loved SRK on that!!!
tsk tsk tsk sneakin' into BWL from school are we?
well join the club sister! lol
Rani omg lol…there's an awesome teacher when you need one! OMG that teacher is super awesome! lol
diiiiiiiiiiiiii! *hugs real tight*
heyy you twoo
omg did i pass on the wrong message sooorrryyy — didi in yr email..i thought you said to tell her hi and ……uh…ooops sry i guessi musta misread somethinggggg
got to go and clean up everywhere nowwwwww im off for over 2 months..hmm
gotta clean
love ya'll ,,,kav
p.s – ali i hope everything is better with you there? rem to relax and feel relaxed and keep faith always love you dii
yup i'd sit outside under a tree..thats if i had one though! haha
mayen…its finally over these exams
now i got over 2 months ……. off
oh yeah def u need to teach me on a dese days
hehe essay? i thought yr exams were over! …good luck anyhow
Last day of school 🙂 almost done….. push it through ..all most there!
Kavz – lol lemme knw wen u watch it =D and yeah he's the same author who wrote the notebook, wna strt reading that now 🙂 I emailed the author telling him how much his book inspired me and made me want to write further… and he put it up on his website!! hehe.
ooo coool!!!!
i wanna see yr msg on his wesbite!! hehe
Hahahahaa take all yeh want….you're the mistress of these goodies :)!
no probs haylie
celebratin' for you
yumin lol make sum & share it here toooooooooooooooo
btw im such a bad baker in real life
sugaR ali said hello and she would like to hear from you
got to go now
take careee
its so late here
luw you
happy birthday haylieeeeee i know im late on this one too but happy birthday —- wish you the best for this yr..wish you many more birthday to come
come on guys…kavs brought the cake…come on naw..come get some
DONT BE SHY!!!!!!! WE GAT PLENTY A CAKE for every1!!!!!!
Thank you Yemen, boo, Kav for your amazing wishes! Really sweet of you guys!
I wish all of you happiness in your years to come.![]()
Yemen, mine's on 24th. Same as Haylie's!
And no, you're definitely not late, kav dear. I'm still enjoying!
oooooooooooo yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy b-day [special kav's extras!]
happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
happy birthday dear nosiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii happy birthday too youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hip hip hoooooooorayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hip hip hooooooooraaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!![8]
now it came to my attention you didnt have a here goes!!!!!!! cake!!!!!!! eat up!! there's some for Every1
finals over
whoooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Nosi!!! Yr birthday!!
Happy Birthday!!!!! W ish you many mre to come!! n hope you are living the best yrs of yr life and this is 1 more to make you feel worthed!
Many returns o f the day…i know im lateee but hey i just saw it and i am wishing yeh
the good wishes of birthday spirit!!!! happy birthday!!! you wonderful girl *hug*
Tabzzz hehehe I got to watch it then..will surely tell you how it went after i do watch it 🙂
just know that i love the notebook!!! n iif they're the same author…then!! its worth a chance of watching!
take care nowwwwwwww me will sure tell you abt it
Heyyyy how are you!!! Exams are finally over whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee of course you didnt do bad!!!! i didnt expectyou to do badn you shudnt expect that from yrself either!
anyhow i hope you pass and all! im sure you will get further and all
anyhow i got to go now will write later..havent been here in a while coz of studying and all
take care of yerself kavita
Tabz congratsss!! lol…….. my my my i seriously gots to watch this A Walk to Remember movie
Nessa!!! so you are engaged huh! So what yeh looking for boyfriend for *gasps!'* engaged….worst wife…looking for boyfriend…*its all coming together!* nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ness is too sweet for that lol hehe j/k
yumin my lovely little angel how art thou? good luck with yr exams you wi ll do fine i know…as for me well i dont think im going to Crack after all
but still got lots to study…2 more days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hang in there kavs!!!!!!!!!***
hi diiii
im abt to crack darn it…i know you left here for alil while..well same as me..kinda..just real busy with finals sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh
they are in like few days..soon!!! oh god so much to study but my brain is over super saturated what to do i dont know
anyway thnx for the tips … hheeehe dunt worry yeh look fine yr's a hottie
take care gotta go try force stuff in my brain
its already bursting out of the skull
Sigh. I need to get myself a boyfriend. lol.
Faints dead away….
Ness…….. I thought you were getting engaged!!!!!!!!!!! i remember all the congrats shootin yr way…now what happened to yeh hm?