Oh Khushi dear! I wonder why you are up so lateee…is something running through yr mind……& is this something makin you feel all that happiness ?
Marine didi i see you stop by at BWL after a long time … oh boy..please take care of your leg and the pulled muscle & be careful next time!
Im here waiting to see yr performanceeeeeee me wanna see and you gonna show me when you get all the techno fixed
Will chat with you later
love you didi *hug* kisses
My kinda girllll!!And hey – is it me… or is it your birthday in May or something? I seem to be getting a weird flashback…
Help me out!!
Oh did I mention it somewhere??
I guess I did…
But yes it is
My schweet Nosiii your birthday is coming up? When is it?!
Interesting quote did
but can you tell me your interpretation of this?
Hello there…:) How are you doing? Good to hear that the AP exam is finally taken and over..i know you did an awesome job…with all that studying!
Well yes..glad the heat is not killing you , i really heat the heat but…its still cool here…today its all rainy and stuff which is nice..and cool weather
Stress level is totalllyyyy flying up argh…finals are coming up and i have to complete a lab report for Next class and then i have to study for a Quiz that is next class which i didnt study for sooo gotta do that
Will talk to you later, hope you doing okay, keep the faith and determination you can get to high mountains 🙂
luw, kavita
Hello loveys how are you all? I am just Busy here..withfinal exams coming up and everything.
Marine so good to see yr msg here i miss you so much didi i hope you are doing okay there! take it easy! dont stress too much!
ali didi hey how are you oding..whats up..what is this with oreo calling pple granny now…ack!
yumin..hey!!! hows the studying coming along? and the HEAT! argh! today it got hotter …well at least in the mid day..tomorrow there's gonna be RAIN yay~~!! gud luck on studying and remember YOU CAN DO IT..yu are a bright girl … bt dont hurt yrself with that coffee yeh hear me?
love, Kavita
Hey ali, sugaR & Nosi
How are you guys..havent been on here in a while b/c here is so busy with studying and writing a paper due tomorrow;
and with my final exams coming up very soon its …hmmmmmmm…
i just came here to reply and say Hello and ask how you all were doing.
about the balming..yes i need to get some lip balm? ali..the thing that you mention ..which yr sister uses…what is it?? is it a type of Lip balm? a brand?
sugaR i actually tried the honey + vaseline thing for my lips ..the thing is ..i think it is good to MAINTAIN moist lips but when yr lips are already dried..kind of peely it can be slightly irritating but will def use it after my lips heal uppp..hmp whats better than getting a lick of honey anyway?! haha
ali…the cucumber..well slice it like 1inch thick – and squeeze it in yr hands ..yesh lets see how strong u are 😀 do it under a plate n u shud get the cucumber juice
got to go my luwies..will give a Proper reply later on
luw ya;lll kav
Haylie noooooo dont ruin it
Toby maguire is not dorky!! He is awesome and he's cute!
Omg…. he danced???? I mean when…venom took over..? OKAY OKAY DONT answer that i'll see for my self..
But erally….dancing/ ? hahahahahhaa wot..hip hop? Lol ..just joking..i know they wont let spidey do thaaaaat
I think i'll go watch it after mi finals..as much as i want to watch it i shall hve to wait..and btw … THere are huge crowds!
You guys really are in love with the word BUM
SugaR hey, whats up? Ah the course you are taking is 2 yrs wow .. that is really goood
Really? You used that mask for one of the skincare lessons you had?! I didnt really know that! Well I still try to use the BESAN mask like everyweek [ you know Besan, mixed in yogurt, drop of honey ] I'm not sure if this one works for marks over a short period of time. I've had marks for along time and I've been usin gthe Besan mark for quite a time now. I think it helps to FADE the marks but very gradually.
To Ali – For asking about the cucumber. Well um… I saw online cucumber is good for yr face? So i took a slice, got the juice and put it on my face … and for me cucumber sort of gives my face moisture. Like it helps it from not drying out [ i think this is b/c the cucumber juice acts more like a 'paste' ]
I will kill ali for saying im a kajol look alike and BLAH BLAH BLAH.! yr mom looked like her in the younger days? really
i dont know but right now my Face is Totally charred and fried argh [:'(] & i have a serious problem – my lips are forever DRY and i dont know how to fix it i keep putting petroleum [vaseline] but this doesnt seem to do ANYTHING [Strangely! ] Do you know anyways to …. fix dry dry lips ? I konw chapstick…which i have to go out and buy one soon i suppose but…do you know anything …anything at all????
OMG TO THAT GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA wow you guys wear regular clothes!! hehe j/k — i just never knjew what AFrica was like – only in the movies i saw people in forests / desserts wearing clothes…dancing with animals , in the HOT HOT sun. Aw man… you guys need to tell me more about AFrica b/c even i have a vague, INACCURATE , clouded, VERY stereotypical view of this place and the people.
Definitely you and ali seems normal to meee with normal clothes and normal jobs /studying …. hehehe… i tink i just need to be a lil more informed .. [NOT BY THE TELEVISION however.]
Love you both! Kavita
p.s – i dont know when i'll come to africa….*looks around* buttttttttttttttt geesh how nice of you to offer free treat ments *smiles*
Alisha – you STOP it right this MOMENT mister! Dont yr dare say stuff about KAJOL LOOK ALIKE and blah blah blah!
I told yeh…the pic was REALLY edited and I mean REALLY – Trust me on that. Anyway, hopefully I will try get some snaps over this summer [?]
Oh – Hydro = hydroprincess/asmaprincess – she was this…girl who use to visit the forum frequently and especially interested in homemade beauty products using natural stuff [like mee b.c my skin is So sensitive I cant really put anything from store]
However, she stopped visiting the forum. We miss her but we hope she is welll! I think she was planning for an engagement/marriage.
Hahaha – didiiiiii
Oh my lovely didi – as for those 2 last lines you left — I shall take this advice of yrs that evolved from a caring heart… i shall smell the fragrances of the pink flowers that hug the tree stems! … while im walking out of my college..my college has alot of flowers trees ;
Oh didi, My finals are coming up. And im kind of scared. There is soo much stuff to study where Do I start!
Luw you, Kav
Scar face:
time is 2 slow for those who wait, 2 swift
for those who fear, 2 long for those who grieve
2 short for those who rejoice but for those
who love
Good Gosh didi
This one is………………………………………………………….
Ali….that is exactly what I read and definitely agree with yr reply on that.
If the friend needs a confirmation from this guy or to Know that He is serious, when she isnt serious….then…..really?
Why does she want to know?? So that maybe she can feel 'safer' from pain?
But then again, if she isnt serious, then stuff wouldnt really Hurt that much.
wow for a moment there i thought you were SERIOUS!
ali didi i've been trying to tell our chotti yumin to take it easy
and i mean staying up all night getting no sleep …. honey come on your body needs Rest – Studying will pay off – but really it Wont, if it
is hurting yr body and making yr stress level add up to sky high – take it easy
ali hey ack… yu made me laugh when you said all that can happen to the blind date is him getting deaf with yr screaming…
oh didi you are deaf in one ear? please please get it checked out let the doctors see if they can fix any problem
Bio is really making people DEPRESSED NOW its so much and i dont know but……… its just so much to study and I dont know where to start
and i have these other stuffies to study for but i think i gat them down [errrrrrr i think *sighs* ]
and i m just hating everyone right now argh [except for you guys of course ] and ya'll know my 'everyone' is only like um like..1 person + my fam?
okay hate isnt a good word..to extreme and inaccurate… im upset about stuff and i dont know what to do with my stupid feelings that i Hate that are yacking at me and making my eyes tear up and the WRONG moment
anyway i have to go – READ ..or atleat TRY
love, kavita
Hey ali! – 1st of alll — that pic is soooooo CUTE!!!
And wow youwatched spiderman – 3~~!! Wow that is sooo awesome..yup it is getting sold out FAST!
I will have to watch it later on
Hahahhaa thanks for not spoiling the end or anything… and yr being vague [for example – i hated the bridge part ] hehehehehehe
By the way you have a crush on the IT dude…who is that!!!
peter parker dude… he is awesome!
Aww man that screwwwss
anyway i guess we gat to wait until we get an opportunity to live the moment
tankuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for those smiles *cheesy smile*
btw, I just mixed like a teaspoon of instant grounded coffee in some milk….hmmmmmph taste good
I got to go study, else I will stay online forever !
Mi finals are coming up annd so much to remember, ESP. Biology ARGH!
*moving away from the computer* TEARY eyes I tell yeh! hahahahha
talk to you later yummmmmy luw you, kav
BTW – we cut open Crayfishes[like mini-lobsters] yesterday!!!!
*gasp* wot?! What is that??? Its a movie channel I think??? You have to pay or something?
WEll Im going soon as in next week, cant go this week end b.c of some stuff going on at home & pluss
Its gonna be CROWDED!
Go spidey!!!!!
Hahahahahaha dont you know BWL is my smile of the day, my GIVING of the day!!!
And plus when my head is ToTALLY Tired of EARTHWORMS or lobsters —- its HELLO BWL !