Alli hiii oh gawdddddd besides the fact that you're ticklish..who's this dude thats bothering you hmmph?
If he's mean to you then dont be too nice to him…well which you aren't I dont suppose you will let any dude step on you
By the way…why'd he grab you n touched you tooo!! omg n tickled you infront of lotsa pple im sure
He deserves a hard core punch
Allisha didi I miss you sooo if you come here
you'll see my lil message
Havent been here in a lil while myself
Hope all is good with you????
Will try to call you soon
lots of hugs, Kav
Yummmyyy hey honey bunch how are you π 'course Im calling the two of you girls smart because you are smart!
Studying and determination !
A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.
The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter:
“Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river.” The little girl said:
“No, Dad. You hold my hand.”
“What's the difference?” Asked the puzzled father.“There's a big difference,” replied the little girl.
“If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go.”In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting them to hold yours…
im not ticklish fhehfhefhe
LoL … you better watch out I might be sneaking up to you to tickleeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Ranz will read this later
Tabzyyy heyyyyyyy you hawtie you!! whats uppp? hope all is goin grrrrrreat!
zinedine zidane when he headbutted that italiano!He's zi bomb fo shizzzzyyy!
who's this?
Ranz congrats on that paper
And where people stepping on you is same as yummin… I must learn that [?]
I know what you mean to be stepped all over on. But to talk back I dont know waht its like – but I've seen other people do it
and sometimes the other person is like wahat you said…'are you okay today? whats wrong' its like they tink they have the right
to stoep on people and be RUDE?? They are not special to do that but when people tell them off bc they deserve it … all of a sudden its wrong?
Hi yummin
Hi khushi
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Crazy glad to see you here gimme a huge hug
I didnt come here in quite some time My self!
hope all is you here from Ali/???
Marine my love!! How are you ? I havent come here in a while myself hope that you are okay my darlin'
Ranz hey ooh so you have summer school hm! Just like yumminn deary.. oh my …
Here we dont have that unless I think if you fail stuff its diff in cali though its really niceeeeee i know you gals are smart..if they had summer school here i'd go every summer
MArineeeee my love you are back here..eveni havent come in a long time
Rani yr sig pic is nice i like it
Your mom seems so nice Let me just tell you one thing…cherish the moment now alright
I would want to go back in times like that .. let me not say anything more anyway..just…couple a stuff been happenin here
By the way why you always asking people if they're on crack? Might it be some cali talk … or does thou really have desire to know of such things?
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lmao Kavita!You guys! I just finished my paper on To Kill a Mockingbird and now I have to write one on Hamlet! grrr! Stupid Shakespeare… grrrr! My teacher is on crack! So many darn papers! Doesn't she know we have to do stuff for other classes, PLUS study for the FINALS! AND I have to do a summer project for Advanced English! grr! We didn't have to do anything last year and the year before that! Gosh! OHMYALLAH! I am oh so happy!!! GUESS WHY?!?!??!?!? I got an A on my reserch paper!!! whoooo hooooo! *dances* I was soooo worried about it, but i got an A!!! ALHAMDULILLAH!!!
God Ranz when is yr school closing for summer break!? By the way you're a smart girl 'course you got an A !
By the way Hamlet aint that bad π you better make him yr friend and do that paper …shakespeare is awesome dude π
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lmao Kavita!You guys! I just finished my paper on To Kill a Mockingbird and now I have to write one on Hamlet! grrr! Stupid Shakespeare… grrrr! My teacher is on crack! So many darn papers! Doesn't she know we have to do stuff for other classes, PLUS study for the FINALS! AND I have to do a summer project for Advanced English! grr! We didn't have to do anything last year and the year before that! Gosh! OHMYALLAH! I am oh so happy!!! GUESS WHY?!?!??!?!? I got an A on my reserch paper!!! whoooo hooooo! *dances* I was soooo worried about it, but i got an A!!! ALHAMDULILLAH!!!
God Ranz when is yr school closing for summer break!?
do you have a copy of this paper i want to read it
and might i add – boo you are a very good writer!
Scar face:
Where? (lmao-thatβs the only thing I could think of to say)
hahaha ranz you are tooooo funny
but…ali didi..where?
well wud ya post it let us read it already
not a love quote…but it made me think…
“we are an impossibility in an impossible universe…”
What are your interpretations of this yummin?
Rani its good to let this out
personally im stuck in believing anyone which must stop because it makes me look real stupid
You know what you must do – you listen to people and absorb what they say, but you dont necessarily have to believe them 100% ; believe them but be ready to forgive them if its not true and you find out later and it causes a problem
Sometimes its hard to forgive / forget however
Aliiiiiii wow seems like you are sooooooooo happy
hope everything got better there for you/ ? hoping
omg…you met a gorgeous guy hmmmmm *wonders* & *ponders*
love you lotss n miss you tons will tlak to you later & send email
& will buy a phone card later on to talk to you loveee youu
btw i need to know when you are free for talking!
Um Ness msn & yahoo do have some stinky moments at time … that totally throw us off good convos! Argh!
Ali hiii you got tatoos! Whoaaaaaaaa interesting! i see you must be trying to get everything out of life? Im reallly hoping all is better with you there..
Tabzzzzzzzz whats up? oooooooo i have this dove soap and guess what it said…moisturizing cream! then I figured out omg..i didnt know the face wash was like a moisturizer!! so they do exist! lol