotypically
Ali di — im glad you went for that masssage i hope it really was worthed! So you gave sugaR the naem sugar babe now hehehe thats cute & hot [haha]
Ali — i saw your designs when i viited your myspace..they were all yr designs?? They are rockin hot dude!!! me luw them you got skills! hehe aww soo you are also in studying regarding to yr job at the moment — hey i know work and study is one of the hardest thing to do, as stated by many people..but you can do it! yr an intelligent girl and me luw you sooo much
sugaR well I remember you telling me you are studying in regards to beauty/skin care or something of that sort ; How long does studying for this last?
How far have you gone? Wish you all the luck in this..and some day im gonna come there and get some free service haha
I remember me, you and hydro use to talk all the time about beauty stuff – like homemade masks and stuff ha! my face is clearing up with the tons of pimples ihad b/c i started to go to a dermatologist b/c it was getting awfully bad. Right now i guess the marks will fade in time … still using my besan mask & cucumber
Enjoy yr weekend you twoo & well yesh yesh, we have to study!!! study & do yr best! luw ya'll, Kavita
*Awesomely heavy Gasp*
Hmm SURE I get why Im a nerd — I go to bed without caring much sometimes, and I dont drink coffee to stay up
ALL night to STUDY and DO HOMEWORK – until the next MORNING – therefore I got NO … I repeat…absolutely NO SLEEP and then I go :… definitely I must be considerred a nerd na
hahahahahahahaha alrite dude have fun at SCHOOL! YEAH ! haha ..me doing my LAB REPORT now…t/c
child i told you to ease it with the coffee addiction! you getting no sleep coz of coffee it aint gonna do you all that good i mean
i know u stay up to study -thats awesome – but dont KILLL YRSELF dude!
Yessssssss she's yr future daughter…hmmm thats a nice fantasy —- yeah well yah got a point there-who cares about oreo hahaha
have fun at schooooool
Scar face:
My soul is like the ocean
My love u will find within the oceans breeze
My heart caresses the oceans waves as my
Tears flows within its surf…
For you, my love I give in abundance,
Asking NOTHING but TRUENESS in return
May this friendship Exceed Eternity, bonding
Our souls from within…
Didi this is beautiful!!!
See i am soo right about your poetry talents!
yeshh the girl in yr sig pic yummin…is beautiful as an angel!
diiiiiiiiiii me miss youuu how youdoing…?!
I didnt know there is winter in africa! thats cool!
hahahahhaa ali is SANE …well yesh yesh at most times hehehe :p j/k *hug* you're wonderful diiiiii & trustworthy
abt the location …all i understand is that she lives some part of Africa haha not sure abt the details on that
I miss a certain special someone….oh so very much =[
Rani Jaan- Thank you so much hunz. I love you too.
I loved our conversation as well.
Heyyyyyyy 1st of all this girl is so sweet (in yr sig pic) *shouts* BUT WHY DID YOU TAKE OFF THAT
Awesome pic that OREO ji fell in LOVE with? Hmmph? Dont you want him to have a chance to GAZE at his
lover eyes *runs like crazy*
btw ..who you miss and why did you write it so smallllllllllllllll hmmmmmmph!! me wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
My didi – me miss you so much luwie — i see yr heart is flooded with emotions! take it easy on yer self
Hun…yr ear??? whats wrong? Di – you have a blind date? *gasp* — di, arent you scared of those things… I mean…you dont KNOW who
you are meeting up with? *gaspt* BE CAREFUL for pete's sake!
me luw you me miss you take it easy on yr self luw, kav
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
ummm…I have a question, but it's not about me, so yeah, don't think it is.
Suppose you THINK you like a guy, or you MIGHT like him or you ALREADY do…and suppose he flirts with you and messes with you and says things like “I love you” a lot…and he seems like he's serious…how do you find out if he's really serious without talking to him about it?
– once again, it's not about me.
SURE its about your FRIEND
Anyhow, I shall give my input — Ali didi i guess she is probably theb est to listen to; confusing like and love..well i guess sometimes
This happens but Im not sure about it.
The thing is —- should you risk your heart's pain and everything else to like/love him — whilst THINKING if he loves you or not [without COnfronting the matter?] I think not.
Think clearly. Think first if this is what you want. Because when you get into it, it is hard to escape.
Watch his actions carefully, read him like a book – OBSERVE his angers and see if they relate to you (in any way) – For example — what is
his reaction when seeing you with another GUY, or seeing you spending time with others when you were suppose to do something with him EX. walk home, or go to the cafetaria or something
HE FLIRTS WITH YOU — YOU ONLY? OR other girls ? –> since he has thiS FLIRTING NATURE? Please figure this out.
Messes with you- as in SAYING A JOKE — followed by 'I love you' – how serious does he seem though?
My grandad brought us 5 goldfishes today, so randomly. He's so cute, he didn't know what to do so he put them in a tub and started feeding them bits of bread – it was hillarious! We had to go out to the aquarium shop and buy a nice tank with pebbles and stuff and proper fish food. My little brother was so excited! I think he overfed them cuz two diedMy aunty phoned for condolences lmao. Little bro is gutted, they are replacing the other two that died, tomorrow with new goldfishes. Haha
Aww mann!!! 2 of them died?!! do ya think it was the BREAD itself…you have to get..like goldfish food
Yesh yesh get the tank a.s.a.p that would be the best thing
WE put fishes in the tub before too but they died because they were saltwater fishes [and the water from the tap ..well its Not salt water]
Poor fishies however, may their little golden souls rest in peace [ha]
Studies are okay… im on a lil EASE for now but finals are shootin up soon
how were yr exams?
So I see we're in a story telling mood hmmmmmmmmm
Aww man now for real you need to take it easy on the coffeeee
Hiya!!!! ooooooooooo see i didnt know it was A CURSE!!!!!!!!! i mean one wud mostly think that hekka wud be the curse but..hella?? hhmmp didnt kno
Aww man Take it easy child , and take yr rest, doNT OVERLOAD on the coffee which i knoo you u probably ARE
who's lavin? i bet its one of yr kids hehe
*revives yumin*
Geesh Rani….. I thought Islmaic School was this absolutely strict thing in which you gyals absolutely HAD TO behave and the thought of even talking back would be a total THUMBS DOWN!
Hahahhaa aww ranzz…thats messed up poor teacher .. seems like you gyals have a CLOSE relationship with her tho
sounds like 4th grade though haha
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
OK Yemeni… you gotta tell me what's so hilarious about Oreo ji saying he's fallen in lurve with the girl in yr sig…It's becuz I guessed that somebody would tell ninja that the person in her siggy is hella pretty, and oreo ends up falling in love with the girl, so it's funny *shrugs* that's all. sheesh boo, cant three stooges laugh about random stuff?
Relives this moment ,
*faints* — gets up, sees this screen about oreo & yummin's sig pic
*faints full blown* totally knocked out
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
*too pissed off to run after boo*
*runs after boo with khushi's belan, pretending it's my english teacher*
*rolls eyes*
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lmao. I know as heck that I didn't say that, cuz I trained myself to say hekka instead of hella. lol.
(yeah, imma bum)
Ahh , yeahh it was yumminnnn ………. so hella is a curse or sumthin??
Yes, a hindu is allowed to enter the mosque.
Your belief that all Gods are one…I get kind of confused. So when you pray, your praying to all the Gods?! ALL OF THEM?
Interesting…Im curious to know. Is it significant to address to Whom you pray to? Praying to 'one' or 'several' shouldnt make a difference to actual value, quality, reality and purity of the prayer should it? Just a thought…
What is a prayer?
Khushi – hey hon, how are you? I dont know whether I confused yummin when I said what I said but seem like it brought forth some question on yr side. The thing is — of course we have our unique religion – definitely – Our Religion, Our GOD is respected – we use him as the SUBJECT of our prayer. We see HIM in everything. What I was referring to though was the fact that many people have Disagreements because of RELIGION. And we should ALL learn to ACCEPT other RELIGIONS to prevent diagreements and fights [Why would GOD want us to FIGHT over something HOLY? — Clearly, something must be wrong — but here mainly it is shown in the ignorance of some people]
I am not saying everyone should go a round believing in all of the 'exisiting Gods' b/c clearly people dont do this.
Its just a little congruent to my belief that is all. I am hindu and pray / believe in Hindu Gods but going into a Christian church [in fact i grew up in a christian society and studied the bible in school] is not something 'sinful' to me and i shouldnt feel condemned and doomed to sin because i have sat in with another wonderful group of people – who have strong belief in GOD. Same as going to a Mosque – but havent done this as yet, wish to do it soon to learn about these differnt religions.
Heyyy ooo well yeah its usually in the 'inbox' thing at the top right
how r u otherwise???
ooooo no i understand about yr location